The Britney Spears meltdown and conservatorship saga.

Scotty W

Vulture magazine published an article in November 2022 on the #freeBritney movement. Partway through, we meet this sentence about her behavior in 2006-2008:

“Britney married her backup dancer, had two children in quick succession, divorced the backup dancer, and became what the press called erratic and unstable and, very often, crazy, though to many people later on, she looked like a person going through her 20s.”

I did not pay close attention to the Britney saga while it was going on, but it was impossible not to be aware what was happening simply by virtue of omnipresent web, tv and magazine coverage. Nonetheless, I feel like I am the only person who remembers that time, and what I remember is thinking “She is going to die any day now.”

But she didn’t, thanks to the conservatorship. If you go back and look at articles published during that time— and for years afterward— you will see the press refer to this period as a “downward spiral” and the conservatorship as a good thing.

Here is the thesis: the press hounded her to the point of madness and into the conservatorship, then when it became convenient for them, they changed themselves into her liberator.

In fact, as late as 2019, tmz, of all people, was claiming that her former manager Sam Lutfi, who assisted her greatly on her downward spiral, and who had been fighting the conservatorship for over a decade was responsible for the #FreeBritney movement.

Let’s back up and get some context. Of you look at Britney’s dating history, a pattern emerges.

Justin Timberlake- worked together on the Mickey Mouse Club. She cheated on JT with her choreographer. Then, as legend has it, Fred Durst. She married a childhood friend named Jason Alexander in Las Vegas for 55 hours before getting the marriage annulled (this is an exception to the pattern, also, remember this guy). She married Kevin Federline, her backup dancer for two years and had 2 children with him. Next, during her darkest period, she dated a paparazzo named Adnan Ghalib and (apparently) her Svengali like ‘manager’ Sam Lutfi. Then her agent, a lawyer and a TV exec son, before finally meeting her current husband, Sam Asghari, when he was a backup dancer in one of her videos.

The pattern is that nearly everyone is someone involved in her career or the entertainment industry. She has little to no life outside the media. Gwyneth Paltrow hit the nail in the head, saying: 'Look at what they've done to Britney. The paparazzi and magazines have blood on their hands. They literally made her go insane.’

‘She's got classic Stockholm Syndrome she fell in love with a paparazzo and went insane. The photographers and the editors of these magazines have such bad karma. It's pretty dark.'

For context, check out this video filmed just days before the conservatorship began.

These people! They are worse than wolves! (Side note: Britney had been named the worst celebrity dog owner a year before this video).
If you watch any video from around this time, you will see the same: adulation, mockery, attempts to show pity for her and never ending flash photography. And she had a symbiotic push/pull relationship with these people- rather than escaping she both fed the wolves and tried to beat them back. In any case, every moment in her meltdown needs to be thought of as having been attended by unrelenting flashing lights.

So let’s look at her breakdown.

At the start of 2006 was a minor event that drew endless criticism. Due to the difficulty caused by the swarm of paparazzi she found it difficult to put her baby in his booster seat, so she put him in her lap as she drove. A similar event would occur several months later, followed by a stumble while holding her baby. This led to very intense criticism of her as a mother, which she and K-Fed (her husband) would bizarrely mock in an awards show video:

You may recall, but the media absolutely HATED Kevin Federline, and so people were overjoyed when she broke up with him by text message just weeks after the birth of her second child. You can actually see the moment it happened in November 2007.

After this, time seems to speed up. Days later, she began to party with Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton- heavy cocaine users according to Steve O. Days later she was removed from a strip club after getting up on stage.

On January 3, 2007, she wrote a gushing note for her fans. A day or 2 later, she and K-Fed came to a custody agreement regarding their children, which she would gradually lose out on. An aunt who she was quite close to died during this time too.

The next month, February, she went to rehab for a day before checking out. The very next day is the famous shaving head incident.

Followed by the famous umbrella incident.

From the video description: “Just days after shaving her head, Britney Spears went to Kevin Federline's house in the San Fernando Valley around 7 pm and rang the bell at his gate three times with no answer. She was so frustrated that when her assistant stopped the car, Britney grabbed an umbrella and went after our photographers.”

The golden thread running through a lot of this is her children. Remember, this is 2 months after her second child was born, she was probably going through postpartum depression. There is a kind of self generating reciprocity going on throughout all this: she was definitely not in a good place before her child was born, but she has post partum after he was born, which leads to wild behavior, which leads to her losing her rights with her children, which leads to more crazy behavior and so on.

In May 2007 she met Sam Lutfi in a nightclub. From the Dailymail:

Lutfi told jurors how he met Spears at a nightclub in May 2007 and said she struck up a conversation by asking him if she could have his hat.

He said he told her no. 'She liked that. She doesn't get told "no" often. So it was refreshing to hear "no" once. We started talking, hit it off and she started calling and texting me. We hung out and became friends,' he said.

He then became her manager and (apparently) her fiance (it is difficult to tell). It seems that he played an extremely dark game with her. He told her that he was going to get her clean and keep her away from drugs. At the same time, Britney’s mother Lynne claimed in a book that Lufti was crushing up pills and putting them in Britney’s food to keep her in a stupor. Apparently a lot of the videos of Britney going out late at night and acting strangely are his doing. Word has it that he used to coordinate with the paparazzi.

At the same time, she also started dating a paparazzo named Adnan Galib, who had been selected to photograph her. I have never been able to figure out the connection between Lutfi and Ghalib. Even when this was all going down it seemed like she was switching between them day by day. There are conflicting reports as to why they broke up. According to some sources, Ghalib was coordinating with the press for photo opportunities for a big payday.

According to other sources, she caught him cheating on her in March 2008, AFTER the conservatorship had started. Then “Britney Spears is said to have reconciled with ex-boyfriend Adnan Ghalib because she fears him releasing a secret sex tape, MailOnline has been told.”

But this is months after the conservatorship has started. Let’s go back to that.

In the early days of 2008, she was being called into depositions about child custody, and not showing up. On January 3rd, her sons were visiting her. K-Fed’s bodyguard came to pick them up. According to People:

“She had already put Preston in the car when Britney locked herself in a room with Jayden,” says the source. “The cops came and got through the door and tied her down to a gurney.”

A lot of strange stuff seems to have continued to go on in January 2008 until the end of the month. Tmz: “Last night, Britney's new psychiatrist went to her home and felt she was a danger to herself and others -- partly because of her reckless driving and partly because of her "downhill behavior." As a result, the shrink launched a plan (days in the making) to have Britney committed to UCLA Medical Center by calling the cops.”

The conservatorship began the next day, and Sam Lutfi was forced out of her life with a restraining order, as he continued to stalk her. It must be pointed out that Sam Lutfi was also involved in Amanda Bynes’ nervous breakdown in 2014, that Courtney Love got a restraining order against him in 2018 and that Britney got another restraining order against him in 2019.

This was a personal conservatorship, a financial conservatorship began some time later.

In all this, if you watch even the supposed crazy videos, she never acts insane. She always maintains her composure, except for the umbrella attack, which is a single moment of much deserved frustration.

What I get the sense of is a disintegration of soul. She didn’t snap, the nerve dissolved under prolonged stress. She is a shell of her former self. It not that she is mad, it is that she is incapable of not getting swept up in the madness. If you pay attention to her online activity even today, something still seems wrong.

I don’t know if it was necessary to keep her in her conservatorship indefinitely, but the demonization of her family seems unnecessary. I recall seeing a story talking about her father living in a “luxury motorhome.

This story claims he was taking about 16,000$ a month. But compare with this story from tmz:

Jamie also says he's "dutifully and faithfully served as the Conservator of his daughter's Estate without any blemishes on his record." He goes on to say when he came on board, the Estate was in debt and facing 10's of millions of dollars in lawsuit, and he turned it around, so it's now $60+ million strong.

Britney has come out very strongly against her family. She is furious. I think she is feeding off of social media, just like she fed off of the media. There is definitely an argument to be made that the conservatorship should not have gone on so long, but the idea that it should not have begun in the first place is just wrong. The entire media said the conservatorship saved her until it occurred to the media to save her from the conservatorship.


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hide your water-based mammals
I'm not completely knocking your effort but I thought this was new news not some recycled thing that needed to be put together that you can read on wikipedia. I don't really know what the topic creator does outside of here but this is far from the most productive thing you can do and really is a waste of space. The topic reads like the Wikipedia in itself with information about somebody that doesn't care about any of us nor is it anything new. If there is some new bits in there that bothered to get to l, it is so long that it makes it even more unimportant.


She's trailer park trash and always has been.
*High class white trash, get it right buddy!

On topic though, the black and white view so many people take on this is perplexing. It's blatantly obvious the conservatorship was necessary at the time, but it obviously went on too long. She has to be able to succeed or fail on her own accord at some point, she's an adult.
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I was sort of a fan back then but never got behind #freeBritney. Her behavior at the time (including the incident you posted of Britney crying alone) was the reason. I also recall Lynn stating to the court that Sam Lufti had privately threatened her that he would piss on her daughter's grave. Britney trusted this man like he was her savior. She's unwell and I'm not sure if there's anyone other than her family who might have her best interest at heart.
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Hermen Hulst Fanclub's #1 Member
I liked Britney before, but when she came to Mexico, she did a great rudeness to my country... From there I don't like her anymore.
This uncovered a memory of an alternative explanation of why Brittany shaved her head. My source is my college girlfriend, who was friends of friends with Brittany's hairstylist, so take this with a grain of salt:

Apparently, Brittany shaved her head as she was going to be required to take a drug test in order to get custody of her kids. No hair = no hair to be used for drug test.

Now that I'm thinking about this critically for the first time in 10+ years, don't drugs stay in your hair follicles, so really, you'd want to wax to rip your hair out by the root?

Anyway, it's a rumor. Maybe Scotty W can verify


Gold Member
I don’t think theirs any great conspiracy, just someone who got hooked on drugs at a young age and continued to have drug problems for the rest of her life.

Sorry Keanu Reeves GIF

Scotty W

This uncovered a memory of an alternative explanation of why Brittany shaved her head. My source is my college girlfriend, who was friends of friends with Brittany's hairstylist, so take this with a grain of salt:

Apparently, Brittany shaved her head as she was going to be required to take a drug test in order to get custody of her kids. No hair = no hair to be used for drug test.

Now that I'm thinking about this critically for the first time in 10+ years, don't drugs stay in your hair follicles, so really, you'd want to wax to rip your hair out by the root?

Anyway, it's a rumor. Maybe Scotty W can verify
I think I saw something about this. It seems to be associated with Sam Lutfi’s effort to get her clean. Problem is, she shaved her head before she met him. With that said, it is probably not impossible, as she checked in and out of rehab one day prior, and seems to have gone back again shortly thereafter.

Also there are some interviews with her stylist out there. Apparently, Lutfi was harassing Britney thru her. Also worth noting that Britney shaved her head at the tattoo artist’s shop, you can see it in one of the above videos.

I'm not completely knocking your effort but I thought this was new news not some recycled thing that needed to be put together that you can read on wikipedia.
The point is in some sense to be writing and researching anything. You are not completely correct about Wikipedia though. They have really toned down the insanity of that time. A big part of my interest was in the fact that it has become taboo to say that the conservatorship was necessary. The quote from Vulture at the start drove me to it.


Nice write up. Even though I'm pretty in the dark concerning all things celebrities and what have you.

Like Ionian Ionian once said I've been living under a rock concerning pop culture.

The mere psychological aspects/weird behaviour and what not are very fascinating. Especially regarding these titans of said culture. Always reminds me MK Ultra esque stuff happening to those super "stars" resulting in alters etc. Programming breaking down at certain moments causing abnormal behaviour..
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Lil’ Gobbie
Honestly didn't read most of that but I do wonder what happened to her. The videos she posts on social media are just so fucking strange, horror movie type shit. I wonder if she overdosed or attempted suicide at some point that resulted in some sort anoxic brain injury and that's why they were able to get conservatorship. Cognitively something must have happened, something ain't right
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Honestly didn't read most of that but I do wonder what happened to her. The videos she posts on social media are just so fucking strange, horror movie type shit. I wonder if she overdosed or attempted suicide at some point that resulted in some sort anoxic brain injury and that's why they were able to get conservatorship. Cognitively something must have happened, something ain't right
I tend to think so too, but then I also imagine it could just be fame + any type of overmedication or drug abuse.

I think it’s really hard to imagine how odd the world would seem if you were that famous.
It would just change your perspective on reality, I imagine. Everyone seeming as if they are literally magnetized to you.

Then I imagine it while on drugs, especially the psychedelic kind, and then the idea of going loopy sort of makes sense.
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