This show was a real mixed bag. It wasn't without any redeeming value but the whole thing was clumsy and fell short of my expectations, especially after how good Mandalorian was.
The best parts were Mando Season 2.5 stuff. A lot of the action was silly and cartoony. The premise itself didn't make much sense, it seems to me Fett didn't even WANT Jabba's old job. Like maybe he should have taken the job of the mayor instead, and then cleaned up everyone that was like Jabba. He didn't want to be a crime lord, so why take over a criminal organization? The motive shifted from (supposedly) control of smuggling money to protecting the people of Tatooine. TBH I don't even understand why Fett gives a crap about Tatooine in the first place. Beyond the already dead Tusken Raiders that "saved" him lol.
What really brought this show over the edge from tolerable SW filler to actively bad was the cyberpunk speeder bike gang. My god they were so horrible. It pains me that I can't watch the awesome Luke part in ep6 without it cutting to the scene with them around the holo table, to force a reminder what I'm really watching.
It had some good parts and a lot of fan service, but it eventually came across as layering on fan service to cheaply cover a lame show. As someone who was a fan of Boba Fett since the old days and liked his parts in the bounty hunter/jabba's palace books, I don't think they did him justice here. Disney wanted him to be a "good guy" with Jabba's job I guess...somehow.
That being said, I can at least watch it and respect its place in the story, unlike the sequel trilogy which simply doesn't exist in my personal canon at all lol.