From what perspective is a "liberal' actually liberal?
From a conservative view, what is the difference in governance? From a immigrant view how does this work in social interaction, jobs, pay range, health care, equality?
From a Black person anywhere around the world, what is a liberal?
What is liberal other than "not a conservative ?" You can still be the worst on the planet and be "liberal" because all you have to do is say that you are.
And if you're not conservative, in a conservative founded racist ass sex confused and orientation obsessed nation, then what are you?
What are you doing, and what defines you?
You're not wrong to question it. Hell, that's the complex part especially on here. I call myself liberal and do things like contact my senators about actually implementing progressive policies. I actually am willing to and do fight back against homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, and racism in my day today. I actually cut out people from my life with regressive ideals and have no time to even entertain people who want to "just ask questions" about the rights and humanity of others. I call myself liberal but in a way, I have to be as a black bisexual. I don't have the luxury of categorizing myself any other way but then it becomes clear I share this label with people who either don't have to or don't participate in these battles. It becomes clear that that label can't be enough for me anymore.
They're "liberal" because they're atheists who simply see themselves in opposition to the GOP's exaggerated and cartoonish villainy. They're not actively trying to destroy people but neither are they in any way invested in actively helping people beyond a surface level. When I talk about Milo and Breitbart and Nazis it's because my life is on the line but since theirs is not, they get to act high and mighty accusing people like me who have zero tolerance for things like Nazi assembly and "debates" on Bill Maher as being "unreasonable" or "out of line". Because their only perspective for evil is the GOP, they equate passion and fervor as the characteristics of "the bad kind" of intolerance. To them, being liberal is about always being chill and granting weight to all arguments and never getting angry or protesting because they believe the battles for equality were won long ago and we minorities just need to sit and wait patiently and laugh at the "flaccid" efforts of Nazis and the alt-right. They don't see this as a battle for people's lives & livelihoods but, well, funnily enough, just one giant forum argument. It's a political party of smug self-satisfaction in their heads. It's the party of never actually having to do anything or put forth any effort. Now tech giants can say they're liberal and shake hands with people like Milo. No longer is a liberal expected to actually have boots on the ground or to actually be outspoken in how they don't tolerate even a cutesy flirtation with bigotry. All you have to do is post some articles about how "Trump is a dum dum" and people will belive you're a liberal if you say you are. These same people have co-opted "progressive" as well so even that's tainted.
Heck, I don't even know if I'm articulating well. It's just that the number of articles like this that make it clear the other side isn't interested in good faith debate or reasonable discussion and is using manipulation and subversion to amass an army of people who will help them disenfranchise and destroy minorities is past the double digits just for this year. And yet, I know the next time people assemble to make sure Richard Spencer or Milo don't get a single word out of their slimy mouths, there will be "liberals" who act like that kind of display is some sort of moral affront rather than the war it is. Effort and passion will be pegged as something that's "annoying" or "unnecessary" or even "dangerous" because of the specter of naughty ol' antifa. It's bullshit. From now on, my allies will be the people who are ready and fucking eager to be right there to shut people llike Richard Spencer, Milo and all the other Nazis down.