Lion King? Tsk TskFirst timer here, so i'll just fill out this handy dandy questionnaire:
Where you're from - Canada I guess?
Where you live - 6 Side
What is your age? - 22
Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy - Somali
Do you know your roots - Hell Ya
Favorite musical genre - Hip Hop
Your profession/major/career interest - Finance
Your religious affiliation - Muslim
Hobbies - Video Games and Basketball
KFC, Popeye's, Churches, or Bojangles? - Popeyes Easily
Marvel or DC? - Marvel
Favorite superhero? - Deadpool
Anime or Nah? - Anmie
Favorite sport and team? - Basketball (Raptors)
What's your favorite Disney movie? - Lion King
What's your favorite video game and genre? - Last of Us (Adventure or RPG)
Welcome tho!