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The brilliance that is The Twilight Zone...

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Several episodes this morning on sci-fi. Is it just me or has anyone else been utterly amazed by the quality of writing that went into this show? There'll never be anything as good on TV...


One of those shows where, because they had no budget, they had to have a good screenplay to make it work. Once you watch a bunch of episodes in a row there's a pretty obvious formula to them (Futurama makes fun of this in a running joke), but the writing for those shows was always pretty good.

And not to detail the thread, but Twilight Zone: The Movie rules. John Landis, George Miller, Joe Dante, and Steven Spielberg direct segments.
Yeah I just watched the last three episodes (Monsters are Due on Maple Street, Willoughby, and A Penny For Your Thougnts). I'll watch the next one too. Do they run this much TWZ every Friday? It seems kind of odd to be showing so much with the Jly 4th marathon right around the corner (that is unless this is a regular thing).


Best ride ever.


Console Market Analyst
The episode airing now, "5 Characters In search of an exit", is probably my favorite TZ.

It inspired the film "Cube".
Interesting factoid.

The intro that was just shown ("It's a Good Life") starts out "Tonight's episode of The Twilight Zone is unique, it calls for a different sort of intorduction. This as you my recognize..."

This same clip is used in the pre-show for The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror ride. The show goes on and Rod continues "a map of the United States."

The ride cuts out and continues with a voice over "a maintence service elevator, still in service... and waiting for you." It's amazing, because it cuts from actual dialogue of Rod Serling to a guy doing a dead-ringer impression. The same guy's voice is used on the ride.

It's notable that in the new California version of the ride the pre-show is the same but the on-ride voiceover is done by a different voice actor who's impression is really off (well, to me it's reall off. He sounds somewhat like Rod but not exactly like the other guy can do it).
Heads up, this mini-marathon is on until 4pm eastern. Here's the lineup:

2:30 - To Serve Man
3:00 - Time Enough at Last
3:30 - Eye of the Beholder

Jesus Christ, they are showing all the absolutly fantastic episodes.


I love the Twilight Zone... I have a companion book that has every episode detailed... really good stuff...
Prospero said:
One of those shows where, because they had no budget, they had to have a good screenplay to make it work. Once you watch a bunch of episodes in a row there's a pretty obvious formula to them (Futurama makes fun of this in a running joke), but the writing for those shows was always pretty good.

And not to detail the thread, but Twilight Zone: The Movie rules. John Landis, George Miller, Joe Dante, and Steven Spielberg direct segments.

Futurama does a great bit in the episode where Lela gets a second eyeball. It's a dead ringer parody for Eye of the Beholder in the scene where they remove the bandages.


keep your strippers out of my American football
My favorite episode was the one where the guy loved to read above everything else and he got locked in a bank vault while a nuclear war wiped out the population. Then he gets out and has all the time in the world to read.

Then he breaks his glasses and then can't read anything


Ok, Ill toss in mine, I saw it many, many yeras ago so I don't remeberit exactly but back then it freaked me out:

Its the one where in a town people new the secret to life, and when they whispered what it was to a character in said town he went mad. In the end the whole place is full of madmen and they are all chasing the main character to tell him the secret.


keep your strippers out of my American football
CrisKre said:
Ok, Ill toss in mine, I saw it many, many yeras ago so I don't remeberit exactly but back then it freaked me out:

Its the one where in a town people new the secret to life, and when they whispered what it was to a character in said town he went mad. In the end the whole place is full of madmen and they are all chasing the main character to tell him the secret.

I never saw that one, it sounds awesome though.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I used to watch this show religiously every time the sci-fi channel did the TZ marathon during holidays. But it gets old for me. After a while, it's just too formulaic. A lot of interesting plots and premises, though. I remember when I was a kid, one that totally freaked me out was the episode with the wax figures in that guy's basement. It gave me nightmares.
My high school english teacher would have us watch a Twilight Zone episode every Friday.
I remember the first one he showed was "An Occurance At Owl Creek Bridge."

Props to you Mr. Bailey, the coolest teacher I ever had.

I remember the first day of class he explained that he was one of many people that wrote letters to parents of dead soldiers in Vietnam. He talked about how he would write glorious stories of their son dying in battle, when in actuality, the guy had lost it and commited suicide. Then one day while out in the field, his whole crew got cut down by gunfire, and he was the only one alive. He said he whispered to God that if he were to live, he'd go back home and become a teacher.
ZootedGranny said:
My high school english teacher would have us watch a Twilight Zone episode every Friday.
I remember the first one he showed was "An Occurance At Owl Creek Bridge."

Heh, what's funny is one of my HS English teachers showed us the exact same one.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
It's a shame Rod Serling chain-smoked and died young because he has one of my favorite voices in all of TV-dom.

It's something I especially love with the Twilight Zone pinball machine, even though it's already a classic in itself:

"You unlock this door with the key of imagination"
"Deal with the devil at your own risk... in the Twilight Zone"
"Player one... not an ordinary game, nor an ordinary player"
DarthWufei said:
Heh, what's funny is one of my HS English teachers showed us the exact same one.

"An Occurance at Owl Creek Bridge" isn't even technically an episode of The Twilight Zone. It's actually a French film that won some sort of award. It sorta worked as a TWZ story so they just brought it over and slapped a Twilight Zone intro on it. Great episode though.

Edit: As far as TWZ in school goes in 7th grade we read the screenplay to The Monsters are Due on Maple Street and later watched the episode. In 8th grade we read the screenplay and watched that episode where the guy gets zapped back to the Civil War era, the episode name escapes me currently.


aka The Hound
CrisKre said:
Ok, Ill toss in mine, I saw it many, many yeras ago so I don't remeberit exactly but back then it freaked me out:

Its the one where in a town people new the secret to life, and when they whispered what it was to a character in said town he went mad. In the end the whole place is full of madmen and they are all chasing the main character to tell him the secret.

I'm not sure, but I think that might have been the new (1980's) Twilight Zone, or maybe Amazing Stories. It pissed me off when I saw it because I wanted to know what the goddamn secret was!


Lol, I figured there would be another thread thanks to that sweet mini-marathon. Man was that some good stuff, I watched everyone, then passed out when the last ep came on. Those were all some excellent eps.

Aside from the excellents plots and twist endings, one of the coolest things about Twilight Zone is seeing so many actors when they were young and just started. I almost died when I saw the grandpa from Problem Child in that robot ep.
One of my all time favorite shows. The one with the mini space men who attack the old woman used to scare the hell out of me as a kid. Love that show.

Its a cookbook!!!

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
BojTrek said:
I love the Twilight Zone... I have a companion book that has every episode detailed... really good stuff...

The guy who wrote that book was on Coast to Coast with George Norrie(sp?) tonight. I was listening to it one my way home from work.


You're on a tour through a region of mystery; a scenic route through a state park known as the human mind.

You ask a passer-by for directions, only to find he has no face... or something.

Suddenly up ahead, a door in the road...

...you swerve, narrowly avoiding The Scary Door.


You are now boarding a domestic flight into the unknown, the unknown that is the human mind.

After finishing your second bag of peanuts you look on the wing and see a gremlin,
or prehaps William Shatner, maybe it's both.

You make for the emergency exit only to find its really... The Scary Door.
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