They've already been establishing what Han and Lando are up to post-ROTJ. Han basically retired as a New Republic general and is racing starships.
Lando helps Luke track down the Jedi hunter from TROS. There was a larger story to that that JJ Abrams cut out and changed with reshoots. Originally, Lando had a daughter (Jannah) that he was staying on Pasanna to wait for (it mirrored Rey wanting to stay on Jakku to wait for her parents), explaining that the First Order came for the children of the Rebellion and his daughter was one taken. But JJ got chicken and wanted to play it safe so that line of dialog on Pasanna was cut and the "Well lets find out" scene between Lando and Jannah was added in reshoots.
So? Doesn't mean they can't take the time off to check on the news that Boba Fett has returned. For Han it would be personal since Fett was one of the many bounty hunters Jabba sent after him. Lando too I imagine would be concerned since he was one of those involved in Boba getting swallowed by the Sarlacc Pit.
Again, this is just pure speculation on my part, but there's no reason to think the writers can't come up with scenarios like these. But I definitely don't want repeated cameos from OT characters to distract people from the new ones. We don't want a repeat of Tarkin from
Rogue One.
ehhhhh disagree
he's more like George Miller than anybody
makes kids schlock so he can make cool stuff like alita and sin city
Rodriguez is such a hit and miss director for me. Never watched any of his kids movies, but his regular stuff ranges from either entertaining to awful. His debut
El Mariachi was a fucking good for a movie made on a budget of $20,000. It's sequel,
Desperado, was a bit of a downgrade despite the bigger budget, but still mindless fun.
Once Upon a Time in Mexico was fucking awful though, as was
From Dusk till Dawn.
This has been my experience with his filmography. For every good film he makes, such as
Planet Terror and
Sin City, he can make dumb schlock like
Machete (it was way better as a trailer).
Alita Battle Angel was awesome though, but I think that has more to do with it being really James Cameron's project that he agreed to direct.
The dude put himself through medical drug trials just to get enough money to pay for his first movie.
He literally suffered for his art. I have mad respect at him for that.