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The Butterfly Effect has the WORST ENDING EVER!

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Some spoilers but whatever.

Holy crap what the hell. I can't believe I stayed up until 1:30am for such a lame ending, surely I cannot be the only one that feels this way. What were they thinking when they made this movie? It's like he did all that work for nothing. Well, she was ok, but I mean she didn't know him. At all.

Another thing I HATED about this movie is that they never ever made it clear how he had the ability to change the history of his and other people's lives by reading a stupid journal. If I missed something, someone fill me in.

Man, what a great movie... until the end! Sucks.


well not really...yet
The directors cut ending is so hilarious. The whole movie is so depressing but the ending just makes it one huge joke.

its comedy gold.


Well jesus the regular one is quite a let down in itself.

I guess the movie was intended to be that way, a shocker in every way possible, but they ran with the idea too far IMO and ruined the story at the very end. I want the time I watched the movie back so I could have got more sleep. Dammit.


well not really...yet
spoiler for the directors cut:

he goes back in time when hes in the womb and hangs himself with the umbilical cord

hilarity ensued!


Oh my GOD I just watched the directors cut ending.


Who the hell does she end up marrying?
The baby that his mom had after he hung himself inside the womb?
So in a way it's him, but uh, not?

Holy shit this movie is a failure. They couldn't even save it with the lame ass directors cut. You're right, ABC family night probably has done better.




Honestly, what gave him the power to travel back in time by reading journals and watching movies? Jesus? COME ON


I expected it to be damn good! I thought they would maybe cross paths in the middle of that time warp BS and she finally realizes what he's been through. I figured that's what would happen. Or at the very least, he'd end up in a reality that was good enough.

What the hell.


DeadStar said:
oh and this whole movie looked so amateurly shot its not even funny.
Who'd she marry in the alternate ending? Was it the baby born after he hung himself?

Crap, I should have rented Hellboy or Malibu's Most Wanted instead.


well not really...yet
Diablos said:
Who'd she marry in the alternate ending? Was it the baby born after he hung himself?
nah he died, she just married some other dude, i dont really remember, nor do I care to really :/

Hellboy is fucking awesome, shouldve gotten that.

I actually saw malibus most wanted, its pretty worthless in every sense of the word.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Diablos said:
I expected it to be damn good! I thought they would maybe cross paths in the middle of that time warp BS and she finally realizes what he's been through. I figured that's what would happen. Or at the very least, he'd end up in a reality that was good enough.

What the hell.

It seems to me that they, the makers of the movie, wanted to have a "pre-destination... going back in time is a mess" kind of theme going on, but they did not develop it like they intended to.
I was totally not going to bother with this flick, but after hearing about the ending here on GAF, I gotta see that "real" ending


Just because it's not a SUPER HAPPY ENDING doesn't mean the movie sucks.

If it was, everyone would argue it's just like every other movie, lol.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I liked the movie and both endings...does that make me weird?


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.


I loved the movie cause in a lot of ways i related to more than one of the stories presented. It really was better than most shit to come out of the theaters in a long time. Oh and yeah um kids set two girl yeah um goodness is a bowl with cream all over it.

And well i think they should have ended it with him finally realizing that they're were no books and that he made them all up in his head. And so he goes back to taking his pills and then you cut to him being in his bed and he screams at the top of his lungs that would have been my favorite ending.


Yeah, I thought maybe the end revealed that he has been crazy all his life, but of course that would have been worse.

The original ending was acceptable I guess, just not as good as it could have been.


How come some things he did effected the future and other things he did didn't?
When he
hit his hands on the spikes in the classroom, he still ended up in the jail cell. the future wasnt effected AT ALL. How stupid.


Grandma's Chippy
olimario said:
How come some things he did effected the future and other things he did didn't?
When he
hit his hands on the spikes in the classroom, he still ended up in the jail cell. the future wasnt effected AT ALL. How stupid.
I figured that is when he realized that he had to effect other people more than just himself in order to change stuff...but it has beena while since I saw it so ...whatever :)


I liked both endings. What's wrong with them? She stayed with her father because of him, and she had a shitty life because of it, so he changed history to make it that they weren't friends, so that she'd live with her mom instead. It makes sense.

And how did his ability work? Who cares. It's a plot device.
Some of the things people want better explanations for in this film would have took another hour to even explain. I can't think of a single "time traveling" movie that didn't have massive plot holes and unexplainable occurances even considering the universe the movie takes place in.

Kon Tiki

Diablos said:
Yeah, I thought maybe the end revealed that he has been crazy all his life, but of course that would have been worse.

The original ending was acceptable I guess, just not as good as it could have been.

Please share with in detail, with dialogue and scene descriptions, your perfect ending.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Diablos said:
Honestly, what gave him the power to travel back in time by reading journals and watching movies? Jesus? COME ON

If you watch a sci-fi movie or a movie with sci-fi overtones, you have to be willing to accept the premise, even though it could never happen. I mean, I don't see too many Robocops walking around or Terminators showing up. Once you get past that, I thought it was a pretty good movie. There are like 3 different endings on the DVD. The "Official" Director's cut is probably the worst. Well, it infers that everytime he goes back in time, he has memory of every other time he did so. So what is to stop him from betting on Super Bowls, investing in stocks, hooking up with Britney Spears before she was famous, etc. Also, wouldn't 6th grade be a little boring with all kinds of mture knowledge?

But it is a movie, so I can accept all that. I guess the ending I would have preferred is:
The one where he sees the chick walking down the street and strikes up a conversation with her.


Time ta STEP IT UP
I never saw this movie but...

This Director's cut ending you speak of... he strangled himself with an umbilicul chord? WHAT?! That must look so funny on screen.


I didn't think it was too bad. The ending was fine because she was happy and he couldn't interfere with that at all. If you've see Bedazzled it was pretty much the same idea.


I think you mean, The Butterfly Effect has the WORST ACTING EVER!

After seeing that and ugh what was it, my boss's daughter or something, I'm convinced that Ashton Kutcher should be dragged into an alley and shot if he ever even thinks of making another movie.


6.8 said:
They're not complaing because the ending isn't happy. They're complaining because it's stupid.

Holy crap what the hell. I can't believe I stayed up until 1:30am for such a lame ending, surely I cannot be the only one that feels this way. What were they thinking when they made this movie? It's like he did all that work for nothing. Well, she was ok, but I mean she didn't know him. At all.

you sure?


When we watched the director's cut ending, as soon as I saw the birth reel being played I was like 'Babies can't abort themselves!!!'
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