Smiles and Cries said:
what is your method to using the Heisig books?
Do you write each Kanji out a few times or many times until you feel you can write it naturally?
Just once like he recommends. That's for the first time. Every review gets 1.
Do you create your own stories for each Kanji, if the story in the book is not good enough?
Yeah. It's all about you remembering them, so do what works. I have some pretty fucked up and perverse stories, but...they wor.
Do you find other keywords for the Kanji or just focus on writing and remembering it?
I sometimes clarify the keyword in my SRS if I find I confuse it with something else. But I've only done this like twice. Usually it's words that could be a noun or a verb and my brain confuses them.
If I want to spend hours each day I need a good plan or I'll get lazy
This was my routine when I started.
First read the first three chapters. Then study these characters in
Anki For the first time I go over a character (i.e. it is still
new according to Anki) I rank it a 2 so I will see it tomorrow.
Then I started on this pattern for my study time.
1) Learn about 30~50 new kanji. (Obviously adjust to what you feel you need. This was about right for me.)
2) Do daily Anki repetition. For reviews 0 is if I forgot it, 1 is if I made a mistake. 2 is if it took too long or I made several mistakes that I corrected. 3 is if I took a while or made a simple mistake that I immediately knew to correct. 4 is if I got it instantly.
3) Continue into the next new ones. Stop when Anki shows a new character I haven't learned yet.
4) If time permits (seriously some days it did) go back to step 1. Otherwise put studying aside for tomorrow.
Smiles and Cries said:
one thing about kanji when you guys post them in the thread they are so small I can't even see the details enough to read it, how the hell do you get use to reading tiny Kanji?
Heisig really did it for me. I just became more familiar with the shapes so it is easier to pick out. Older games still have mashed kanji that make me want to hurt things, but I'm a lot better at guessing now.
Some think that only writing the kanji once per review isn't much but... I do daily reviews, there are 2000 kanji and I average about 50 reviews a day so... here's a picture of my notebook
These are 2 of 40 pages worth of kanji since September. This doesn't include the times I forgot my notebook and wrote on other pieces of paper or drew on my palm.
I said Heisig was easier, but I didn't mean to imply that it was completely without effort.