Evening good sir.Mornin' all.
Evening good sir.Mornin' all.
that is one of my raps, screw mumble rap i only do 1 lineI thought you wrote one of your raps on it
Haven't had chapati in years
Good luck man
That'd be double the disaster
Evening good sir.
Deleted all my remaining social media accounts.
Fuck all that 😥
I mean I didn't really fuck with Sabrina either and Annihilation is trash, but of course that's some bullshit. That shit would've been wack and how exactly would old girl be able to fight in the tournament?
Evening Lil sis. Hope life has been treating you well.Yo, yo, Shy.
Little A little B. Just tired of it. Seems like any positives you get from it are immediately out weighed.If I don't have it at least once a week, I suffer internally. Tell your mom to hook you up so you can stop eating nuggets one day.
Yo, yo, Shy.
Over all the politics or is it a lot of little things?
Trying to get some work done, but failing. I'm thinking about leaving the house, but it might be laziness, but I really don't feel like riding my book over somewhere to find a spot to sit down and write. I wish there were places here where black people gathered. I'm usually the only one and if not they might come in for a second and then leave immediately.
Matoke, chapati. Motherland dishes.
Evening good sir.
Deleted all my remaining social media accounts.
Fuck all that ��
Evening Lil sis. Hope life has been treating you well.
Little A little B. Just tired of it. Seems like any positives you get from it are immediately out weighed.
Sounds good. What time should I be over? I'm bringing JD and Vik btw. We got shit to do on the way back.
I would suggest just going outside if it's nice enough. Get some fresh air and all. And that sound terrible that there isn't a place for black to black folks to hang out at for you. Good luck on your work, N.A.T.
All good. Thanks to you.What up, cuz!
That's good to hear.Well enough. Finally gotten into the groove of things with this school stuff, so there's that. Been a decent weekend, as well. Hope the same for you, too.
We're going on tour. We're getting paid!!!!
Nah, it's cloudy like it might rain. I might need to take this laptop anyway.
Thank W for that. Bush made a mess. Can you imagine what Trump would try to do to encourage patriotism?Football didn't even used to be this way that's the funny thing. Until post 9/11 when the military realized they could use it as a marketing tool, unless it was the SB they never showed the anthem during a broadcast. They skipped over it and went to the booth to talk about game matchups.
It's not even Patriot porn, it's all a carefully crafted marketing campaign built on decades of manipulation by the DoD to get kids enlisted through what is essentially propaganda.Thank W for that. Bush made a mess. Can you imagine what Trump would try to do to encourage patriotism?
They used to stay inside for the anthem but flag porn got people really hot and bothered.
I was conflicted about Seattle staying on the inside but i want them to get rid of the idea of standing for the anthem and their patriot porn. I see them as being cowards, not wanting to ruffle feathers. Bitches.
Lord jesus they got Numb, he was suppose to make it out of the hood
Lord jesus they got Numb, he was suppose to make it out of the hood
What happened?
He's taking a break.
I'm onto him. He better run.
BCT Civil War lesgo
BCT Civil War lesgo
Which side is pro-Sonic?I want to be on the other team.
BCT Civil War lesgo
He's taking a break.
I was wondering what happened to him.
That shit big as hell ain't it roy? Anyway great. That's why Badu is my favorite singer.
It's FeenixRising fault. He refused to believe that we where more than two this time so I had to make him go away.
Don't have CCC come to Scandanavia and set things straight...
It's FeenixRising fault. He refused to believe that we where more than two this time so I had to make him go away.
Wonder how much Amazon will be allowed to spread before they have a monopoly on most modern markets. Or we just hit a dystopian future where a delivery company rules over us.
Welcome to your Prime Home, Prime Member, your Prime Delivery is arriving in 20 minutes.
It's FeenixRising fault. He refused to believe that we where more than two this time so I had to make him go away.
Shy Discovery is awesome so far, they put some money into it.
I'm fuming about this.