Neo Member
Let's not do that here now.
We have a discord for celebrations.
As leaky as it is.......
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But Mrs. Manky, "He had an African American friend"! This has to be some sort of accident created by many sides.
Wow. Mumei went in.
No. 😏
Kreed plz.
I highly doubt the few "conservatives" that even said terrorist or surpremacist words would have if the victim wasn't white woman reminding them they have daughtersSo. First of all, fuck the Nazis, fuck the white supremacists, fuck those who would give them shelter under the guise of whataboutism or whatever.
Second of all, the victim of the terrorist car attack is a white woman, Heather Heyer (RIP). Shit just might get real, because this is the Year of the White Woman (as I have previously said).
Third of all, the Nazi murderer is originally from Kentucky but is a resident of Ohio (Maumee, I believe). So don't go on about it just being the South. This asshole drove down from my state to do dirt. Fuck him.
And yeah, Nazis are sexist, so they are mostly sending out their men for protests. The women stay home, raise the babies to be racist, and ask to speak to managers while rocking the 53% haircut like Cersei.
Fuck off Trump. Only saying this now because of the backlash.
Trump showed his true colors long ago. He's not fooling a soul.
The pastor at my church gave some serious shade at nazis and Trump today.
”The president said very strongly in his statement yesterday that he condemns all forms of violence, bigotry, and hatred, and of course that includes white supremacists, KKK, neo-Nazi, and all extremist groups,"
I think we all do at this point. Man had a way with words, a good heart and the best damn person you could meet. Obama deserves a rest though, he truly earned it after all he went through.
THIS. I'm tired of the "say something, Mr. Obama", "please come back, Mr. Obama", "we need you, Mr. Obama" bullshit.
He told you what you needed to do. The country didn't listen. It's on you now.
There was a dude at my barbershop spouting this nonsense. I remember him saying black people invented buddishm as well.
THIS. I'm tired of the "say something, Mr. Obama", "please come back, Mr. Obama", "we need you, Mr. Obama" bullshit.
He told you what you needed to do. The country didn't listen. It's on you now.
But they will forever wait for his intro music to play and he comes running into the ringSay it again, he ain't going to come back so folks can get their bonafides by calling him everything but his given name
Afternoon fam
Good morning.
Morning BCT.
Evening chums.fuck. Mornin' all.
Violence is bad y'all. We must not lose the moral high ground to nazis.
THIS. I'm tired of the "say something, Mr. Obama", "please come back, Mr. Obama", "we need you, Mr. Obama" bullshit.
He told you what you needed to do. The country didn't listen. It's on you now.
My goal for 2017 remains the same, just make it to Black Panther
Black Panther...that's gonna be amazing. Also a theatre really needs a all black showing.
Just learned how we gotta stop these Nazis, gotta win that hearts and minds game people.
I mean, it's not like we us black folks have been extending the olive branch for who knows how long and have it get snapped in two right in front of us.
It's not like we've been protesting the horrors we endure to the name calling, shaming and horrible comparisons to fucking Nazis by people who could give a damn about us.
I mean, it's not like we been trying to hold back our anger and rage at the people responsible because they hold all the racist as fuck cards.
I mean, it's not like we've been doing all that as the nation we know now is showing its true form and we finally realize the time for non violent protest is out the window.
But gotta win that hearts and minds game though.
Kaep did everything right and got blackballed for it. They ain't slick.
Just learned how we gotta stop these Nazis, gotta win that hearts and minds game people.
I mean, it's not like we us black folks have been extending the olive branch for who knows how long and have it get snapped in two right in front of us.
It's not like we've been protesting the horrors we endure to the name calling, shaming and horrible comparisons to fucking Nazis by people who could give a damn about us.
I mean, it's not like we been trying to hold back our anger and rage at the people responsible because they hold all the racist as fuck cards.
I mean, it's not like we've been doing all that as the nation we know now is showing its true form and we finally realize the time for non violent protest is out the window.
But gotta win that hearts and minds game though.
Feels like you been hearing the same thing for the last 150 years huh?
Just be a good little negro, keep your head down, keep your nose clean, and no harm will come to you.
Do good, do bad, do nothing. The end result is the same. If you're brown, your life is cheap and meaningless to wider swath of this country's population than folk are comfortable admitting.
Sounds like a solid plan.My goal for 2017 remains the same, just make it to Black Panther
hustlemen all over the country gonna sell the real copy of the movie and not the bootleg
hmm someone told me the new hotness excuse is "they aren't nazis because they're just posers compared to the real nazis"
i'm starting to think that this whole punch a nazi thing should be only white people doing the punching for a temporary time period
They need to clean up their own mess for once.
Let's hope they actually do clean it up or we gotta get involved. And they'll be clutching their pearls for sure when we get involved.
Ok, slow down there. While I know that they ain't gonna do shit unless they are under those tires themselves, let's not be saying ok, we need to do it for them. That's never worked out for us.
You're talking like you wanna do Charlie Manson's work for him too.