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The Black Culture Thread |OT16| - I'm blacker than you'll ever be

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Saw this creep up on my Facebook feed.

I'll hop on later, my brother is playing something like NFS Rivals or whatever, not a clue. I'll send a message then.


I've never liked WSS, love musicals but West Side Story? Nah
I just met a girl named Maria...
Dam I guess she ran away 🙁

Seriously though West Side Story is awesome.
I've heard great things about Hamilton but I haven't had the pleasure of watching it yet. It's definitely on my to do list.

SFV My greatest dinner entertainment. Watching Shy detroying people. Does that make me a bad person? 🤔

hell nah! Go Shy,go Shy


I just met a girl named Maria...
Dam I guess she ran away 🙁

Seriously though West Side Story is awesome.
I've heard great things about Hamilton but I haven't had the pleasure of watching it yet. It's definitely on my to do list.
You won't ever get to watch Hamilton. Unless you find a terrible bootleg

The soundtrack is top tier stuff



Had a friend who got to see Hamilton and meet LMM and Digg

Yet she says she poor...
Can't judge maybe she got hooked up. Could've won tickets. It's who you know and what they can do for you.

Maybe she can hook you up? Now that would be a friend. 😁


Can't judge maybe she got hooked up. Could've won tickets. It's who you know and what they can do for you.

Maybe she can hook you up? Now that would be a friend. 😁
No, her mom paid for her, herself, and a friend to go see Hamilton along with three other shows.

She ain't poor


So make friends with mom maybe she can get you tickets. She's got the money? It can't hurt to be nice.
I'm actually pretty good friends with the girl. She ain't the nicest person out in these streets and she has done some things to make me give her ultra sideye, but I'm still cool with her.

Young Magus

Junior Member
Have you ever had a night out where the only thing consistently running in your thought process is...."this is why I don`t hang with people"?

Cuz dear YWVH I had one of those nights.

I'm finding that as I get older, stuff bothers me more.

Yesterday, I'm talking to one of my kid's therapists, about how to plan out getting him in Kindergarten next year. They don't really have one, and the school system in my neighborhood doesn't provide any type of special programs for children with Autism. I drive home, and have to actually pull over, and fucking heave cry, because I just see my kid being put into the public education system, and dying on the vine. I have no idea what to do, yo.

That suffocating feeling of helplessness, man. Where you just need to know where to throw a punch, the right direction to deliver a blow, but you're blindfolded, and just getting socked from all around.

I see pictures from happy parents sending their kids off to school for the first time, and I deal with the fact that I'm going to be terrified when my kid gets on that bus next year. That I have no idea whether or not he's going to be able to stay focused. Whether or not he's going to be able to make friends. Whether or not he's going to come home crying because kids were mean to him. Whether or not he's going to come to me asking what is Autistic, and why do people say that is what he is.

And then he's black, on top of it?

I don't know. This stuff wouldn't bother me nearly as much when I was younger.


This shit hurts because this is exactly what I fear when I have kids. Shit its one of the things/reasons why I'm scared to have kids. I legit have no faith within the education system in general to help or accommodate many kids and that the fact that I can recall my experiences within LAUSD and where I work at now doesn't install hope.
I've seen the White House Poetry jam, when he plays as Burr? I liked that. I love his energy, and his emotion, but I dunno. Not a fan of his voice in some portions. Wouldn't say he's doing anything wrong, just not a frequency that meshes with me, think it's the more passionate points - it isn't even all of them. There are some exceptions, certain songs, but then again. My favourite voice is probably Jefferson's on the male side. Ms. Reynold's for the women.

So, here's the Tony Awards performance of History Has It's Eyes On You/Yorktown . There used to be a version with better audio on Youtube that let you hear the instruments better but I can't find it now, so this is the best version I can find right now. Miranda has a LOT more emotion to his performance here than on the actual soundtrack recording with this song, and honestly I tend to defer to watching this performance over the recording. The only big issue is the censoring on Mulligan's part.

Gordon and JeanGrey and everyone else should watch this too.


So, here's the Tony Awards performance of History Has It's Eyes On You/Yorktown . There used to be a version with better audio on Youtube that let you hear the instruments better but I can't find it now, so this is the best version I can find right now. Miranda has a LOT more emotion to his performance here than on the actual soundtrack recording with this song, and honestly I tend to defer to watching this performance over the recording. The only big issue is the censoring on Mulligan's part.

Gordon and JeanGrey should watch this too.

Okay, I can definitely see what you mean here. Agreed on that last bit, too. I look forward to that part, because it's just so like Mulligan. Abrasive, aggressive, I'll say whatever I want attitude ruined with that. Killed the momentum in my mind that he couldn't even say shit.
Can you link to this thread? I've seen it mentioned enough on here but looking through OT the last mention of it, I didn't catch it.

It should be this one right? As much as I love gaming and staying home. I do need some variety in my life. Even working from home is preferable to just not working any job.


It should be this one right? As much as I love gaming and staying home. I do need some variety in my life. Even working from home is preferable to just not working any job.

Ah, thanks, thanks. I dunno how they think it's something sustainable. I took a gap year between high school and college, and within 2 weeks I was bored as hell with playing video games and wasting my time on the Internet.


Gordon, add me to the lounge. Alternatively... Jean, tell him to add me to the lounge. 😂

Bubba T

I went to a career fair a couple days ago and I cleaned up. I have interviews with five different companies in the next two weeks, and I'm almost sure I'll get offers from three of them (provided I don't screw up). What a turnaround from last year.


I went to a career fair a couple days ago and I cleaned up. I have interviews with five different companies in the next two weeks, and I'm almost sure I'll get offers from three of them (provided I don't screw up). What a turnaround from last year.

Congrats, man. That's great to hear.


I went to a career fair a couple days ago and I cleaned up. I have interviews with five different companies in the next two weeks, and I'm almost sure I'll get offers from three of them (provided I don't screw up). What a turnaround from last year.
I'm so confused that people want to aspire to be a neet?

I can understand it. Having the free time to do whatever you want seems nice, but I'm sure these people are also forgetting that you would need financial security to make that lifestyle happen. I remember having to move in with my mom a few years back. I thought it was cool at first. All I had to do was clean the house everyday and sometimes cook and I was living rent-free. But goddamn did that get depressing after a while. Couldn't really bring anyone home because I was literally sleeping on the couch, so I didn't need that embarrassment. I had no money so leaving the house wasn't an option most of the time. Shit SUCKED.

It changed a bit later once we moved and I got a job at Best Buy and could throw some rent money down. It also made me realize that I could never live that sort of life again. I gotta be doing SOMETHING to contribute, otherwise I feel like a complete goon just mooching off my relatives. Even in a relationship, I have to feel like I'm contributing something more than a warm body otherwise I feel worthless. Hell, even the cable bill.
I went to a career fair a couple days ago and I cleaned up. I have interviews with five different companies in the next two weeks, and I'm almost sure I'll get offers from three of them (provided I don't screw up). What a turnaround from last year.

Good shit
I went to a career fair a couple days ago and I cleaned up. I have interviews with five different companies in the next two weeks, and I'm almost sure I'll get offers from three of them (provided I don't screw up). What a turnaround from last year.

Hell yeah, brother..congrats to you and the work you put in. Salute.

Bubba T

Congrats, man. That's great to hear.

Good shit

Hell yeah, brother..congrats to you and the work you put in. Salute.

Thanks y'all. Seeing that thread in OT about men forgoing full time work for video games hit close to home. That was me, not giving a shit about college and working low level jobs. Wasted most of my twenties that way. I've had some good luck these last three years and I'm set to graduate in about 2 1/2 months with honors, debt free, and (hopefully) with a new job lined up.
I went to a career fair a couple days ago and I cleaned up. I have interviews with five different companies in the next two weeks, and I'm almost sure I'll get offers from three of them (provided I don't screw up). What a turnaround from last year.

Don't you be coming in here trying to be successful and shit, you better get back to slangin on the corner. Nobody is leaving the barrel!! NOBODY!!!


Thanks y'all. Seeing that thread in OT about men forgoing full time work for video games hit close to home. That was me, not giving a shit about college and working low level jobs. Wasted most of my twenties that way. I've had some good luck these last three years and I'm set to graduate in about 2 1/2 months with honors, debt free, and (hopefully) with a new job lined up.
Gone head bruh. That's good stuff right there

D i Z

I went to a career fair a couple days ago and I cleaned up. I have interviews with five different companies in the next two weeks, and I'm almost sure I'll get offers from three of them (provided I don't screw up). What a turnaround from last year.

Yo! Good shit. That must feel great.

I re-watched Civil War for the first time today.

Still great.

My only knock against it is that I feel the desire to watch scenes rather than the film as a whole. I haven't asked anyone else if they feel that fragmentation as well, so it might not be a valid criticism.


Anyone see Sully?

Saw that and Magnificent Seven with friends this weekend. Sully was good. Magnificent was average although after seeing movies like The Hateful Eight and Jango, it was "nice" to not have any white characters call Denzel the n-word, or any other slurs. I have a feeling that the creators just wrote the main character where any actor could play him and this wasn't intentional, but still (unfortunately this isn't the same for the other non white characters).

Thanks y'all. Seeing that thread in OT about men forgoing full time work for video games hit close to home. That was me, not giving a shit about college and working low level jobs. Wasted most of my twenties that way. I've had some good luck these last three years and I'm set to graduate in about 2 1/2 months with honors, debt free, and (hopefully) with a new job lined up.

Got to move you from Black Belt Crab to Smarty Art Crab.


Thanks y'all. Seeing that thread in OT about men forgoing full time work for video games hit close to home. That was me, not giving a shit about college and working low level jobs. Wasted most of my twenties that way. I've had some good luck these last three years and I'm set to graduate in about 2 1/2 months with honors, debt free, and (hopefully) with a new job lined up.

Hey, at least you're moving on up. Grats.


Have you guys checked out Hamilton? This shit is fire. I can't believe I'm just now hearing about this.


Why do you think I'm losing my mind over him doing music for Moana?
Absolutely everything is going into this movie, a killer original score not withstanding. Literally been hyped for almost three years.

Cabinet Battle #3 said:
The issue on the table: a petition from a Quaker delegation in Philadelphia calling on Congress to end the African slave trade and abolish slavery, in all its forms. If this comes to a vote in Congress, what is the White House's position? Secretary Jefferson, you first. Tread lightly

The constitution clearly states
That the states have to wait
Until eighteen-oh-eight to debate

That's the price we paid
For the southern states to participate
In our little independence escapade
We made concessions to the the south to make them less afraid
You take away our property? Secession talk will escalate
But for a second let us say that we can legislate
Unanimous emancipation, freedom reigns, and yes, it's great
We cannot cure prejudice or righteous, desperate hate
So back to Africa or do they get a separate state?
It's a sin, it's growing like a cancer
But we can't address the question if we do not have an answer

Is it my turn? Good
Plantation states are packed with promise makers
Do you realize the precious time these legislators wasted?
Institutionalizing slavery only multiplied our troubles
Wait till the 1800's, and their population doubles
You all know
This is the stain on our soul and democracy
A land of the free? No, it's not, it's hypocrisy
To subjugate, dehumanize a race, call 'em property
And say that we are powerless to stop it, can you not foresee?
Sir, even you, have hundreds of slaves
Whose descendants will curse our names when we're safe in our graves
How will the south find labor for its business?
How will Thomas Jefferson find his next mistress?

How dare you

Yet still, people follow like lemmings
All your hemming and hewing, while you're hee-hawing with Sally Hemings

That's enough

Hamilton, if we support emancipation
Every single slave owner will demand compensation
And as for slandering Jefferson with talk of mistresses
Do you really wanna-

Do you really wanna have that conversation?


I've heard enough, gentlemen. You can go. Slavery's too volatile an issue. We won't get through it

Sir, we'll keep it off your desk

Good, do it

The Adams Administration (Off-Broadway) said:
How does the hot-headed, short-tempered
Protean creator of the Coast Guard
Founder of the New York Post
Ardently abuse his cab’net post
Destroy his reputation?
Welcome, folks, to

The Adams administration!
Jefferson’s the runner-up, which makes him the Vice President

Washington can’t help you now, no more mister nice President

Adams fires Hamilton
Calling him the “creole bastard” in his taunts


Hamilton publishes his response

An open letter to the fat
National embarrassment
Known as President John Adams


The man's irrational. He claims that I'm in league
With Britain in some vast international intrigue?
Bitch, please!
You wouldn't know what I'm doin'
You're always goin' berserk
But ya never show up to work
Give my regards to Abigail
Next time you write about my lack of moral compass
At least I do my job up in this rumpus


The line is behind me
I crossed it again
While the president lost it again
Aw, such a rough life
Better run to your wife
Now the boss is in Boston again
Let me ask you a question. Who sits
At your desk when you're in Massachusetts?
They were calling you a dick back in '76
And you haven't done anything new since
You're a nuisance with no sense
You'll die of irrelevance
Go ahead, you can call me the devil
You aspire to my level
You inspire to malevolence
Say, "Hi," to the Jeffersons!
And spies all around me
Maybe they can confirm
I don't care if I kill my career with this letter
I'm confining you to one term
You fat motherfucker!

He's outta control!

No! It's fine. He’s out of power, he holds no office, and he just destroyed the only other significant member of his party-

He’s a host unto himself. As long as he can hold a pen, he’s a threat. Let’s let him know what we know

Bonus. You're fucking welcome.

Why do you think I'm losing my mind over him doing music for Moana?
Absolutely everything is going into this movie, a killer original score not withstanding. Literally been hyped for almost three years.

I lost my shit at the overt Moana reference in Zootopia.


I forgot Prince William and Princess Kate were in town

saw some kids choir on TV wearing horrendous maple leaf sweaters for the occassion


Moana better be good

Name Disney Animation Studios's last failure. Spoilers, it was Chicken Little. Of 55 feature films, eight have an RT <60% aka rotten. And even those are typically have a cultish fan appeal (Atlantis, Pocahontas, The Black Cauldron). DAS is ridiculously solid (and currently better than Pixar), especially when it comes to princess films. After all, the Disney Princess line is what pays for everything else, so there's a vested interest in maintaining quality. And let's not forget that they were confident in this film so much that they moved it from 2018 to fall 2017 to spring 2017 to fall 2016.

My only hope is that Moana displaces Elsa.

D i Z

Just as a PSA, Street Fighter V is 29.99 U.S dollars on Amazon right now. Both disk and Download code versions. Having you soul sent ahead of your body by fellow BCT'ers has never been so cheap.

Edit: Correction. The season pass is the same price for digital. PS4 digital remains ridiculous and too saucy for it's own good at 59.99 U.S bucks.


Name Disney Animation Studios's last failure. Spoilers, it was Chicken Little. Of 55 feature films, eight have an RT <60% aka rotten. And even those are typically have a cultish fan appeal (Atlantis, Pocahontas, The Black Cauldron). DAS is ridiculously solid (and currently better than Pixar), especially when it comes to princess films. After all, the Disney Princess line is what pays for everything else, so there's a vested interest in maintaining quality. And let's not forget that they were confident in this film so much that they moved it from 2018 to fall 2017 to spring 2017 to fall 2016.

My only hope is that Moana displaces Elsa.
I despise Frozen so much. Almost as much as I dislike The Princess and the Frog. Chicken Little is my shit btw.
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