Who going?
You know whyWhy does no one ever bring up the fact that Tom Brady impregnated Bridget Moynahan, left her in December of 06, then got with Giselle that same month
LOL. I'll be all mic'd up. 😝cool, get us some pics, shy
just messing lmaoooo
LOL. I'll be all mic'd up. 😝
Parasyte is an amazing sci-fi drama that doesn't focus on over the top gore.
We know you always wearing a wire.
Not as bad as Jandro who be snitching in 8K with THX
Worth watching?
Deadman Apocalypse has a charm to it. Couldn't tell you what was going on, but it's underground, has terrible lighting, and awful acting. Sometimes that's what you need.
Nah a movie called Deadman Apocalypse. It's horrid.Deadman Wonderland?
May is the worst PM I have seen in my life time. That counts Blair the war crim as well.
Nah q movie called Deadman Apocalypse. It's horrid.
May and the Mirror (and all Murdoch own press over here) are scum of the earth.
May and the Mirror (and all Murdoch own press over here) are scum of the earth.
I think I ended up reading the last few chapters of Wonderland and never got around to actually reading it.My bad, I thought you were talking about that violent shounen title.
Always make sure you know how many days are left in the season.Look up how people are decorating their farms to give you an idea of how to set yours up. I honestly don't know what more to tell besides just playing blind lol. That's what I did for this and all of the previous Harvest Moon games. Just make sure you're getting those plants watered since that's the only real way you'll be making money to do anything early on. That and doing all the quests you can. Just try to earn some green.
Gotta attract the Shrek crowd for the big bucks.You fucked me up by linking to this site in the other thread. I will be reading it all weekend.
I am loving the personalities they have given the Orcs. Actually makes Tolkien not borinjg
The Immigrant Parents and the Religion episodes are probably my favorite episodes of all time.Ooohh man, Master of None is so good.
Look at this "ally".Visibly frustrated, my Professor continued to interject with gems including: ”I have taught thousands of black students and I have never had anyone disagree with how I cover this", ”You're talking to someone who has spent their entire life fighting for people of diversity and marched with my Black brothers and sisters", and even ”I went to an integrated Kindergarten when I was 6 and I thought it was normal!"
Indeed. That old cunt owns most of the UK's media. Sadly.I knew Murdoch was dirty, but I didn't know he was an aussie for the longest times. You got to be evil to fuck shit up over 3 continents
I'm so disillusioned with "allies". This teacher was trash frfr.
Hybrid × Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia
Garo: The Animation
A lot of Gaijin face or just a random shot I got when I googled Garo?
Black people always changing the game
That is seriously creative. Props to him.
That's pretty awesome.
Prison School ain't worth your time. Well that is if you aren't into anime breast.
A lot of Gaijin face or just a random shot I got when I googled Garo?
No it isn't. We had this thread last year and I say the same now as then. No. That cabin he's using is effing deadly. The lead, the paint all that together with the heat and he'll have a hole in his intestines before long. If he wants to use that he needs to blaster away the paint, make sure the metal isn't of the poisonous kind of alloy.
Plus you can make a good grill with just a few bricks. Bricks don't cost much and then use whatever farmers gridiron you can find. People really should stop with these DIY death traps. Or pay me to smack them. I like money and I like smacking fools.
Wild Thoughts is the shit. Song of the Summer.
How many did you pick up with your chocolate salty pretzels?
I am took broke and brown to be shopping at Whole Foods.
That's actually better than using a standard file cabinet.
Always funny to walk by the natural food store and just see white people pay way more than needed for the same things you get down at the bazaar. Would have understood it if it was fair trade goods but it seldom is.
Rihanna, I love her singing. Love her freed nature and no shits given about what the frigid say.
What's up with the latin rock right there? It's awesome.
Btw Royalan, that you in the picture? Boy you better share your secret to how the hell you get your hair so damn pretty. Please
Homie... Thats Santana. You telling me you don't know a Santana riff when you hear it?
Btw Royalan, that you in the picture? Boy you better share your secret to how the hell you get your hair so damn pretty. Please
Homie... Thats Santana. You telling me you don't know a Santana riff when you hear it?
Not enough avocadoRoyalan's hair products
Not enough avocado
Prison School ain't worth your time. Well that is if you aren't into anime breast.
A lot of Gaijin face or just a random shot I got when I googled Garo?
No it isn't. We had this thread last year and I say the same now as then. No. That cabin he's using is effing deadly. The lead, the paint all that together with the heat and he'll have a hole in his intestines before long. If he wants to use that he needs to blaster away the paint, make sure the metal isn't of the poisonous kind of alloy.
Plus you can make a good grill with just a few bricks. Bricks don't cost much and then use whatever farmers gridiron you can find. People really should stop with these DIY death traps. Or pay me to smack them. I like money and I like smacking fools.
Rihanna, I love her singing. Love her freed nature and no shits given about what the frigid say.
What's up with the latin rock right there? It's awesome.
Btw Royalan, that you in the picture? Boy you better share your secret to how the hell you get your hair so damn pretty. Please
Well damn. Didn't know that. Guess the guy is better off getting a regular old grill. At least he won't put his own health at risk.
Rihanna can't sing, but she makes good music
And by can't sing I mean I wouldn't wanna listen to her try and hit notes, that voice would crack. I love Love on the Brain, but uh...she ain't singing well there