Yeah also like the alien stuff as far fetched as this will sound before I explain. Is just easier to register. Yes there are still large faiths in this world, but future alien technology is still easier to register.You can classify that as something so far advanced that you can't comprehend it. At the end of the day someone could make that, it would be hard for any human before that point to make alien tech, but you can make it. it is a sense more practical.
Marvel up until you get to like... the living tribunal , tech and magic are kind of more separate than they would like you to believe. Yeah they would classify Thor as an " alien" but people.. like pray to Thor, and he hears them and he answers. While yes you can classify asgard as a planet its still the mythical tales of old. Eventually you get to levels where like magic and tech are A thing, but that doesn't happen in marvel for a while. Magic folks in marvel have always been this weird seedy underbelly even Doc Strange himself.
Also the world of marvel kind of just sometimes refuses to acknowlege or explain magical elements. There are fucking windegos and Vampires running around, but no one at shield has ever decided to confront that issue. And there's shit like Ghost RIder and fucking Doctor Strange can't even explain that shit. " I ain't fucking with that thing, nah"
This is opposed to like DC where there super heroes and magical shit is just like ingrained. So many easily identifiable JL members can have their powers explained by " i was gifted some magic shit" / " i was born magical" and with people like WW just in the UN this allows for magical things to be seen and understood and ingrained into society. Normal super heroes and villains can be magical . So the notion of " a magic cult" pops in DC its a bit less far fetched.
This isn't mentioning how Folks like Dr.Strange Can do some bleach shit and fight on a different reality version of the reality they are on where people can't fucking comprehend the things happening around them. In marvel magic is a lot more... hidden.
To me it always seemed like Marvel was separated into three categories:
Science, which does shit that we'd consider to be magic but in their world can be explained through having extra elements on the periodic table and infinite money.
Alien (or Science Magic), which most earth people and street level Marvel people regard as magic but to higher ups it's just far more advanced science and could be broken down into scientific terms
And magic which can't be explained beyond its magical title by anyone and shit just kinda happens.
So something like Stark's stuff and most Marvel heroes origins would be in the science section, Asgard would be in the science magic, and the Panther God along with Mephisto's ability to conjure infinite pants would be in the magic magic.
I think Galactus kinda goes through all three since his origins come from a (somewhat) explainable place but he's considered a natural phenomena at this point, which puts him in the magic category as well but what he's doing can also be explained through super science so he's also part of the science magic category.
I think the MCU does a good job of distinguishing between science magic and OH CRAP THIS IS SOME FUCKIN' MAGIC. Nothing in Doctor Strange is explained. The most explanation you get is that the eye of agamotto is an infinity stone and other dimension baatteries, and that's about it. In the rest of the MCU the explanation is usually "this is just some element or tech that we've never seen. Here let me just plug it into this USB 3.0."
In DC, Science goes all the way to the top of the tier list. There's still magic but you don't need it explained if you're science enough.