ever see a chick make you go "fuck that nigga that you think you founddddd"
I'm so incredibly non-competitive when it cones to women. Could give a fuck about some girl and the dude she chose. But that's just me.
ever see a chick make you go "fuck that nigga that you think you founddddd"
Some men just want to watch the world burnI'd prefer DmC 2. I need more salt in my diet.
I'm so incredibly non-competitive when it cones to women. Could give a fuck about some girl and the dude she chose. But that's just me.
Some men just want to watch the world burn
I've been doing the WrassleGAF Awards for a few years now and I wonder why there's no BCT Awards
This half season with the Frozen arc not so much but season 2 and 3 I likedIS that show any good?
I've been doing the WrassleGAF Awards for a few years now and I wonder why there's no BCT Awards
With that Metroid Prime hate Slayven's spitting right now, who could beat him for the ain't shit award.
I was a huge Lupe fan until his insanity and that horrible Lasers album killed my fandom but I've liked everything I've heard from Tetsuo & Youth so far.As the self-proclaimed resident Lupe stan here. I must bring the attention to his new video for Deliver. A simple video but I think its pretty dope.
I'm excited for his Tetsuo & Youth album if this is the standard of the tracks.
Who's doing OT10?
Maybe Barkley?
DreamDrop, where's the best grindspots?
Who's doing OT10?
If no one claims it by the time I leave for work in an hour, I'm making it.
Gonna be BCT |10| Budget Cuts, and the OP will simply be a screen shot of the "Who Posted?".
I was a huge Lupe fan until his insanity and that horrible Lasers album killed my fandom but I've liked everything I've heard from Tetsuo & Youth so far.
It should be redeem black points at the door. The new OT title I mean
But lol trey wat
|OT10| Ursine Trifecta
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| Welcome To Don't Care-A-Lot
|OT10|Y'all Need Jesus.
Is the D'Angelo album that good? People are acting like it's the second coming.
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| Distance yourself from DreamDrop
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| One Of The Good Ones
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| This Used To Be A Nice Community
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| It's Cool, I've Got Black Friends
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| Pull Your Pants Up, Be A Millionaire
|OT10| We didn't *guest* for this
OT10| Guest are welcome
Where Guest accounts are made
Background actors in Egypt
|OT10| DaMalcolm LaKing is Rosa Tubman's X
|OT10|Questions Welcome.
|OT10|A cure of sorts
|OT10|HIOS Official Fan Club
|OT10|A Bucket, A Snitch and a *****_
|OT10|When doves cry
|OT10|Keeping it Real gone right
|OT10|It's cold outside
|OT10|5 or 15?
|OT10|Put on blast
|OT10|Bill who?
|OT10|Shut up and jam
|OT10|Please Depart post haste Lady Feliciana
|OT10|Bitch you guessing
|OT10|It's always storytime
The White Culture Thread |OT10| Directed by Ridley Scott
|OT10|Really bruh?
|OT10|Year in Review
|OT10|A bear, a horse and a Dream.....
|OT10|That's So Slayven
|OT10|**** **** **** ****(ain't this some shit )
|OT10|We beat the statistic (Meaning we made to 10)
|OT10|Strippers, Anime, Comics, Games, Repeat
|OT10|We forgot our boarding pass (no coons on this train)
|OT10|Bout time Marvel
|OT21|*&** Yall we grown
|OT10|GTC FADC Dehumanizing Stare
|OT10| Black Bagged
Horses, Guest and Bears Oh My
|OT10| We can't breathe
|OT10| *****_ didn't get obliterated for this
The *****_******* Thread |OT10|
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| The end of the BCT
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| This Shit Is HOT (to Royalan)
Alternatively: The Black Culture Thread |OT10| WHY Do People Have To LIE About How HOT Their OTs are?!
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| No Guest Appearances
OT10 Where the bear roams
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| Royalan the numbah one Beyonce fan.
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| Retro_'s Planet Needed Him.
The Black Culture Thread |OT10|****_ got sent to HFIL
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| The Only Retro_ We Acknowledge Made Metroid
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| Damn! He ain't gonna be in OT10
RIP *****_
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| Drake and Diddy walk into a bar
Or something honoring booty talk
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| Hand's Up, Don't Guest
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| New Diet Racism! Now with 5% less Racism!
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| Glue Factory
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| Hold this Neg
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| We're all extras in the Exodus movie
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| It's a New Day
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| Starring Benedict Cumberbatch, Jennifer Lawrence and Ben Kingsley
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| We Don't See Color
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| Stop Resisting
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| A Plague of Sorts
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| Monicas Struggle
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| Can't Breathe
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| Rap Cars in the Suburbs
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| This Shit Is HOT
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| We don't use bleaching cream in here!
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| Animal Farm
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| Uncle Phil Didn't Die For This...
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| Y'all can have Drake.
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| As a Black man...
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| #BlackLivesMatter
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| #AllChickenJointsMatter
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| Come and Learn the BCT Cycle!
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| Aggressive like bears, noble like horses.
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| Aggressive Step Lvl. 59
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| I saved 15% on my Black Points by switching to Geico!
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| The Revolution Will Not Be Appropriated = My personal choice.
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| Home of the 55 Minute Line-Up.
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| The Anti-Don Lemon
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| Nu-Blacks Not Welcome
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| Pimps & Simps
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| We Can't Breathe
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| Don't Step On My Space J's!!!
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| Soul Plane 2 in SPACE: Electric Boogaloo
I still want |OT10| Animal Farm just for the potential fuckery.
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| gaffing while black
OT10 Moving to Canada
|OT10| Thread's Up, Don't Lurk
This half season with the Frozen arc not so much but season 2 and 3 I liked
OT10 Star Wars Panther Guardians Flame On
BCT OT 10 | Sup, Monica.
BCT OT 11 | Bye, Felicia.
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| There Is Nobody Here Named Felicia
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| nm. DreamDrop trap thread
BCT |OT10|: On DreamDrop slave ship to other threads
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| Interstellar...Mission: Struggle
|OT10| Starting Wars in the Stars to stop racism
Black Culture Thread |OT10| Redeem Your Black Points at the Door
The People With Black Skin Thread |OT10| A Whole Lot Of Mayonnaise
BCT |OT10| Moving On Up 2: Electric Bugaloo
BCT |OT10| We Hate Hockey But Love Canada
BCT |OT10| Space Available For Rent
BCT |OT10| Hunting Season Open
lOT10l slightly racist
OT10: swapping out the bucket for a bag
The Black Culture Thread |OT10| nm. DreamDrop trap thread
with sub-zeros black sphere grid in the op
I'll be happy to put together voting for the BCT Awards if everyone can decide on some categories.
Of course there should be a rule against a white guy telling people what they can vote for but whatever.
Alright, so here's all the titles.
Once upon a time finally showed their black Ursula to be used in the 2nd half of the season
I'll be happy to put together voting for the BCT Awards if everyone can decide on some categories.
Of course there should be a rule against a white guy telling people what they can vote for but whatever.
You'll end up relegated to re-wiring the announcer tables after they get broken.
ViewtifulJC said:Retro_'s permaban hurt me the most, hate to see him go out like that
Kreed said:WTF @ Retro_'s account being a guest account now.
G-Fex said:well..fuck
RIP Retro_
Trey said:Retro got eviscerated, hot damn.
MorisUkunRasik said:What happened to Retro?
Vermillion said:Y'all know exactly what happened, don't front.
CountBlackule said:nobody knows what happened, but we all know exactly what happened
CrazyDogg77 said:Damn they got my nigga Retro_
Trey said:Made that nigga a guest, looooool
cdyhybrid said:Who snitched though?
RP912 said:smh damn...retro_ got evaporated tho :/
FeenixRising said:not even just a ban, they pure gathered all the spirit energy from gaf and spirit bombed his account to oblivion
hypernima said:Yo hit that nigga retro with the fusion rifle....damn.
Gorillaz said:Lmao "guest"
Hahaha damn breh nuked his account into orbit. That's that ether that burns internally
FyreWulff said:Atheon sent him into the past with the detain bubble on
Mortemis said:Can't even call that shit a perma, dude got his whole existence wiped like he never been here. Dude got the terminator sent back in time to get him got.
ViewtifulJC said:Bout to have some men in black show up in your door like "you don't know Retro_, Retro_ never existed, understand"
CrazyDogg77 said:Shit, niggas on a watch list for just reading that post
DreamDrop said:Sigh. Another watchlist?
Imm0rt4l said:This shit is above all of your pay grades.
MorisUkunRasik said:Everyone go check your bookshelves and make sure Retro isn't sending you morse code.
harSon said:How they going to do Retro_ like Denise Huxtable
MorisUkunRasik said:Retro got poochied. Shame.
harSon said:maybe Retro_ going to re materialize like dr. manhattan
MorisUkunRasik said:I found the last known footage of Retro, watch at your own risk.
ViewtifulJC said:IDK, I think "Judy Winslowing niggas" might be the peak. Gonna work on incorporating that into my daily vocabulary somehow
RIP in peace Retro_, one of my favorite posters. The anime cycle of BCT just got a little smaller.
Trey said:Ma dude is really gone though. Like, no traces.
ViewtifulJC said:went back in time on some Terminator shit, erased the nigga from existence.
I can feel him fading from my memory like Back to the Future
MorisUkunRasik said:Retro is gonna be the Takee in Taken 4, Liam Nesson's gonna get the phone call that Retro was plucked by the hand of God. He's gonna hang up that phone and keep it moving, he doesn't know Retro like that. Roll Credits.
FeenixRising said:What if we all just got sucked into one of those Star Trek alternate timelines? And retro is in the original timeline posting like normal wondering where did the rest of BCT go?
Trey said:The boy Retro gonna be a selectable memory at Rekall.
MorisUkunRasik said:Retro's fighting the white man in heaven now.
CrazyDogg77 said:Dude living the forum version of the Twilight Zone Episode where the guy goes to hell and is just by himself
FeenixRising said:Retro's Inferno.
Crossing the BCT River Stix into the 9 circles of OT hell where he has to fight Storm Chamber in the final circle of damnation in order to ascend back to member status.
Prototype Viktor said:I'm putting the _ on the left side of his name in remembrance well miss you _Retro
MorisUkunRasik said:Fitting that his gaf handle was Retro.
See you, Recent Past cowboy.
Pimps & Simps is the perfect name for the BCT Dungeons & Dragons equivalent
"You are likely to be beaten by a Grue"
how the hell did sn00zer catch the fade?
Whats the fade? Why am I mentioned in the Black culture thread?
You get the Black Friday bundle monica?