Got your hopes up lolwhat'd i do
Got your hopes up lolwhat'd i do
So. Finished Stranger Things. So damn good. Probably the most accurate I've seen the 80s in a long time. Everything about it just clicked. Y'all should check it out..especially Slayven-aged folks..
If you don't mind me asking. How come. ?I'm considering swearing off Red Letter Media after that Ghostbusters review. Just made me sick to watch it.
Yeap. Show was a blast of nostalgia for me. Also, I found the "scary" moments to be legit creepy. Loved the fact that the show is about (early spoiler). Even the basic plotline is straight from the 80s, lol.secret government experiments to make psychic warriors
If you don't mind me asking. How come. ?
If you don't mind me asking. How come. ?
Give it a look, of the best shows Netflix has put out in a minute.
Glad you popped in. YEAH, man! Just all done so well..holy shit. Now the wait for the second season. Whatever THAT will be about.
There's a lot that they can do in Season 2. I'm glad to hear that it won't be an anthology show and will continue the story from Season 1.
Ahh. I see what you're saying.The constant persecution complex, bringing up the Ghost Busters movie with the gorilla, and their constant sarcastic jokes about how much they must hate women just to be dicks. They said every single thing they possibly could have to make me want to vomit. I don't care if they didn't like the movie, but saying "You know what I hated the most about the movie. That there were women in it." even if it was sarcastic and they didn't mean it wasn't funny, especially when there's been a two year long harassment campaign toward the actresses.
I love Ghostbusters and usually like RLM's stuff, but that made me want to take the original Ghostbusters and ram it up their shitter with a lubricated horse dick.
EDIT: I also now wish the original Ghostbusters had never been made and all of these people had never been able to enjoy it because they don't deserve it.
She got a severe case of noassatall
seen her lately? i liked her extra thick, but that six pack got me
You're crazy. She's gorgeous.
Is that right? I'd of taken it either way, really. Agreed..glad to hear! That music was fantastic as well. Fucking love the intro..the visual and song go so dope. FUCK..his wait a damn year..
just saying that there are better out thereLike Yui Hatano
Volume = maxed
Y'all read Leslie Jones' latest tweets? Shit's heartbreaking and infuriating at the same time.
I don't understand. Tell us how you feel about her in HarSon's terms.
Yea.Thats JAV in a nutshell tho. With a few exceptions of course
That gif is jokes lol
Niggas clam down.
She fine of course, just saying that there are better out thereLike Yui Hatano
Tigerr Benson
I love how he tried to blame his coworkwer but he made more posts like that later
No..I don't understand. Tell us how you feel about her in HarSon's terms.
NOOOOO!!!What are Harson`s terms?
Y'all read Leslie Jones' latest tweets? Shit's heartbreaking and infuriating at the same time.
yeah with all the hate the new Ghostbusters is getting I feared this would happen. Twitter seriously needs to do something about this kind of harassment full stop. There's been far too many incidents of this shit going unchecked, what's it gonna take?
I love how he tried to blame his coworkwer but he made more posts like that later
I love how he tried to blame his coworkwer but he made more posts like that later
Right? Where was his coworker when he was talking about Fergie's titty meat?
Can't trust an Al B Sure disciple.
Gordon why is this a thing, and why does it kill me every time i see it?
Volume = maxed
Y'all read Leslie Jones' latest tweets? Shit's heartbreaking and infuriating at the same time.
Gordon why is this a thing, and why does it kill me every time i see it?
apparently there was a running man challenge thing
GHost Town DJs must have been shocked as hell when they got that check in the mail
Breitbart strikes again.
We're of to the races with the RNC and white supremacy as the grand prize ready to be embraced and flaunted.
My plan for retirement is to put out a track that blows up 20 years later due to some viral meme
The Rick Ashley investment portfolio
Ain't no one gonna to that dude..
Skee Lo is do for a come up with "I wish"
I throw that shit on my phone on occasion..shit is too funny.
Cause that shit came from real life, you seen how these Polly Pocket dudes in here act.
The constant persecution complex, bringing up the Ghost Busters movie with the gorilla, and their constant sarcastic jokes about how much they must hate women just to be dicks. They said every single thing they possibly could have to make me want to vomit. I don't care if they didn't like the movie, but saying "You know what I hated the most about the movie. That there were women in it." even if it was sarcastic and they didn't mean it wasn't funny, especially when there's been a two year long harassment campaign toward the actresses.
I love Ghostbusters and usually like RLM's stuff, but that made me want to take the original Ghostbusters and ram it up their shitter with a lubricated horse dick.
EDIT: I also now wish the original Ghostbusters had never been made and all of these people had never been able to enjoy it because they don't deserve it.
Charlamagne: So as much as we know that America has a history of racism, institutionalized racism, systemic racism, why did Barack Obama become president?
Umar Johnson: Excellent question. Ok every president that is elected is given a domestic mandate and an international mandate. There's something they need you to do domestically, there's something they need you to do internationally. For president Obama his international mandate was to reopen Africa's resources to western exploitation. George Bush destroyed the economic conversation between America and Africa. And as you know Africa is the richest continent on the face of the Earth, no country can survive without it. If you have a cell phone, laptop, television, car, airplane, it requires a substance a material called coltan. The congo is the number 1 producer of coltan on the globe. No Congo, no cell phones. So America needs Africa. Bush destroyed the relationship with the African union. With Obama's father being Kenyan and his mother being white, do you understand, he was the perfect person in the white house to reopen up that relationship with Africa, which he has done, ok, and through Africom which is African command president Obama has successfully recolonized Africa in the way of Western financial interest at a rate we haven't seen since Africa was under colonialism, so he succeeded internationally. That was the international mandate, get the money back from Africa, the gold, the diamonds, the oil, the coltan, get it back, he got it.
Charlamagne: What's the Domestic mandate?
Umar Johnson: The Domestic mandate. The reason president Obama was made president domestically is to brain wash and manipulate black America long enough so the American power structure could take every civil right that our ancestors fought for and give it to every other minority group so by the time Obama leaves office all of our rights will have been taken by the other minority groups and we will be back in the 1960s Jim Crow style.
I don't mess with DOuble toasted too much anymore. cause of stuff like that. Plus Danielle makes me sad, like poor girl is going to get herself killed.Between them and that one one guy on Double Toasted making a Leslie Jones is a gorilla joke....
It's funny someone who I'm 99% sure hasn't even seen the movie and doesn't plan on doing so until blu ray release, wanted me to watch the 41 minute RLM review and I think he wanted me to watch both the Comic Book Girl 19 19 minute and the 26 minute Double Toasted review, I guess because i have to justify liking the movie.
I hope that "phewww" was because this interview is shit.
I hope that "phewww" was because this interview is shit.
I don't mess with DOuble toasted too much anymore. cause of stuff like that. Plus Danielle makes me sad, like poor girl is going to get herself killed.
Where do conspiracy folks find the time
And they all laughed it off too, they called him racist but it all in jest, no one bothered o actually say what the fuck that's gross. It's bullshit I'm anti-PC lol humour.
All over a fucking Ghostbusters movie
Secret Fawful is right that most of these people don't deserve to have had such a great first movie like the 84 one.
Leave my OG alone, y'all! Be mad at them folks and leave the movie out of it, or I'll chase you fuckers down!
I hope that "phewww" was because this interview is shit.
People put too much stock in nostalgia. You can have old things and new things. Annoys the fuck out of me with fandoms.
And real talk none of the Star Wars movies are that good. Haven't seem TFA, so I hold judgement.