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The Business of Anime.

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"Planet Tokyo's Talking Anime Business Blues is a great roundup and analysis of recent articles detailing the behind the scenes aspects of the anime business. By all accounts 99% of Japanese anime never makes it to America. Some of the arguments why might surprise you. There are still many in the industry who believe that fan subs are killing the anime market in the US."
Make no mistakes about it, fansubs are killing the anime market for the US. If you don't believe me, think about just how many anime DVDs have you purchased recently compared to the number of shows you've downloaded for free. I for one will admit I haven't bought any of the shows I've watched fansubbed yet. Now I would like to think that the reason for this is because none of them have been released yet, and when DearS and Girls Bravo come out this summer I'm going to buy them. But since that hasn't happened yet, I can't really claim I will really do so. Sometimes I begin to doubt that I will.
http://www.planettokyo.com/news/index.cfm/fuseaction/story/ID/15/ :)


If it came down to it, I'd be willing to pay for a subscription service to access all that anime... but yeah, no, not paying 30$ for 4 episodes when I can get what I want for free.
If you don't believe me, think about just how many anime DVDs have you purchased recently compared to the number of shows you've downloaded for free.

None, and none.

I don't like to watch stuff on my computer when I've got a nice surround sound system and big ass Sony TV to watch it on.

Haven't bought any anime because I can't afford it. And it's only going to be the rest of Bible Black and Angel Blade anyhow. :p

I dunno - perhaps our society's preposterous sense of entitlement to these products is the cause of my immense guilt complex? :lol

I don't think it helps any that most of the anime coming out I would watch is just a verbatim translation of the manga, with crappier art. Manga's cheaper to boot.


I don't think anime is a high quality enough product for people to want to spend "thousands of dollars" on a particular series. If they kill fansubs they would be killing their fanatic fanbase which is all that's driving the anime buisness in the US right now. Double-edged sword.

Anyway, hearing of talented animators making 200k a year made my day :)


Ok, so in Japan, fansubs are shown for free on TV...
On the internet we download the same quality shows for free....

In Japan, people buy anime related (not only DVDs) products and anime makers go wohoo...
On the internet we don't. Wha?

If they gave anime the same treatment in the western world as in Japan it would sell better. TV is just a medium, like the internet, the rest is up to them.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
loxy said:
I don't think anime is a high quality enough product for people to want to spend "thousands of dollars" on a particular series. If they kill fansubs they would be killing their fanatic fanbase which is all that's driving the anime buisness in the US right now. Double-edged sword.
Back when I wrote about video games full-time, I thought that game fans were all nuts. Now that I write about anime and manga, I know better.


Drexon said:
Ok, so in Japan, fansubs are shown for free on TV...
On the internet we download the same quality shows for free....

When you download anime on the internet there isn't any revenue going to the copyright holder. TV =/= the internet by any stretch of the imagination.


Honestly, I would buy more anime DVDs if they were reasonably priced. Let's compare. I get a full season of the Simpsons for $35 if I don't wait for any sale, I believe. To get an equal number of episodes of anime would cost me something like four times that. Buying my first true anime love, Ranma 1/2, in its entirety would cost me about $800. There's just no way that I'm going to spend that much, whether or not it's available for download. If I didn't have all of the Ranma episodes downloaded and all of the torrents died, I would live my life in a sad, Ranma-less world. If the seasons(seven, I believe) were priced competitively - say at $300 or so - I would strongly consider picking them all up.


Has problems recognising girls
If I am given the choice to download anime, I will do it. If the quality is worth the purchase, I will buy it.

My main beef towards it all is due to the rental system I grew up in back when anime was rare as fuck to find with VHS. Back when I had to resort to downloading a fansub in .rm that took 2 hours or so to grab on modem and that was my first venture into subtitled anime.

These days I constantly say to my girlfriend that it's so weird walking into a video store and seeing columns just full of anime DVDs because I'm still not used to it, and I should rent them or what have you, but why rent out something which I've seen months - even a year before?

I know I just sound like an old record, and they say the exact same things about the movie industry as well as the games industry.. but the real problem lies in the people that manipulate it all. On ebay recently a friend of mine told me about a guy selling a PC-Engine rom set, stating it was legal under some silly US law. People gain profit from selling movies and fansubs constantly. That's what kills the industry and those are the ones who are first dealt with.


If coporate releases werent so painfully overpriced they wouldnt have this problem and thats not even taking into account the horrible dubs that usually plauge american releases, the content edits that always happen and even subs that are sometimes inferior to their fanmade counterparts.

they shouldnt blame fansubs for their inability to bring out a good product at a competitive price.
I'm a bit curious as to how DVD anime is overpriced by the whining "standards" expressed here.

I've got a pretty good frame of reference when you paid $35 (subbed) for one, or two if you were lucky, episodes of anime. Getting four, on average, episodes per disk at $20-25 is a pretty god damned sweet deal.

That's not accounting for the substantial mark down on complete box sets of series.

I thought anime was getting cheaper to buy, not more costly. :\

I think perhaps this would just sit better with me if all the parasites would stop feebly attempting to justify stealing, and STFU and keep stealing and not joining in on legitimate discussions about purchases.

That shit ain't right.


well not really...yet
The Take Out Bandit said:
I'm a bit curious as to how DVD anime is overpriced by the whining "standards" expressed here.

I've got a pretty good frame of reference when you paid $35 (subbed) for one, or two if you were lucky, episodes of anime. Getting four, on average, episodes per disk at $20-25 is a pretty god damned sweet deal.

That's not accounting for the substantial mark down on complete box sets of series.

I thought anime was getting cheaper to buy, not more costly. :\

I think perhaps this would just sit better with me if all the parasites would stop feebly attempting to justify stealing, and STFU and keep stealing and not joining in on legitimate discussions about purchases.

That shit ain't right.
I fucking agree with this. I still remember putting down my measly allowance just to finally own shows I loved on tape, like Evangelion. Every single Tape. And it was fucking worth it too.

Now I can get a DVD, double the episodes, sub/dub for $20, nice packaging and all.

Shut the hell up with the whining. If you're complaining about anime being too expensive you're shopping at the wrong stores and the wrong websites.

One of the biggest problems with the studios these days is the ammount of GARBAGE theyre bringing over here. Do we really need shit like Divergence Eve on DVD here? Fuck no. Theyre flooding the market with shit, and although it won't affect the bigger shows that are being released here, it does hurt the smaller shows that ARE worth seeing.


Honestly, I would buy more anime DVDs if they were reasonably priced. Let's compare. I get a full season of the Simpsons for $35 if I don't wait for any sale, I believe. To get an equal number of episodes of anime would cost me something like four times that.

Bingo. Yeah, it may be cheaper, but I'm not going to buy it until it's as cheap as everything else.

Then again, I don't download fansubs, nor am I a big fan of anime in the first place.

If you're complaining about anime being too expensive you're shopping at the wrong stores and the wrong websites.

Where should I be looking?


Getting four, on average, episodes per disk at $20-25 is a pretty god damned sweet deal.

Again, 4 episodes per $20 =/= 22 per $40, or 23 episodes for ~$35 in the case of Friends. I don't care how it was back when the Earth was young. The fact is that compared to other 30-minute-segment TV releases in the US, the price of anime is way out of whack.

I think perhaps this would just sit better with me if all the parasites would stop feebly attempting to justify stealing, and STFU and keep stealing and not joining in on legitimate discussions about purchases.

I still remember putting down my measly allowance just to finally own shows I loved on tape, like Evangelion. Every single Tape. And it was fucking worth it too.

This entire argument is elitist and refuses to see that despite the decrease in anime cost/episode over the past decade, the price is still too high in comparison to substitute products in the market. I'm sorry you paid exorbitant amounts for anime in the past. That doesn't excuse today's prices.

Shut the hell up with the whining. If you're complaining about anime being too expensive you're shopping at the wrong stores and the wrong websites.

Where exactly should I be shopping, then? If you have some great store for legitimate(I'm not talking HK here - I want the real deal) anime, please share.


Stealing? If one cannot protect that which one claims is one's from another's grasps, than it was never one's in the first place, and he who took it was only waiting for the right time to take that which was rightfully his. The law binds the weak, but not those who're versatile and strong :D ... information is to be free, that is what I believe... and I will help make it so, even if the entire system has to be rebuilt, even if all that upholds the law has to be undone and remade again. For this, time is the most precious of resources, and I'd say it's only a matter of time :D


well not really...yet
If you're complaining about $20 DVDs, then I got nothing I can think of for you :p

DeepDiscountDVD has always cheap prices, so do thedigitaleyes, and many other retailers like these. TheRightStuf always has great deals on newly released stuff in theire weekly specials, in addition to random studio sales. Aside from Geneon DVDs, Best Buy is always priced reasonably. There is no reason to spend $30 on a DVD when you can go this way. Hell even pre ordering at Amazon is reasonable enough.

But like I said, if you have a problem with paying $20 for a 4 episode DVD, then tough luck.

Again, 4 episodes per $20 =/= 22 per $40, or 23 episodes for ~$35 in the case of Friends. I don't care how it was back when the Earth was young. The fact is that compared to other 30-minute-segment TV releases in the US, the price of anime is way out of whack.
Are you even taking into account the amount of money that licencing these shows can cost. I think I wouldn't be in the wrong if I even said quite a lot of shows never even break a profit here. The price of anime DVDs will NOT change, and thats one of the biggest reasons.


.hacked said:
competitive to what? Free downloads?

no smartass... compared to just about everything else on DVD...i know they dont charge quite the premium they used to for vhs, but it is still pretty hefty and jaring especially when you start comparing boxsets.


Eh.. I either just download series I know I would never want to buy or if I download a series and end up really liking it, I'll buy it. =)


(more a nerd than a geek)
Divus Masterei said:
Stealing? If one cannot protect that which one claims is one's from another's grasps, than it was never one's in the first place, and he who took it was only waiting for the right time to take that which was rightfully his. The law binds the weak, but not those who're versatile and strong :D ... information is to be free, that is what I believe... and I will help make it so, even if the entire system has to be rebuilt, even if all that upholds the law has to be undone and remade again. For this, time is the most precious of resources, and I'd say it's only a matter of time :D

Please tell me there is a joke I'm missing here. Otherwise I'm tempted to believe that you are saying that if you can do something, you should be able to do it, regardless of the consequences and situation. I mean, that 75 year old woman didn't NEED her purse, right? If she can't protect herself from you and get her purse back after you snatch it, then it was never really hers in the first place!



Again, 4 episodes per $20 =/= 22 per $40, or 23 episodes for ~$35 in the case of Friends. I don't care how it was back when the Earth was young. The fact is that compared to other 30-minute-segment TV releases in the US, the price of anime is way out of whack.

Anime is at the prices it is at because the ONLY source of revenue is from the DVD sales (and to a lesser extent, merchandise) unlike TV shows in America. TV shows have advertising, merchandising, guest appearances, and all that jazz to help reduce prices on DVD. If anime had that much exposure, you could be damned sure that the prices would be lower.

Then again, prices are dirt cheap now comparatively. If you're buying MSRP, you're a fool because most of the releases (sans Geneon) can be bought for under 20 bucks nowadays for single discs and varying prices for boxsets.

As for the fansub issue, it's scape-goating. The Domestic Anime industry is trying to place the blame on fansubs for its waning sales when it's damn obvious that they're pushing too much material at the same time which is cannabilizing their own sales. This overzealous attitude is saturating the market too fast making it hard to decide what to buy and perhaps too much exposure to specific types of anime.


This argument is shit. It's like the same BS argument used with movies and music. The truth is that there is no telling if a person who DLs fansubs would have bought the show if it was offered on sale and not on fansubs. I'm sure there will be some people out there who DL free anime when it's already available for sale, but they are in an overwhelming minority compared to people who DL anime that is not available for sale.

And Shouta is 100% dead on. The market is suffering from oversaturation, lack of demand, etc. Anime is certainly growing, but the supply is starting to overweigh the demand, instead of staying balanced like it has in previous years. We're especially going to see this with manga in a year or two. Fansubs and scanslations have next to nothing to do with this problem.
I think alot of people don't buy it because frankly is really overrpriced (and market saturation as well) i used to buy eva on vhs for like $30.. and considering at msrp its about the same like years later shows it really hasn't gotten much cheaper.
I bet alot of people don't know what to buy (too much stuff) and don't want to get burned by crappy anime which is why fansubs are good. They really need to get a non "on-demand" anime channel where they can show a crapload of anime and get alot of exposure, and need to let people see it so people will buy the dvd's and merchandise.
The system right now won't really be mainstream since its still too expensive/niche.

I'm not sure about anime, but as far as manga goes it takes incredible amounts of time for them to translate it. translating of anime takes way longer and poorer quality then most fansubs.

My wish is if should just created a subbed anime channel that would guarantee almost immediate exposure, or maybe japanese anime companies sold subbed episodes via online distribution for cheap.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Shouta said:
Anime is at the prices it is at because the ONLY source of revenue is from the DVD sales (and to a lesser extent, merchandise) unlike TV shows in America. TV shows have advertising, merchandising, guest appearances, and all that jazz to help reduce prices on DVD. If anime had that much exposure, you could be damned sure that the prices would be lower.

Then again, prices are dirt cheap now comparatively. If you're buying MSRP, you're a fool because most of the releases (sans Geneon) can be bought for under 20 bucks nowadays for single discs and varying prices for boxsets.

As for the fansub issue, it's scape-goating. The Domestic Anime industry is trying to place the blame on fansubs for its waning sales when it's damn obvious that they're pushing too much material at the same time which is cannabilizing their own sales. This overzealous attitude is saturating the market too fast making it hard to decide what to buy and perhaps too much exposure to specific types of anime.

This is correct. Quoted for truth and fact. Manga marketplace will find itself in the same situation here soon. Companies are just eating themselves alive by their own releases. On the flipside, the quicker it's released, the quicker it bombs, the quicker it's repackaged into a cheapo box set. Decisions, decisions... =D


The Inside Track
I don't know about the original copyright holders, but having worked for an anime distribution company (and still being in good terms with them) I can tell you that the distributors are making quite a lot of money, and that's with our local pricing here in France (which can be 30 euros for a 13 episodes disc set).
And yes, at least this company knows that fansubs are good for them. I for one would never blindly buy an anime dvd without having seen a few episodes (if not even the whole series) before, and everyone I know in the anime world is the same. Anime fans are collectors.
I very seldomly download fansubs unless its a show I KNOW I will never get in America. This has nothing to do with my conscious, it's just that I'd much rather watch it in good quality on my television set. Also, prices aren't too much of an issue for me, since I have a reasonably well-paying job and I do most of my shopping online. Anime too expensive? Try Ebay! Just be sure to filter out all those damn pirated disks.

But I must concur on the point that the market is oversaturated. It's a lot like the baseball card business, way too much product out there to keep up with.

Also, I sure hope companies like ADV and AmimEigo aren't complaining about fansubs. Without fansubs, there would never have been a market for anime in the US in the first place! These companies started off as fansub distributers.


Anime is at the prices it is at because the ONLY source of revenue is from the DVD sales
WTF i bought Last Exile for 60€ in France. Distributors just buy the rights, they don't produce the anime, they don't need as much revenue as a Japanese studio to be profitable.


I only download 2 animes (Naruto and Bleach) because I got hooked on them during a con. I prefer to have a DVD of it but I am a mad anime collector (I have well over 1000 anime DVDs).


needs to show more effort.
the more fansubs I watch, the more anime I buy. The problem is pricing though. I've had shows that I know I'm going to buy on dvd, but I tend to wait for the box set to be on sale for the price to finally be reasonable.

I bought all of berserk for around $75 or so, which is about what I'm willing to pay for a completel box set of dvd's with ~25 episodes.

when there is a last exile dvd box set for that price I will buy it. (Is Last exile completely released on dvd yet? Haven't checked in a while)

theres a couple of other shows I'm waiting on two. Had I not seen fansubs, there is no way in hell I would buy any of this. Instead I'd be saying, 'Berserk? Thats a fucking retarded name for a show."

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Honestly, I would buy more anime DVDs if they were reasonably priced.
This is the way it's going, I think.
and thats not even taking into account the horrible dubs that usually plauge american releases
Kindly listen to a dub made past the year 2002.
Do we really need shit like Divergence Eve on DVD here? Fuck no. Theyre flooding the market with shit
I think anime companies are fully aware of the quality of some of the stuff they put out. It's a matter of what they can afford to release, and what they think they can turn a profit off of.
As for the fansub issue, it's scape-goating.
I've talked with Shouta in person about this, and I respect his opinion, but saying it's a non-factor ignores facts and torrent stats.
Distributors just buy the rights, they don't produce the anime, they don't need as much revenue as a Japanese studio to be profitable.
You would have no idea how much Japanese companies want in licensing fees for certain anime. In fact, that's why so much bad anime comes out -- because it'd just be impossible to make back the licensing fee on some anime that's popular, but not mainstream-popular. That's the one and only reason Kodocha didn't get picked up until just now, in fact, despite the fact it had a huge fan following back in the day.
.hacked said:
I only download 2 animes (Naruto and Bleach) because I got hooked on them during a con. I prefer to have a DVD of it but I am a mad anime collector (I have well over 1000 anime DVDs).

Shit, pal, you've got more than I do!

Though in my defense, I did practically stop buying anime for about 2 years because of...er, indifferences with the current anime market.


SonicMegaDrive said:
Shit, pal, you've got more than I do!

Though in my defense, I did practically stop buying anime for about 2 years because of...er, indifferences with the current anime market.

scary thing is I have only been collecting for about 6 months

Here is my anime list as of 6-30-05

.hack//SIGN Complete Collection
.hack//Legend of the Twilight Vol. #1-#3
3 X 3 Eyes
Adventures of the Mini Goddess Box Set
Ah! My Goddess The Movie - DTS Edition
Ai Yori Aoshi Enishi Vol. #1-#3
Ai Yori Aoshi Vol. #1 -#5
Air Master Vol. #1-#3
Akira: Limited Edition
Alien Nine
Angel Links Collectors Set
Angel Tales Vol. #1-#4
Angelic Layer Vol. #1-#7
Appleseed Special Edition / & SE w/figure
Aquarian Age Vol. #1-#3
Aquarian Age: The Movie (Limited Edition)
Arc the Lad Complete Collection
Argentosoma Complete Collection
Azumanga Daioh Vol. #1-#6
Baki the Grappler Vol. #1
Bandit King Jing Vol. #1-#4
Banner of the Stars Complete Collection
Banner of the Stars II Complete Collection
BASToF Syndrome Vol. #1-#6
Battle Athletes Victory Vol. #1-#8
Berserk Complete Collection Brick
Betterman Complete Collection
Big O Collectors Set
Big O II Complete Collection
Black Heaven Box Set
Blue Gender Box Set
Blue Seed Perfect Collection
Blue Seed: Beyond
Boogiepop Phantom Box Set
Brain Powered Vol. #1-#3
Brigadoon Vol. #1-#6
Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 Perfect Collection
Burst Angel Vol. #1-#2
Castle of Cagliostro
Ceres, Celestial Legend Collectors Edition Vol. #1
Ceres, Celestial Legend Collectors Edition Vol. #2
Chobits Vol. #1-#7
Chrono Crusade vol#1-#6
Comic Party Box Set
Cosplay Complex
Cowboy Bebop Movie: Knocking On Heaven's Door
Cowboy Bebop Vol. #1-#6
Crest of the Stars Collectors Set
Cromartie High School Vol. #1-#3
Dai Guard Complete Collection
Daichis Vol. #1-#3
Daphne in the Brilliant Blue Vol. #1-#2
Dead Leaves
Devil Hunter Yohko Box Set
DNA2 Collection
DNAngel Vol. #1-#5
Dokkoida!? Vol. #1-#3
Dual Vol. #1-#4
E's Otherwise Vol. #1-#4
Eden's Bowy Vol. #1-#6
El Hazard: Yhe Magnificent World Box Set
El Hazard: The Alternative World Box Set
El Hazard: The Wanderers Box Set
Elfen Lied Vol. #1-#2
Escaflowne Perfect Collection
Excel Saga Vol. #1-#6
Fafner Vol. #1
Fighting Spirit Vol. #01-#06
Figure 17 Collection
Final Fantasy Unlimited Collection 
Five Star Stories
Flame of Recca Vol. #01-#04
FLCL Vol. #1-#3
Fruits Basket Box Set
Full Metal Panic Complete Collection
Full Metal Panic? FUMOFFU Vol. #1-#2
Fullmetal Alchemist Vol. #01-#03
Gad Guard Vol. #1-#7
Galaxy Angel Vol. #1-#4
Galaxy Angel Z Vol. #1-#3
Gantz Vol. #01-#06
Gatekeepers 21 Vol. #1-#2
Gatekeepers Vol. #1-#8
Generator Gawl Perfect Collection
Geneshaft Complete Collection
Get Backers Vol. #01-#07
Getter Robo: Armageddon Power Pack
Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence
Ghost In The Shell: Special Edition
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex SE Vol. #01-06
Giant Robo Vol. #1-#3 (w/Special Model Box)
Giant Robo: Ginrei Special
Gilgamesh Vol. #1
Girls Bravo Vol. #1
Gokusen Vol. #1-#3
Golden Boy (Essential Anime Collection)
Grave of the Fireflies Collectors Series
Gravion Vol. #1-#3
Gravion Zwei Vol. #1-#3
Gravitation Vol. #1-#4
Grenadier Vol. #1
GTO Box Set 1
GTO Box Set 2
Gundam SEED Vol. #01-#10
Gungrave vol. #1-#6
Gunparade March Complete Box Set
Gunslinger Girl Vol. #1-#2
Haibane Renmei vol. #1-#4
Hanaukyo Maid Team La Verite Vol. #1-#3
Hand Maid May Vol. #1-#3
Happy Lesson OVA
Happy Lesson Vol. #1-#3
Heat Guy J Vol. #1-#7
Hellsing Box Set
His and Her Circumstances Vol. #1-#5
Hoop Days Vol. #1
Human Crossing Vol. #1-#3
Ichi The Killer: Episode Zero
Ikki-Tosen Vol. #1-#4
Infinite Ryvius Vol. #1-#6
Initial D Vol. #01-#12
Inu Yasha Movie #1: Affections Touching Across Time
Inu Yasha Movie #2
Inu Yasha Special Limited Edition Set 
Inu Yasha Season Set #1 Limited Edition
Inu Yasha Vol. #10-31
Iria: Zeiram the Animation Collection
Irresponsible Captain Tylor OVA Box
Irresponsible Captain Tylor TV Box
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Vol. #1-#3
Jubei-Chan Collectors Set
Jubei Chan 2 Vol. #1
Kaleido Star Vol. #01-#06
Kaze No Yojimbo Vol. #1-#6
Key the Metal Idol Complete Collection
Kiddy Grade Vol. #1-#8
Kikaider Perfect Collection
Kino's Journey Vol. #1-#4
Knight Hunters Eternity Vol.#1-#3
Koi Kaze Vol. #1 -#2
Kyo Kara Maoh! Vol. #1-#2
L/R Vol. #1-#4
Last Exile Vol. #1-#7
Legend of Crystania Movie (Essential Anime)
Legend of Crystania: The Chaos Ring Essential Anime Collection
Love Hina Perfect Collection
Lupin III: Mystery of Mamo
Lupin the 3rd The Movie : Secret of Mamo
Lupin the 3rd: Crisis in Tokyo
Lupin the 3rd: Dead or Alive
Lupin the 3rd: Dragon of Doom
Lupin The 3rd: Farewell to Nostradamus
Lupin The 3rd: Island Of Assassins
Lupin the 3rd: Pursuit of Harimao's Treasure
Lupin the 3rd: Secret of the Twilight Gemini
Lupin the 3rd: Voyage to Danger
Maburaho Vol. #1-#2
Macross Plus Box Set
Madlax Vol. #1-#2
Magic Knight Rayearth DVD Economy Box 1
Magical Meow Meow Taruto Vol. #1-#3
Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi Vol. #1-#4
Mahoromatic Vol. #1-#3
Mahoromatic: Something More Beautiful Vol. #1-#3
Mahoromatic: Summer Special 
Melody of Oblivion Vol #1
Mermaid Forest Vol. #1
Mezzo Vol. #1-#3
Miami Guns Vol. #1-#4
Midori Days Vol. #1-#2
Milennium Actress
Mobile Fighter G-Gundam Box #1-#12
Mobile Suit Gundam 0080 Vol. #1-#2
Mobile Suit Gundam 0083 Vol. #1-#4
Mobile Suit Gundam F-91 Special Edition
Mobile Suit Gundam Movie Box Set
Mobile Suit Gundam MS 08th Team: Miller's Report
Mobile Suit Gundam MS 08th Team vol. #1-#4
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Endless Waltz: Special Edition
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing vol. #1-#10
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam Limited Edition Box Set
Mouse Vol. #1-#2
My Dear Marie
Nadesico Complete Chronicles
Najica Blitz Tactics Vol. #1-#3
Nana 7 of 7 Vol. #1-#6
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Platinum Edition Vol. #1-#7
Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion
New Fist of the North Star Collection
New Getter Robo Vol. #1-#2
NieA_7 Box Set
Ninja Scroll TV Box Set w/tin 
Ninja Scroll 10th Anniversary Special Edition
Ninku/YuYu Hakusho Double Feature
Noir Vol. #1-#6
Now and Then, Here and There Box Set
Nurse Witch Komugi Vol. #1-#2
Oh My Goddess Vol. #1-#2
Orphen II Vol. #1-#6
Orphen: The Collection
Otogi Zoshi Vol. #1-#3
Outlaw Star: The Collection
Overman King Gainer Vol. #1-#3
Paranoia Agent Vol. #1-#4
Peacemaker Vol. #1-#5
Perfect Blue
Piano: The Melody of a Young Girl's Heart Vol. #1
Ping Pong Club Collection
Place Promised in Our Early Days
Planetes Vol. #1
Plastic Little (Essential Anime Edition)
Please Teacher Complete Collection
Please Twins Vol. #1-#4
Popotan Vol. #1-#3
Pretear Vol. #1-#4
Princess Nine Complete Collection
Princess Tutu Vol. #1
Puni Puni Poemy
R.O.D. the TV Complete Box Set
RahXephon Complete Collection
RahXephon: The Movie 
Read or Die
Real Bout High School Box Set
Record of Lodoss War Collector's Series
Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight
Requiem from the Darkness Complete Box Set Digipack
Rumiko Takahashi: Anthology Vol. #1-#3
Rune Soldier Vol. #1-#6
Rurouni Kenshin Premium Box Set 1
Rurouni Kenshin Premium Box Set 2
Rurouni Kenshin Premium Box Set 3
s-CRY-ed Complete Collection
Saber Marionette J Ultimate Collection
Saber Marionette R
Sadamitsu the Destroyer Collection
Saikano Vol. #1-#4
Saiyuki Reload Vol. #1-#3
Saiyuki Vol. #1-#12
Saiyuki: Requiem
Sakura Diaries Collectors Edition
Sakura Wars OVA Collection
Sakura Wars The Movie Limited Edition
Sakura Wars TV Vol. #1-#6
Samurai Champloo Vol. #1-#3
Samurai Deeper Kyo Complete Box Set
Samurai X OVA Collection
Samurai X movie
Scrapped Princess Vol. #1-#2
Serial Experiments Lain Signature Series Box Set
Shadow Star Narutaru Vol. #1-#2
Shingu: Secret of the Stellar Wars Vol. #1-#2
Shootfighter Tekken Vol. #1-#3
Shrine of the Morning Mist Vol. #1-#3
Shura no Toki Vol. #1-#5
Sister Princess Vol. #1-#6
Someday's Dreamers Vol. #1-#3
Sorcerer Hunters Complete Collection
Soul Hunter Complete Collection
Soul Taker Vol. #1-#4
Spiral Vol. #1-#5
Spirited Away
Spriggan: Special Edition
Star Ocean EX Vol. #1-#3
Steam Detectives Vol. #1-#6
Steel Angel Kurumi Complete Collection
Stellvia Vol. #1-#5
Stratos 4 Vol. #1-#4
Stratos 4: Return to Base
Strawberry Eggs Vol. #1-#4
Submarine 707R Limited Edition
Sugar Summer Special Limited Edition
Sugar Vol. #1-#6
Super Milk-Chan Show Vol. #1-#4
Tenchi Forever
Tenchi in Tokyo Vol. #1-#8
Tenchi Muyo GXP Vol. #1-#8
Tenchi Muyo Ryo Ohki vol. #1
Tenchi Universe Vol. #1-#8
Tenjho Tenge Vol. #1
Texhnolyze Vol. #1-#6
Those Who Hunt Elves 2 vol. #1-#2
Those Who Hunt Elves Vol. #1-#2
Tokyo Underground Vol. #1-#3
Tree of Palme
Trigun Vol. #1-#8
Trouble Chocolate Vol. #1-#5
Tsukihime, Lunar Legend Vol. #1-#3
Twelve Kingdoms Vol. #01-#10
Ultramaniac Vol. #1-#2
Vampire Hunter D
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
Venus Wars
Virtua Fighter Vol. #1-#2
Virus Vol. #1-#3
Voices of a Distant Star
Wandaba Style Vol. #1-#3
Wild Arms Vol. #1-#5
Witch Hunter Robin Complete Collection
Wolf's Rain Vol. #1-#7
World of Narue Collector's Series Box Set
X TV Box Set 1
X TV Box Set 2
You're Under Arrest Box Set 1
You're Under Arrest Box Set 2
You're Under Arrest Box Set 3
You're Under Arrest Box Set 4
Yu Yu Hakusho Vol. #01-#31
Ys Complete Collection
Yu Yu Hakusho: The Movie
Yukikaze Vol. #1 Limited Ediiton
Zaion Vol. #1-#2
Zone of Enders : Idolo
Zone of Enders Dolores i Vol #1-#6


Has problems recognising girls
That is a sickening collection even by my standards, it's just riddled with shit mediocre titles (sorry). How can you live with yourself?


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Sorry, but discs are just ridiculously expensive.. seriously. I can get 30 episodes of Batman:TAS, arguably one of the greatest cartoons ever made, for like $35. But for anime it costs me $20 for 4 episodes?

Now I understand that I'm still getting ~96 minutes of entertainment for $20, which is comparable to many other DVDs, but it's just the principle that they are going to gouge me $20 a pop for the next 7-14 discs. Seriously. So for me to get all of a series, I am paying upwards of $150-300?? Hell no.

Call me when anime companies get in on the TV DVD Season sets plan (and to note, those who havedone so, I have supported).
.hacked said:
scary thing is I have only been collecting for about 6 months

Here is my anime list as of 6-30-05

.hack//SIGN Complete Collection
.hack//Legend of the Twilight Vol. #1-#3
3 X 3 Eyes
Adventures of the Mini Goddess Box Set
Ah! My Goddess The Movie - DTS Edition
Ai Yori Aoshi Enishi Vol. #1-#3
Ai Yori Aoshi Vol. #1 -#5
Air Master Vol. #1-#3
Akira: Limited Edition
Alien Nine
Angel Links Collectors Set
Angel Tales Vol. #1-#4
Angelic Layer Vol. #1-#7
Appleseed Special Edition / & SE w/figure
Aquarian Age Vol. #1-#3
Aquarian Age: The Movie (Limited Edition)
Arc the Lad Complete Collection
Argentosoma Complete Collection
Azumanga Daioh Vol. #1-#6
Baki the Grappler Vol. #1
Bandit King Jing Vol. #1-#4
Banner of the Stars Complete Collection
Banner of the Stars II Complete Collection
BASToF Syndrome Vol. #1-#6
Battle Athletes Victory Vol. #1-#8
Berserk Complete Collection Brick
Betterman Complete Collection
Big O Collectors Set
Big O II Complete Collection
Black Heaven Box Set
Blue Gender Box Set
Blue Seed Perfect Collection
Blue Seed: Beyond
Boogiepop Phantom Box Set
Brain Powered Vol. #1-#3
Brigadoon Vol. #1-#6
Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 Perfect Collection
Burst Angel Vol. #1-#2
Castle of Cagliostro
Ceres, Celestial Legend Collectors Edition Vol. #1
Ceres, Celestial Legend Collectors Edition Vol. #2
Chobits Vol. #1-#7
Chrono Crusade vol#1-#6
Comic Party Box Set
Cosplay Complex
Cowboy Bebop Movie: Knocking On Heaven's Door
Cowboy Bebop Vol. #1-#6
Crest of the Stars Collectors Set
Cromartie High School Vol. #1-#3
Dai Guard Complete Collection
Daichis Vol. #1-#3
Daphne in the Brilliant Blue Vol. #1-#2
Dead Leaves
Devil Hunter Yohko Box Set
DNA2 Collection
DNAngel Vol. #1-#5
Dokkoida!? Vol. #1-#3
Dual Vol. #1-#4
E's Otherwise Vol. #1-#4
Eden's Bowy Vol. #1-#6
El Hazard: Yhe Magnificent World Box Set
El Hazard: The Alternative World Box Set
El Hazard: The Wanderers Box Set
Elfen Lied Vol. #1-#2
Escaflowne Perfect Collection
Excel Saga Vol. #1-#6
Fafner Vol. #1
Fighting Spirit Vol. #01-#06
Figure 17 Collection
Final Fantasy Unlimited Collection 
Five Star Stories
Flame of Recca Vol. #01-#04
FLCL Vol. #1-#3
Fruits Basket Box Set
Full Metal Panic Complete Collection
Full Metal Panic? FUMOFFU Vol. #1-#2
Fullmetal Alchemist Vol. #01-#03
Gad Guard Vol. #1-#7
Galaxy Angel Vol. #1-#4
Galaxy Angel Z Vol. #1-#3
Gantz Vol. #01-#06
Gatekeepers 21 Vol. #1-#2
Gatekeepers Vol. #1-#8
Generator Gawl Perfect Collection
Geneshaft Complete Collection
Get Backers Vol. #01-#07
Getter Robo: Armageddon Power Pack
Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence
Ghost In The Shell: Special Edition
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex SE Vol. #01-06
Giant Robo Vol. #1-#3 (w/Special Model Box)
Giant Robo: Ginrei Special
Gilgamesh Vol. #1
Girls Bravo Vol. #1
Gokusen Vol. #1-#3
Golden Boy (Essential Anime Collection)
Grave of the Fireflies Collectors Series
Gravion Vol. #1-#3
Gravion Zwei Vol. #1-#3
Gravitation Vol. #1-#4
Grenadier Vol. #1
GTO Box Set 1
GTO Box Set 2
Gundam SEED Vol. #01-#10
Gungrave vol. #1-#6
Gunparade March Complete Box Set
Gunslinger Girl Vol. #1-#2
Haibane Renmei vol. #1-#4
Hanaukyo Maid Team La Verite Vol. #1-#3
Hand Maid May Vol. #1-#3
Happy Lesson OVA
Happy Lesson Vol. #1-#3
Heat Guy J Vol. #1-#7
Hellsing Box Set
His and Her Circumstances Vol. #1-#5
Hoop Days Vol. #1
Human Crossing Vol. #1-#3
Ichi The Killer: Episode Zero
Ikki-Tosen Vol. #1-#4
Infinite Ryvius Vol. #1-#6
Initial D Vol. #01-#12
Inu Yasha Movie #1: Affections Touching Across Time
Inu Yasha Movie #2
Inu Yasha Special Limited Edition Set 
Inu Yasha Season Set #1 Limited Edition
Inu Yasha Vol. #10-31
Iria: Zeiram the Animation Collection
Irresponsible Captain Tylor OVA Box
Irresponsible Captain Tylor TV Box
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Vol. #1-#3
Jubei-Chan Collectors Set
Jubei Chan 2 Vol. #1
Kaleido Star Vol. #01-#06
Kaze No Yojimbo Vol. #1-#6
Key the Metal Idol Complete Collection
Kiddy Grade Vol. #1-#8
Kikaider Perfect Collection
Kino's Journey Vol. #1-#4
Knight Hunters Eternity Vol.#1-#3
Koi Kaze Vol. #1 -#2
Kyo Kara Maoh! Vol. #1-#2
L/R Vol. #1-#4
Last Exile Vol. #1-#7
Legend of Crystania Movie (Essential Anime)
Legend of Crystania: The Chaos Ring Essential Anime Collection
Love Hina Perfect Collection
Lupin III: Mystery of Mamo
Lupin the 3rd The Movie : Secret of Mamo
Lupin the 3rd: Crisis in Tokyo
Lupin the 3rd: Dead or Alive
Lupin the 3rd: Dragon of Doom
Lupin The 3rd: Farewell to Nostradamus
Lupin The 3rd: Island Of Assassins
Lupin the 3rd: Pursuit of Harimao's Treasure
Lupin the 3rd: Secret of the Twilight Gemini
Lupin the 3rd: Voyage to Danger
Maburaho Vol. #1-#2
Macross Plus Box Set
Madlax Vol. #1-#2
Magic Knight Rayearth DVD Economy Box 1
Magical Meow Meow Taruto Vol. #1-#3
Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi Vol. #1-#4
Mahoromatic Vol. #1-#3
Mahoromatic: Something More Beautiful Vol. #1-#3
Mahoromatic: Summer Special 
Melody of Oblivion Vol #1
Mermaid Forest Vol. #1
Mezzo Vol. #1-#3
Miami Guns Vol. #1-#4
Midori Days Vol. #1-#2
Milennium Actress
Mobile Fighter G-Gundam Box #1-#12
Mobile Suit Gundam 0080 Vol. #1-#2
Mobile Suit Gundam 0083 Vol. #1-#4
Mobile Suit Gundam F-91 Special Edition
Mobile Suit Gundam Movie Box Set
Mobile Suit Gundam MS 08th Team: Miller's Report
Mobile Suit Gundam MS 08th Team vol. #1-#4
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Endless Waltz: Special Edition
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing vol. #1-#10
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam Limited Edition Box Set
Mouse Vol. #1-#2
My Dear Marie
Nadesico Complete Chronicles
Najica Blitz Tactics Vol. #1-#3
Nana 7 of 7 Vol. #1-#6
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Platinum Edition Vol. #1-#7
Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion
New Fist of the North Star Collection
New Getter Robo Vol. #1-#2
NieA_7 Box Set
Ninja Scroll TV Box Set w/tin 
Ninja Scroll 10th Anniversary Special Edition
Ninku/YuYu Hakusho Double Feature
Noir Vol. #1-#6
Now and Then, Here and There Box Set
Nurse Witch Komugi Vol. #1-#2
Oh My Goddess Vol. #1-#2
Orphen II Vol. #1-#6
Orphen: The Collection
Otogi Zoshi Vol. #1-#3
Outlaw Star: The Collection
Overman King Gainer Vol. #1-#3
Paranoia Agent Vol. #1-#4
Peacemaker Vol. #1-#5
Perfect Blue
Piano: The Melody of a Young Girl's Heart Vol. #1
Ping Pong Club Collection
Place Promised in Our Early Days
Planetes Vol. #1
Plastic Little (Essential Anime Edition)
Please Teacher Complete Collection
Please Twins Vol. #1-#4
Popotan Vol. #1-#3
Pretear Vol. #1-#4
Princess Nine Complete Collection
Princess Tutu Vol. #1
Puni Puni Poemy
R.O.D. the TV Complete Box Set
RahXephon Complete Collection
RahXephon: The Movie 
Read or Die
Real Bout High School Box Set
Record of Lodoss War Collector's Series
Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight
Requiem from the Darkness Complete Box Set Digipack
Rumiko Takahashi: Anthology Vol. #1-#3
Rune Soldier Vol. #1-#6
Rurouni Kenshin Premium Box Set 1
Rurouni Kenshin Premium Box Set 2
Rurouni Kenshin Premium Box Set 3
s-CRY-ed Complete Collection
Saber Marionette J Ultimate Collection
Saber Marionette R
Sadamitsu the Destroyer Collection
Saikano Vol. #1-#4
Saiyuki Reload Vol. #1-#3
Saiyuki Vol. #1-#12
Saiyuki: Requiem
Sakura Diaries Collectors Edition
Sakura Wars OVA Collection
Sakura Wars The Movie Limited Edition
Sakura Wars TV Vol. #1-#6
Samurai Champloo Vol. #1-#3
Samurai Deeper Kyo Complete Box Set
Samurai X OVA Collection
Samurai X movie
Scrapped Princess Vol. #1-#2
Serial Experiments Lain Signature Series Box Set
Shadow Star Narutaru Vol. #1-#2
Shingu: Secret of the Stellar Wars Vol. #1-#2
Shootfighter Tekken Vol. #1-#3
Shrine of the Morning Mist Vol. #1-#3
Shura no Toki Vol. #1-#5
Sister Princess Vol. #1-#6
Someday's Dreamers Vol. #1-#3
Sorcerer Hunters Complete Collection
Soul Hunter Complete Collection
Soul Taker Vol. #1-#4
Spiral Vol. #1-#5
Spirited Away
Spriggan: Special Edition
Star Ocean EX Vol. #1-#3
Steam Detectives Vol. #1-#6
Steel Angel Kurumi Complete Collection
Stellvia Vol. #1-#5
Stratos 4 Vol. #1-#4
Stratos 4: Return to Base
Strawberry Eggs Vol. #1-#4
Submarine 707R Limited Edition
Sugar Summer Special Limited Edition
Sugar Vol. #1-#6
Super Milk-Chan Show Vol. #1-#4
Tenchi Forever
Tenchi in Tokyo Vol. #1-#8
Tenchi Muyo GXP Vol. #1-#8
Tenchi Muyo Ryo Ohki vol. #1
Tenchi Universe Vol. #1-#8
Tenjho Tenge Vol. #1
Texhnolyze Vol. #1-#6
Those Who Hunt Elves 2 vol. #1-#2
Those Who Hunt Elves Vol. #1-#2
Tokyo Underground Vol. #1-#3
Tree of Palme
Trigun Vol. #1-#8
Trouble Chocolate Vol. #1-#5
Tsukihime, Lunar Legend Vol. #1-#3
Twelve Kingdoms Vol. #01-#10
Ultramaniac Vol. #1-#2
Vampire Hunter D
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
Venus Wars
Virtua Fighter Vol. #1-#2
Virus Vol. #1-#3
Voices of a Distant Star
Wandaba Style Vol. #1-#3
Wild Arms Vol. #1-#5
Witch Hunter Robin Complete Collection
Wolf's Rain Vol. #1-#7
World of Narue Collector's Series Box Set
X TV Box Set 1
X TV Box Set 2
You're Under Arrest Box Set 1
You're Under Arrest Box Set 2
You're Under Arrest Box Set 3
You're Under Arrest Box Set 4
Yu Yu Hakusho Vol. #01-#31
Ys Complete Collection
Yu Yu Hakusho: The Movie
Yukikaze Vol. #1 Limited Ediiton
Zaion Vol. #1-#2
Zone of Enders : Idolo
Zone of Enders Dolores i Vol #1-#6

Good collection. Glad you like Lupin. Like myself, you haven't gotten around to buying any of the TV volumes.

I feel really guilty about that, too. I just hope sales aren't so poor that they'll stop producing them. They need to bring out the ORIGINAL Lupin series. It's bloody brilliant!


speedpop said:
That is a sickening collection even by my standards, it's just riddled with shit mediocre titles (sorry). How can you live with yourself?

Well that is the thing, I have enjoyed nearly ever title I have watched. I just like everything.

I just dread the day I move >_<


Strap on your hooker ...
dynamitejim said:
Nevermind price, full series take up too much shelf space. They need to move over to slim pack cases.
You wouldn't think this if you collected anime back in the days of VHS.

Cowboy Bebop's 13 volumes took up more than a whole row of my media shelf.
Shig said:
You wouldn't think this if you collected anime back in the days of VHS.

Cowboy Bebop's 13 volumes took up more than a whole row of my media shelf.

Why wouldn't I? Like I didn't buy TV shows on VHS back then? People need to stop using the "well back then things were way worse!" excuse. I wouldn't buy any TV on DVD shows now either if they came in full cases.


The fansubs I currently download and watch are not even available here and only one has even be licensed so far. I think that's true for alot of the people that watch fansubs. It's not like we have a choice to buy DVD's because there aren't any too buy, except maybe bootlegs. I will probably buy the Naruto DVD's if they are reasonably priced and not 30 bucks for 2 episodes. If they are and no one buys them thats the companies fault. In the meantime I admit I will still download Naruto fansubs even though its licensed because they are not going to start showing them till september and then only once a week from the beginning. It will take them a good 2 to 3 years to get where they are in Japan now.


I'll only DL stuff that's not out here, to check it out or whatever. But I like owning things in the original packages and whatnot, so if a series comes out that I like, I just buy it as it's released.

Whimsical Phil

Ninja School will help you
You also have to remember that one of the reasons that anime DVD box sets cost so much more than U.S. TV show sets is because anime, despite how popular it current is, is still a very niche market. I certainly don't have and sales figures to back this up, but I can guarantee you that Fox sold WAY more copies of The Simpsons Season 5 than Viz sold of Ranma 1/2 Season 5. Thus, Viz (or any other anime company of your choice) has to sell its box sets for more money in order to turn an equal(ish) profit.

By refusing to buy anime sets until they go down in price, a downward spiral occurs. You don't want to buy until prices go down, but prices won't go down until more people start buying.

A similar (although slightly flawed) comparison can be made with the videogame industry. I remember back in the 16-bit days, regularly paying upwards of $70 or more for a game. I distinctly remember shelling out $70 on Thunder Force III for Genesis. Awesome game, but nowadays, I would never pay that much for a videogame. Back then, though, games were still a niche market. Companies had to charge more to turn a profit. After a few years, games began to catch on, sales increased, and prices dropped. Now, most new games are released at $40.

Of course, there's the whole issue of the cost cartridges vs. CD/DVDs to help lower the price, which makes the comparison a bit flawed, but I think that the point still holds up to a degree.

The point is, anime DVDs aren't going to go down in price unless people start buying them. And I do think that anime downloading will hurt the industry in the long run because most fans don't bother looking at the big picture. They tend to only see "It's gonna be too expensive to buy Naruto on DVD. They're gonna charge too much. My downloaded fansubs are just fine."

Of course, this comes from someone who owns all the Ranma and Lupin DVDs. And Urusei Yatsura, too. God bless Urusei Yatsura.


Would TV advertising be tied into that at all? As in, Friends costs however much to make, but that is offset by the prices advertisers pay to have their commercials run... so it might not pay for the total cost of the show, but it covers some of it and makes the investment less. But with a lot of anime, they're not on TV, so they don't have that luxury... does that make sense?

I mean, I work in an anime store, and we do pretty decent business, but I know if we could clock in boxsets at $69 like Sopranos instead of $100+, they'd be inclined to sell a lot faster.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Ponn01 said:
In the meantime I admit I will still download Naruto fansubs even though its licensed because they are not going to start showing them till september and then only once a week from the beginning. It will take them a good 2 to 3 years to get where they are in Japan now.
If it weren't for fansubs, you wouldn't care about that. But now you do, and as a result you aren't going to buy the DVDs. That is why fansubs hurt anime.


fennec fox said:
If it weren't for fansubs, you wouldn't care about that. But now you do, and as a result you aren't going to buy the DVDs. That is why fansubs hurt anime.

Anything else you would like to let me know i'm doing or not? I will buy the DVD's if they are reasonable regardless if I have seen them or not. If that was the point I could just download american dvd rips but its not. I had all the Gundam Wings fansubbed and still bought all the dvds so please don't assume.


Whimsical Phil said:
You also have to remember that one of the reasons that anime DVD box sets cost so much more than U.S. TV show sets is because anime, despite how popular it current is, is still a very niche market. I certainly don't have and sales figures to back this up, but I can guarantee you that Fox sold WAY more copies of The Simpsons Season 5 than Viz sold of Ranma 1/2 Season 5. Thus, Viz (or any other anime company of your choice) has to sell its box sets for more money in order to turn an equal(ish) profit.

By refusing to buy anime sets until they go down in price, a downward spiral occurs. You don't want to buy until prices go down, but prices won't go down until more people start buying.

A similar (although slightly flawed) comparison can be made with the videogame industry. I remember back in the 16-bit days, regularly paying upwards of $70 or more for a game. I distinctly remember shelling out $70 on Thunder Force III for Genesis. Awesome game, but nowadays, I would never pay that much for a videogame. Back then, though, games were still a niche market. Companies had to charge more to turn a profit. After a few years, games began to catch on, sales increased, and prices dropped. Now, most new games are released at $40.

Of course, there's the whole issue of the cost cartridges vs. CD/DVDs to help lower the price, which makes the comparison a bit flawed, but I think that the point still holds up to a degree.

The point is, anime DVDs aren't going to go down in price unless people start buying them. And I do think that anime downloading will hurt the industry in the long run because most fans don't bother looking at the big picture. They tend to only see "It's gonna be too expensive to buy Naruto on DVD. They're gonna charge too much. My downloaded fansubs are just fine."

Of course, this comes from someone who owns all the Ranma and Lupin DVDs. And Urusei Yatsura, too. God bless Urusei Yatsura.

That's BS. TV on DVD is the exact same as Anime TV series and that's a niche market. They have no problem creating reasonable priced season sets and selling them. Family Guy and Futurama are highly downloaded but enjoyed phenomanal DVD sales. The same can happen with anime. Naruto and other long running TV series will suffer DVD sales regardless of fansubs if they are marketed at 2 episodes per dvd at 20 - 30 bucks a pop. Do you realize how many dvds that is? Where as a whole season of say 24 or so episodes at even a 79.99 msrp would be much more reasonable and profitable. And thats being generous considered most box sets are around 50 bucks.

Whimsical Phil

Ninja School will help you
Ponn01 said:
That's BS. TV on DVD is the exact same as Anime TV series and that's a niche market. They have no problem creating reasonable priced season sets and selling them. Family Guy and Futurama are highly downloaded but enjoyed phenomanal DVD sales. The same can happen with anime. Naruto and other long running TV series will suffer DVD sales regardless of fansubs if they are marketed at 2 episodes per dvd at 20 - 30 bucks a pop. Do you realize how many dvds that is? Where as a whole season of say 24 or so episodes at even a 79.99 msrp would be much more reasonable and profitable. And thats being generous considered most box sets are around 50 bucks.

What? You're saying that U.S. TV shows on DVD are the exact same as anime shows on DVD? Do you really think that there are as many people in this country interested in buying DVDs of Inuyasha or Urusei Yatsura as there are people wanting to buy Family Guy and Friends? Are you aware of how exceptionally popular TV shows on DVD is nowadays? Anime's popular, but it ain't THAT popular.

Even the most popular anime series is only going to sell a fraction of the Family Guy DVDs. Anime companies need to offset the costs somewhere, so (for now) the consumer has to eat that cost. It sucks for us, but until Ranma starts selling as many DVDs as Futurama, we're gonna have to pay more. In a few years, if anime starts reaching a more mainstream audience, THEN we can say they're the exact same as U.S. TV shows on DVD. Right now, however, "normal" TV shows are huge, anime is niche.

And what anime DVDs are you seeing with only two episodes per disc? I know this was a big problem back in the early days of anime on VHS, but I haven't noticed it being a problem nowadays. Granted, I'm not a huge anime collector, but the few series that I do buy (Full Metal Alchemist, Lupin, Urusei Yatsura, Ranma, etc.) all tend to have 4-6 episodes per disc. That's not a bad deal for $20 (where are you buying DVDs for $30? Shop around, man).

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Ponn01 said:
That's BS. TV on DVD is the exact same as Anime TV series and that's a niche market. They have no problem creating reasonable priced season sets and selling them. Family Guy and Futurama are highly downloaded but enjoyed phenomanal DVD sales. The same can happen with anime.
Popular TV DVDs sell in the millions. Even utterly random ones like Reno 911 push six figures. Anime doesn't, usually, and not because it's too expensive -- it's because many shows are niche, and anime fans don't buy them because (a) they pirate (b) they complain about every little thing related to an anime release, from cover art to sturdiness of box to infintesimally small translation decisions.

But then there's the next issue:
Naruto and other long running TV series will suffer DVD sales regardless of fansubs if they are marketed at 2 episodes per dvd at 20 - 30 bucks a pop. Do you realize how many dvds that is? Where as a whole season of say 24 or so episodes at even a 79.99 msrp would be much more reasonable and profitable.
This will not happen until Japanese companies are forced to sell cheap box sets in Japan. As it is, they can charge 4800 yen for two episodes and 27,000 yen for season sets and still expect to make a small profit. They don't see why they have to sell a season set for $40 in the US when it goes for $250 in Japan and attracts buyers at that price.

Believe me, if US anime distributors could afford to put out season sets, they would. But they can't because of licensing fees and reluctant Japanese anime outfits. Hopefully the next few years will see a gradual evolution in anime prices, though -- it'll cause a shakeup in the marketplace, but ultimately it'll be better for anime.
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