Prototype Viktor
Divinity 2 good? I'm intrigued by it.
it's the bee's knee's
i just found a skill called "Appropriation" b/c it's in a area
where white guys took over and killed a sacred tree and cutting it up of some oppressed elves
Divinity 2 good? I'm intrigued by it.
Divinity 2 good? I'm intrigued by it.
My most anticipated. But I really want it for console because my pc is garbage. To your question tho.
It's gotten the best praise so far, and man, from what I know that they put in after 1, this is a must play.
Divinity OS 1 was to set the groundwork for the engine for future games
Divinity OS 2 is to perfect the ability to add systems in. part of but seperate of DOS2 is the toolset they use to make the game and you can then make literally anything else you want from there. so supposedly there's someone trying to make a sci-fi game using the tools
Might be the most under appreciated and misunderstood engine in development for the last 5 years or so. The shit that I'm hearing about what they can do is staggering.
since you're waiting on the console version i doubt it would take long as sliding in a console port easier is also part of the engine design. the a lot of the interface changes once you plug in a controller on PC
Any of you wear Dashiki?
Only during sexy time. Why do you ask?
LMAO.Watching an old nazi movie and found Pewdiepie's cousin
Cool. Hope you like it.I'll check it out, then.
Glad you checked it out.I'm watching this right now because you mentioned it and I saw an ad for it on Instagram. I thought it was a black show because that clip had Method Man talking about it. He looks ridiculous with that wig btw. I'm about fifteen minutes in. Good shit so far.
Method man is everywhereLMAO.
Cool. Hope you like it.
Glad you checked it out.
When he came on screen, I said out loud "Is.... Is that Method Man ?" lol.
Bless2 GOATS
Who's the other one other than Method Man?
Queen CL
It's a hot track though.She lost that title when she dropped a song for my little pony.
She lost that title when she dropped a song for my little pony.
😂Was 50 cent the original mumble rapper?
My mother needs to stop listening to preachers who infused so much political bullshit into their sermons. Bah!
Am I about to catch hands because I like pinapple on my pizza?
This is just one of the many reasons why religion is slowly leaving my personal life among other reasons.
I drifted away from religion as I got older, but not an agnostic or atheist. Political and rich/millionaire preachers and two faced, intolerant Christians is when the disillusion kicked in. I think if Jesus came back, he would be more pissed of at his followers than the people who don't believe in him.
This. I just don't do religion anymore because of stuff like that.
I drifted away from religion as I got older, but not an agnostic or atheist. Political and rich/millionaire preachers and two faced, intolerant Christians is when the disillusion kicked in. I think if Jesus came back, he would be more pissed of at his followers than the people who don't believe in him.
I'm a practicing Christian, and nothing boils my blood like seeing rich pastors prey on their flocks for cash. Jesus explicitly says not to take money from people as a minister because he gave truth to them for free, but peeps just pick and choose what they want.I drifted away from religion as I got older, but not an agnostic or atheist. Political and rich/millionaire preachers and two faced, intolerant Christians is when the disillusion kicked in. I think if Jesus came back, he would be more pissed of at his followers than the people who don't believe in him.
I'm a practicing Christian, and nothing boils my blood like seeing rich pastors prey on their flocks for cash. Jesus explicitly says not to take money from people as a minister because he gave truth to them for free, but peeps just pick and choose what they want.
Jandro are you proud of the jags?
Them Steelers tho
Is it possible he just wants to meet up and talk about Basketball or could there be an opportunity here?
Religion: get that cockstiff dead thing away from me.
My granny nearly damn broke my ass after I told her that as a kid.
These days I basically don't care. I have other things to worry about and only voice my opinion when assholes are trying to use religion to fuck someone instead of bettering themselves. I'm kinda hoarse these days tho -.-
Did you have such a relation prior to this? That you actually hung out and talked shit? If not he wants something from you.
Scratch the Steeler shit, fuck them.
I always knew you were Pontius Pilate reincarnated
How can you be upset at them speaking their piece?
...Let's go back to 2 live Crew.
Uncle Luke, all fun and games
Feenix and I have taken LSC to the next level.
I'm actually worried about you two. One day the combined force you two possess will create a black void, a void no one of us will ever be able to come back from.
All hope lies in Diz and his next sacrifice.
Question ya'll....last year I had a case at work escalated to me because someone wasn't taking care of what the company deemed a VIP client.
I spoke with him rectify his situation and he said I should consider working for his company. We exchanged contact info and spoke briefly over the phone but nothing seemed to come from it. His schedule seemed like it just wouldn't open up.
Fast forward a year later and he hits me up on LinkedIn trying to arrange a coffee sitdown for next week.
Anyone been in this position before? What should I expect? Is it possible he just wants to meet up and talk about Basketball or could there be an opportunity here?
If Zekes and his designer jeans join...