Gold Member
Game Information
Game Title: Call of Duty: Black Ops 6Platforms:
- PC (Oct 24, 2024)
- PlayStation 5 (Oct 24, 2024)
- Xbox Series X/S (Oct 24, 2024)
- Xbox One (Oct 24, 2024)
- PlayStation 4 (Oct 24, 2024)
Developers: High Moon Studios, Activision Shanghai, Sledgehammer Games, Infinity Ward, Demonware, Raven Software, Treyarch
Publisher: Activision
Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - 85 average - 95% recommended - 26 reviews
MetaCritic - 81 average - PlayStation 5 - Based on 6 Reviews
OpenCritic - 85 average - 95% recommended - 26 reviews

MetaCritic - 81 average - PlayStation 5 - Based on 6 Reviews

Critic Reviews
AltChar - Asmir Kovacevic - 95 / 100
Over the last few years, Call of Duty has struggled to deliver compelling stories or campaigns that will thoroughly impress us, but that's about to change because the Black Ops 6 campaign is arguably one of the best Call of Duty campaigns ever.
Digital Trends - Billy Givens - 3.5 / 5
Despite these ever-growing microtransaction woes, Black Ops 6 is a step forward in other ways for a franchise that has felt half-dead for a while now. By combining an unexpectedly inventive campaign with some worthwhile changes and improvements to its multiplayer, there’s a lot here for longtime fans to feel optimistic about, even if many of Call of Duty’s most significant problems still loom large with no signs of changing anytime soon.
Digitec Magazine - Domagoj Belancic - German - 5 / 5
Rarely have I been so surprised by a game as I was by “Black Ops 6”. The single-player campaign impresses with varied locations and missions that constantly surprise me with new ideas and gameplay mechanics. By alternating between linear levels and open game areas with lots of freedom, the game offers almost perfect pacing. The quieter espionage and puzzle moments, which are atypical for a “Call of Duty” game, are particularly commendable. After the bombastic single-player campaign, I can hardly wait to get into the multiplayer modes.
GAMES.CH - Sönke Siemens - German - 89%
Quote not yet available
Game Rant - Dalton Cooper - 9 / 10
With a fun campaign, incredible multiplayer, and the return of round-based Zombies, Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is the best Call of Duty game in years.
GamePro - Tobias Veltin - German - Unscored
This is mainly due to the fact that Black Ops 6 ticks off numerous classic Call of Duty checkboxes, but does not forget to regularly surprise and do things that have never happened before in a CoD campaign - such as the finale.
Gameliner - Rudy Wijnberg - Dutch - 4.5 / 5
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is the best entry in years, with the innovative Omnimovement mechanic refreshing gameplay across all modes without losing the charm of previous games, featuring a sublime single-player experience, engaging open-world segments, a compelling story, a Zombies mode that returns to its roots, and varied multiplayer maps—though with some hits and misses—making it a must-have for fans and an inviting return for casual players.
Gamer Guides - Callum Self - 86 / 100
Black Ops 6 does enough differently to stand out in the recent wave of Call of Duty games, bringing one of the best campaign and multiplayer modes in the long-running franchise. While we need to wait and see how Zombies pans out, it’s a solid entry - so much so, that I can say “Call of Duty is back”.
Gamersky - 前朝刘沛公 - Chinese - 8.6 / 10
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 may lack the innovative gameplay and changeable pace that the Modern Warfare series is known for, but in an era where developers big and small chase novelty and change, it stands out for its commitment to stability and tradition. Ultimately, it delivers a solid entry in the Call of Duty franchise that fans will appreciate.
GamesBeat - Dean Takahashi - Unscored
Overall, I would say that multiplayer is still a good reason to play the game, and that’s what most people do for the longest time with any annual Call of Duty title. If you’re a fan of the franchise, you’ll like this game. And I feel like there are more loyal Black Ops fans out there like me who need the occasional break from Modern Warfare for something with some historical focus. And so yes, I still appreciate my annual installments of Call of Duty and I’m glad Black Ops 6 is here to play for many more hours to come.
Gaming on PC - David Dominguez - 9 / 10
Black Ops 6’s campaign is a much-needed return to form for the long-running franchise, providing a fairly meaty experience that’s never afraid to surprise players while at the same time delivering some of the best set pieces in the series. This is modern Call of Duty at its best, shedding its corridor shooter DNA whenever it needs to, and embracing it again at the next step if that means the player will have a good time, and I couldn’t be happier with it.
Hobby Consolas - David Rodriguez - Spanish - 78 / 100
Call of Duty Black Ops 6 is not a step forward in the saga, but it manages to make it catch its breath to some extent. A campaign that is the result of an accumulation of too many ideas that constantly succeeds and fails, a multiplayer not suitable for the faint of heart and tremendously addictive zombies make for a solid, but not memorable, delivery.
IGN - Simon Cardy - 9 / 10
An excellent string of missions that offer variety and flexibility come together to make Black Ops 6 the best Call of Duty campaign in many, many years.
IGN - Seth G. Macy - 8 / 10
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 plays it safe but is otherwise exactly what Call of Duty multiplayer should be: fast, fun, and a little on the ridiculous side.
Insider Gaming - Grant Taylor-Hill - Buy
Black Ops 6 represents what's possible in a Call of Duty game when all the pieces just fit so perfectly together. This is nothing short of a redemption for a series that had us worried for years - Black Ops 6 is simply stellar.
Manual dos Games - Luiz Henrique Silva - Portuguese - 9 / 10
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 has one of the best campaigns in the entire Call of Duty franchise, bringing an exciting and well written story, beautiful graphics, a never seen movement freedom thanks to the new omni-movement system and extremely diverse and creative missions, that instigate the player to explore different possibilities for each mission, changing completely its approach and being rewarded for it.
Metro GameCentral - Patrick Dane - Unscored
There is still a long way for me to go, and lots of areas Black Ops 6 can drop the ball from here. That’s even before we get to multiplayer and Zombies. All of that will come in our full review. However, often you get a ‘vibe’ for a good Call Of Duty game early on. A feeling that this could be one of the more important entries in the franchise. Right now, I’m starting to get the tingling.
Press Start - Brodie Gibbons - 8.5 / 10
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6's campaign is a worthwhile successor to Cold War that continues to push the cart along with its exciting geopolitical thriller-branded espionage. Treyarch better than anyone understands better than anyone having found a few, ingenious means of incorporating Call of Duty's larger suite of modes into this punchy, mind-bending ride. More than that, it should serve as a beg-pardon for last year's unfortunate business.
Pure Xbox - Ben Kerry - 8 / 10
Overall then, Black Ops 6 features a really good campaign mode that's certainly worth the download on Xbox Game Pass. The story has a lengthy runtime — roughly eight hours at least — and is crammed full of interesting, varied missions - including one huge surprise that left us with a cheeky grin as we played through it. This is a big step up from the other COD campaign currently available on Game Pass in MW3, and fans of big, bombastic AAA experiences should have a right old blast with the Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 campaign.
SECTOR.sk - Peter Dragula - Slovak - 9 / 10
Overall, we got a surprisingly good Call of Duty this year, and it's exactly what the series needed after the last very weak Modern Warfare III installment. It offers a very impressive campaign with some unique missions, but also a nice return of the zombies back to the basics of attacking in waves, and the massive multiplayer part has been brought to life nicely by omnimovement.
Smash Jump - Adrian Cozmuta - 8 / 10
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is a return to form for the franchise and deserves a spot among the best Call of Duty titles. BO6 is a complete top-to-bottom Call of Duty package, featuring an explosive campaign, a fun and frantic multiplayer and Zombies mode, the most dynamic gunplay and movement yet, and an all-around outstanding presentation.
Stevivor - Ben Salter - 8.5 / 10
Call of Duty Black Ops 6 is a spectacular return to form, after Modern Warfare 3 fumbled blurring the line between expansion and sequel. We were ready for something different, and that’s exactly what it has delivered with speedy and satisfying multiplayer and a highly engaging and well-paced espionage thriller campaign that’s one of the best in the Call of Duty series. With excellent gunplay across all modes and an addictive combat loop, Black Ops 6 is the best Call of Duty game so far this console generation.
XboxEra - Jesse Norris - 8.5 / 10
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6's campaign is fantastic, and a welcome return to form. Tons of level variety and a good enough story make this my favorite one since 2019's Modern Warfare reboot.
ZdobywcyGier.eu - Bartosz Michalik - Polish - 8 / 10
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is far from being called the best installment in the series, but neither can it be considered the worst or even bad. It's a solid FPS that you can have a great time with, but it's important to remember that it's not a perfect product, and its flaws are noticeable. The story campaign is beautifully crafted, detailed and offers plenty of great fun, while the story leaves much to be desired. The zombie mode is enjoyable, although the game lacks a larger number of maps here. The multiplayer mode, on the other hand, has reawakened in me the desire to play match after match. However, by the same token, we don't have many innovations here, and the maps are a little bit worse from those of previous installments.