Memory can be an issue at your ageKeep forgetting we got some simlac drinkers in here. Y'all so well spoken for your ages
Memory can be an issue at your ageKeep forgetting we got some simlac drinkers in here. Y'all so well spoken for your ages
Military is a bunch of water benders
So not going to prom this year was somewhat a tiny regret. At least I have one more year to go
Trust me when I say this, GO.So not going to prom this year was somewhat a tiny regret. At least I have one more year to go
Damn, just after the coon train awards too.I would bathe in lye just to
sniff the seats Yubin and Lym sat in.
So not going to prom this year was somewhat a tiny regret. At least I have one more year to go
Are black people Exodia?
Comes with a Public Defender card with a defense of 100Red-Eyes Black Person requires two monsters to sacrifice. Their abilities include an immunity to Magic cards (but will take priority in being affected by Trap cards) and regardless of position, your opponent will always see them as being in Attack Mode if Blue-Eyes White Privilege or any of its variants are on the field.
Are black people Exodia?
Black people are those old ass banned cards that are broken as shit, that are forever kept out of rotation. Because their true power would destroy the rules.
Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End
Always banned forever. And I got like 3
When I got into YGO before MTG, folks were running BLS Envoy of the Beginning all the time online. Envoy of the End was banned.
Why was it banned?
Because, when combined with Sangan and Yata Garasu you could set up a situation where the other player wouldn't get to play any more. That was for the occasions when playing it didn't instantly win you the game.
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) by banishing 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK monster from your Graveyard. You can pay 1000 Life Points; send all cards in both players' hands and on the field to the Graveyard, then inflict 300 damage to your opponent for each card sent to the Graveyard by this effect.
I ended up spending the night on the phone with this girl who got is great and likes me, so not all was lost
LmaoNigga probably curled his hair too
Nigga probably curled his hair too
Nigga probably curled his hair too
Nigga probably curled his hair too
Nigga probably curled his hair too
I didn't even plan on going to my junior prom in the first place. Girl likes me, but found out when it was too late to buy a prom ticket so we ended up talking all night. I'm for sure going next year since it'll be my senior yearMy dude lion skipped his prom to talk to a girl on the phone. That's an L. It's been awhile since I was in school but don't admit to that. Say you got sick, needed surgery or something. Bad case of Ebola.
How come you didn't go out with her that night to somewhere?
Not to dogpile on you or anything.
Just looked up Envoy of the End:
Yeah fuck that noise. Had no idea it was that OP. Sangan + Yata makes this more brutal than what it already was.
Looking at the rulings again, brutal is an understatement. Wow. If the opponent can manage to take the LP hit, they literally can't play anymore from the Yata loop.
Shit. I wonder if these cards are in the YGO game on PS4.
Planned on going out somewhere with her, but she had to babysit the whole night
You guys are ruthlessbabysittin that phone!?
Y'all was like "kiss me through the phone"I ended up spending the night on the phone with this girl who got is great and likes me, so not all was lost
Y'all was like "kiss me through the phone"
Y'all was like "kiss me through the phone"
"you hang up you!"
Y'all was like "kiss me through the phone"
"you hang up you!"
Both of yall wrong.
But......Did you sing Marvin's Room over the phone breh?