Junior Member
Did Izuna get banned over 4K Blu-Ray, MS support, or something I can't imagine?
Hard to tell. Saw one post where he said 'bunch of cunts' about scalebound.
Dreamy, waht am I even looking at?
Did Izuna get banned over 4K Blu-Ray, MS support, or something I can't imagine?
Hard to tell. Saw one post where he said 'bunch of cunts' about scalebound.
Dreamy, waht am I even looking at?
Some times the search lags. Might not be able to see it for a whileDid Izuna get banned over 4K Blu-Ray, MS support, or something I can't imagine?
MS in shambles and bishop can't even ban anyone anymore.
Oh God don't remind meMan we still got Switch day Friday. Shit is wild
Oh God don't remind me
I already predicted that the Switch won't sell as much as Nintendo fans think it will, Friday is gonna be a bloodbath
Man we still got Switch day Friday. Shit is wild
Yooooooo I was reading some posts the other day and folks still in the Wii days, acting like the Wii U didn't happen. End of the day Nintendo has to sell people on a Tablet, and why people should get one over an ipad
Be a shame if you catch a horseshoe in the streetIs that the day you let As..nope. Never mind..
Like, after the marketing debacle that was the Wii U and Nintendo's need to create a fake shortage of NES Classics to appear as if they are selling them faster than they can be made, I don't trust them to do anything competently. But the Switch will be the console of the future. Sure.
Like, after the marketing debacle that was the Wii U and Nintendo's need to create a fake shortage of NES Classics to appear as if they are selling them faster than they can be made, I don't trust them to do anything competently. But the Switch will be the console of the future. Sure.
Be a shame if you catch a horseshoe in the street
I can already see "My switch is covered in dust" threads
A happy clam.Hard to tell. Saw one post where he said 'bunch of cunts' about scalebound.
Dreamy, waht am I even looking at?
What'd I say?
Kink shaming himself..SMDH..
Lol that trans thread died (for now) with someone being sad they can't talk about trans folk from a radical feminist perspective without fear of being perma banned aka they probably wanted to talk about how folks like me don't exist and are just ultimate form of patriarchal oppression of "real" women
a lot of that "Gaf won't let me tell it like it is" going around.
a lot of that "Gaf won't let me tell it like it is" going around.
Like, after the marketing debacle that was the Wii U and Nintendo's need to create a fake shortage of NES Classics to appear as if they are selling them faster than they can be made, I don't trust them to do anything competently. But the Switch will be the console of the future. Sure.
Yo. Whatup, Shy!
a lot of that "Gaf won't let me tell it like it is" going around.
I feel this way about Disney movies.People seem to be looking forward to Beauty and the Beast. I can't bring myself to care.
Maybe it's because I never really cared about the animated movie. Maybe it's because I don't care about Emma Watson.
People are like "this is going to be huge" and I just have no desire to see it.
I can already see "My switch is covered in dust" threads
Kink shaming himself..SMDH..
a lot of that "Gaf won't let me tell it like it is" going around.
Bad and Boujee is now #1 in the country, the only Donald I respect is Glover.
Gaming side will burn on Switch day.
the martyrdom is real.Lol when I challenged that person they said they weren't going to continue the discussion they started...
Just wants to play the trans folk are oppressing me insinuation card lol.
Gaming side will burn on Switch day.
I haven't been able to do shit today, write, draw, attempt to code, design. It's just not working out.
People seem to be looking forward to Beauty and the Beast. I can't bring myself to care.
Maybe it's because I never really cared about the animated movie. Maybe it's because I don't care about Emma Watson.
People are like "this is going to be huge" and I just have no desire to see it.
Im getting a switch for sure but I can't forsee it being the savior that gaming side wants it to be. The biggest problem is lack of 3rd parties and the switch power/design/tablet my not do it
Maybe because I watched most of the Harry Potter movies but I never cared about Emma WatsonPeople seem to be looking forward to Beauty and the Beast. I can't bring myself to care.
Maybe it's because I never really cared about the animated movie. Maybe it's because I don't care about Emma Watson.
People are like "this is going to be huge" and I just have no desire to see it.
Lol that trans thread died (for now) with someone being sad they can't talk about trans folk from a radical feminist perspective without fear of being perma banned aka they probably wanted to talk about how folks like me don't exist and are just ultimate form of patriarchal oppression of "real" women
Attractive and Middle-Class
I didn't even know this was a thing until I was talking to some friends about guys identifying as feminists and one of them brought this up as a thing. I don't know why I was surprised, people always wanna exclude somebody.I fucking hate TERF*s with the fire of a thousand suns. Transwomen are women, and that is all. If you are not for all women, then you are not a true feminist.
*Trans Exclusive Radical Feminists
I fucking hate TERF*s with the fire of a thousand suns. Transwomen are women, and that is all. If you are not for all women, then you are not a true feminist.
*Trans Exclusive Radical Feminists
I fucking hate TERF*s with the fire of a thousand suns. Transwomen are women, and that is all. If you are not for all women, then you are not a true feminist.
*Trans Exclusive Radical Feminists
She wasn't the only one:Yeah, somebody always think the pie is smaller than it is, and don't want other people to have a piece.
In brighter news: People slagging on that "hidden fences" fail by Jenna Bush (had to be a Bush, man):
Her tearing up on the Today show was a bit melodramatic.Yeah, somebody always think the pie is smaller than it is, and don't want other people to have a piece.
In brighter news: People slagging on that "hidden fences" fail by Jenna Bush (had to be a Bush, man):
She wasn't the only one:
Take the L and don't make about yourselfHer tearing up on the Today show a bit melodramatic.
My favorite response.
O Really?Both of my nieces about to grow up and evolve into super Hoteps.
Asking my brother in law why he married a white woman.
Their momma ain't even white!!! She's a super light skin blasian. Smh. She the Michael Evans of the family.
yooo someone bumped the Crackdown thread.
sharks on gaming side.
Both of my nieces about to grow up and evolve into super Hoteps.
Asking my brother in law why he married a white woman.
Their momma ain't even white!!! She's a super light skin blasian. Smh. She the Michael Evans of the family.