Where you're from - Detroit
Where you live - Detroit
What is your age? - 24
Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy - African American, with Puerto Rican in half of my dads side
Do you know your roots - No farther than my grand parents. Sorry LeVar Burton.
Favorite musical genre - Hip hop.
Your profession/major/career interest - Linguistics, and also IT.
Your religious affiliation - Christian
Hobbies - Games, photography, beer making
KFC, Popeye's, Churches, or Bojangles? - We dont have Bojangles up here, so Popeyes wins by default, though I like our local places much better.
Really glad we have this thread. This is my first time venturing out of Gaming-Discussion after being on GAF for years( a lurking for a decade at least), and I guess I assumed there were no black people on GAF, as this is still a part of that old 90s/00s face-less Internet. Why I assumed so is probably a deep subject in itself, but I am glad we have this.
Sup everybody?