Many of the times this show has come up in random threads, someone has requested an official place to discuss episodes. I'm not sure if Maddox has a big enough audience on on GAF to sustain a long-running thread, but we'll take a stab at it...........
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What is the premise of this show?
The Biggest Problem in the Universe is a comedy podcast, hosted by longtime internet personality Maddox. Maddox and his guests bring in problems that society faces, then they discuss and debate those problems. After the release of each episode, listeners can vote on the importance or validity of each problem. For 75+ episodes, a master list of the highest and lowest rated problems has been generated.
Uhhhhh, some of these topics don't really seem like problems?
First of all, don't preface your statements or questions with "Uhhhh". That's such a dipshit way to talk down to someone or be facetious. But yes, sometimes huge big-picture societal problems get talked about. Other times tiny, miniscule self-centered problems get discussed. Sometimes problems are brought in purely for the reason that they allow the guest/host to tell a funny story. This isn't Nightline or Meet the Press. The Biggest Problem in the Universe is mostly guys (and occaisionally girls) bullshitting with each other, venting about stuff, and (most importantly) busting each other's balls. No other show so accurately represents the feeling of just drinking, sitting around, and laughing it up with all your ridiculous friends.
78 episodes and counting.....yeesh, where do I start?
Well, the show isn't really heavy on continuity but if you want to get all the callbacks and joke references that get made you should probably start somewhere around Episode 15-20. While the subjects discussed are sometimes topical or related to current events, most episodes are pretty timeless and you can jump in almost anywhere. If you are just looking for a good episode to try for a start, I would suggest Episode 69 - The Sex Episode. The just-released Episode 78 is also a pretty solid sampler of what The Biggest Problem has to offer, though people seem a little hit or miss on the Dating Advice Girl that came in as guest.
Episode 67 is a pretty good place to start if you are a little concerned that Maddox might be too abrasive for you. It's about as fuzzy and "feel-good" as an episode will ever get. On one of the topics ("Self-Defeating Thoughts") Maddox discusses a long period of being depressed and overweight, and reveals how he got over it. You won't be moved to tears or anything, but if you're just getting started it might be nice to know that the most polarizing asshole-ish host is a regular human being and not just a non-stop anger machine.
So, should I take these guys seriously?
Good god, no. Do your own research before you start sharing or taking up their opinions, because often times topics are poorly researched or presented in a one-sided fashion. Due to the adversarial nature of discussion though, most of the times someone will get called out if they are shamelessly trying to sell bullshit. And before you get completely offended by a host's particular comment, try to keep in mind that most of the time they are playing up a persona.
I used to read Maddox's page all the time when I was younger, but now that I've really grown up......
Please go find someone who cares about your journey to maturity.
Maddox - The Misanthropic Blowhard
This best-selling author and balding game show host has an unending pit of rage residing within his black heart, and he can tap into it at will. It's often difficult to believe the many innocuous things that set him completely off (French bread?), and more often than not his co-hosts and listeners become targets of his ire. Ceaselessly stubborn and often unable to admit fault or error, Maddox walks the line between being the firebrand who speaks truth and being your stick-in-the-mud asshole friend who won't stop complaining when everyone else just wants to have a good time.
Dick Masterson - The Loveable Sleazebag
With his terrible attitude towards women, frequent libertarian agenda, and often contrarian stance towards Maddox, you'd think that Dick would be the show's villain. But more often than not, this tiny-faced weasel is its savior. His more laid back nature and everyday wisdom end up being an interesting foil to Maddox's stick-up-the-ass hardline stances. More importantly, he knows exactly how to push Maddox's buttons and induce the guy into a sincere rage that's absolutely hilarious. He also happens to have a knack for ferreting out the strange unexplainable gaps in Maddox's knowledge (such as the fact that in 30 years he never learned the difference between a tampon and a maxi-pad). Dick is insistent that the show is a competition, and frequently gloats when his problems get the most votes.
Sean - The Audio Engineer
You'll only rarely hear from him since Sean spends most of his time making sure the recording of each episode turns out well. But when he does speak up, it's almost certain to be a well-placed barb aimed at Maddox or Dick. Sean's claim to fame is that he once deleted an entire 90 minute episode before it could be sent out to listeners, thus requiring all participants to come in and re-do the whole thing. Though this happened probably 50 episodes ago, his error is still mentioned to this day.
Asterios Kokkinos a.k.a. Boisterous Cocconuts a.k.a. The Sneaky Greek
This New York comedian isn't a very frequent guest to The Biggest Problem, but he has become an important and frequent contributor of pre-recorded news segments. Because Maddox and Dick often try to front as though they're living a California high-life full of liquor and women, Asterios is often a good contrast since he never presents himself as more than an unconfident, overweight funny guy just trying to eke out a living. Out of all show regulars, he has the best voice and is probably the most consistently funny and sincere.
Finally, a game for longtime listeners to play and a preview of what first time listeners are in for.....
....if you haven't hit "BINGO" after an hour, you probably aren't listening to The Biggest Problem In the Universe.
RSS Subscription
What is the premise of this show?
The Biggest Problem in the Universe is a comedy podcast, hosted by longtime internet personality Maddox. Maddox and his guests bring in problems that society faces, then they discuss and debate those problems. After the release of each episode, listeners can vote on the importance or validity of each problem. For 75+ episodes, a master list of the highest and lowest rated problems has been generated.
Uhhhhh, some of these topics don't really seem like problems?
First of all, don't preface your statements or questions with "Uhhhh". That's such a dipshit way to talk down to someone or be facetious. But yes, sometimes huge big-picture societal problems get talked about. Other times tiny, miniscule self-centered problems get discussed. Sometimes problems are brought in purely for the reason that they allow the guest/host to tell a funny story. This isn't Nightline or Meet the Press. The Biggest Problem in the Universe is mostly guys (and occaisionally girls) bullshitting with each other, venting about stuff, and (most importantly) busting each other's balls. No other show so accurately represents the feeling of just drinking, sitting around, and laughing it up with all your ridiculous friends.
78 episodes and counting.....yeesh, where do I start?
Well, the show isn't really heavy on continuity but if you want to get all the callbacks and joke references that get made you should probably start somewhere around Episode 15-20. While the subjects discussed are sometimes topical or related to current events, most episodes are pretty timeless and you can jump in almost anywhere. If you are just looking for a good episode to try for a start, I would suggest Episode 69 - The Sex Episode. The just-released Episode 78 is also a pretty solid sampler of what The Biggest Problem has to offer, though people seem a little hit or miss on the Dating Advice Girl that came in as guest.
Episode 67 is a pretty good place to start if you are a little concerned that Maddox might be too abrasive for you. It's about as fuzzy and "feel-good" as an episode will ever get. On one of the topics ("Self-Defeating Thoughts") Maddox discusses a long period of being depressed and overweight, and reveals how he got over it. You won't be moved to tears or anything, but if you're just getting started it might be nice to know that the most polarizing asshole-ish host is a regular human being and not just a non-stop anger machine.
So, should I take these guys seriously?
Good god, no. Do your own research before you start sharing or taking up their opinions, because often times topics are poorly researched or presented in a one-sided fashion. Due to the adversarial nature of discussion though, most of the times someone will get called out if they are shamelessly trying to sell bullshit. And before you get completely offended by a host's particular comment, try to keep in mind that most of the time they are playing up a persona.
I used to read Maddox's page all the time when I was younger, but now that I've really grown up......
Please go find someone who cares about your journey to maturity.

Maddox - The Misanthropic Blowhard
This best-selling author and balding game show host has an unending pit of rage residing within his black heart, and he can tap into it at will. It's often difficult to believe the many innocuous things that set him completely off (French bread?), and more often than not his co-hosts and listeners become targets of his ire. Ceaselessly stubborn and often unable to admit fault or error, Maddox walks the line between being the firebrand who speaks truth and being your stick-in-the-mud asshole friend who won't stop complaining when everyone else just wants to have a good time.

Dick Masterson - The Loveable Sleazebag
With his terrible attitude towards women, frequent libertarian agenda, and often contrarian stance towards Maddox, you'd think that Dick would be the show's villain. But more often than not, this tiny-faced weasel is its savior. His more laid back nature and everyday wisdom end up being an interesting foil to Maddox's stick-up-the-ass hardline stances. More importantly, he knows exactly how to push Maddox's buttons and induce the guy into a sincere rage that's absolutely hilarious. He also happens to have a knack for ferreting out the strange unexplainable gaps in Maddox's knowledge (such as the fact that in 30 years he never learned the difference between a tampon and a maxi-pad). Dick is insistent that the show is a competition, and frequently gloats when his problems get the most votes.

Sean - The Audio Engineer
You'll only rarely hear from him since Sean spends most of his time making sure the recording of each episode turns out well. But when he does speak up, it's almost certain to be a well-placed barb aimed at Maddox or Dick. Sean's claim to fame is that he once deleted an entire 90 minute episode before it could be sent out to listeners, thus requiring all participants to come in and re-do the whole thing. Though this happened probably 50 episodes ago, his error is still mentioned to this day.

Asterios Kokkinos a.k.a. Boisterous Cocconuts a.k.a. The Sneaky Greek
This New York comedian isn't a very frequent guest to The Biggest Problem, but he has become an important and frequent contributor of pre-recorded news segments. Because Maddox and Dick often try to front as though they're living a California high-life full of liquor and women, Asterios is often a good contrast since he never presents himself as more than an unconfident, overweight funny guy just trying to eke out a living. Out of all show regulars, he has the best voice and is probably the most consistently funny and sincere.
Finally, a game for longtime listeners to play and a preview of what first time listeners are in for.....
....if you haven't hit "BINGO" after an hour, you probably aren't listening to The Biggest Problem In the Universe.