Right..I forgot...If Ms. Marvel is Captain Marvel now, how did Rouge absorb her powers? Did that story change?
Basically, a brief primer on Carol post-Rogue fight:
-That happened pretty early... the original Rogue vs Carol fight was before Rogue was an X-Man. Rogue still lived with Destiny and Mystique (who at that point were intended to be her biological parents... Destiny her mother and Mystique her
FATHER, but editorial wouldn't let Claremont do it. Anyway, back on topic.)
-Carol at that point had quit the Avengers over the fucked up rape pregnancy thing. In real life, Chris Claremont thought it was fucked up too, and
decided to call out both the writers IRL and the characters in story.
-So anyway, Carol fought Rogue, Rogue demolished her, and sucked up all her powers AND her memories. (again, Rogue was still just a new X-Men villain at this point... in fact this was her first appearance).
-The X-Men felt bad that one of their villains had jacked up Ms. Marvel so bad, so they took her in. They also told the Avengers to go fuck themselves in a thinly veiled "we also mean this in real life" way, as mentioned above.
-Professor X used his psychic powers and after a while got most of her memories restored, although she still wasn't quite right. Like she could remember everything now, but didn't have any emotional connection to her life.
-She also still didn't have any powers. But despite this, she started going off with the X-Men on some missions and stuff. One one of them, they were going to space to do Shi'ar/Starjammers/Brood stuff. She went along because she's a half Kree space hero cosmic type even though she was de-powered.
-But uh oh! On this particular adventure she got
Captured by the Brood! While the X-Men were trying to rescue her, the Brood were busy experimenting on her! And it turns out, they unlocked her powers! Not just her old powers, but crazy over the top space powers, like only Claremont could bestow on a heroine! She had an awesome new look and an awesome new name: Binary!
-She fucked up the Brood, let the X-Men and Starjammers know she was a-ok, and they all headed back to Earth where she couldn't wait to be an X-Man with her new awesome power set.
-But bad news! Xavier had accepted a new X-Man into the ranks: Rogue! Carol was happy that the X-Men had treated her better than the Avengers ever had, but she sure as hell didn't want to be on a team with Rogue.
-So she promptly said "screw this", blasted off back to space and jumped back in with the Starjammers, Shi'ar and whoever, and had many years worth of rad Cosmic Marvel adventures that we weren't privy to all of. But for the next ten years or so (mid-eighties to mid nineties), she would turn up occasionally when Earth Marvel people would wind up in space.
-Then in the 90's the Avengers creative team decided to start using her again. She had an adventure with Quasar that resulted in her losing some of her OP ness. Actually, her powers were slowly draining away, because comic books. And because when she's an Avenger, she becomes a punching bag for the writers and characters. They also took away her totally bodacious fire-headed 80's look and replaced it with a black swimsuit and mask.

And renamed her "Warbird".

Oh, also she became a raging alcoholic who got fired from the Avengers, but not really fired because they like to keep her around to do interventions and stuff. PS the Avengers sure suck when it comes to Carol.
(at first she had some sweet 90's trim, btw)
-At some point she started going to AA and changed her name back to Ms. Marvel, but the bottom line was that she was back to being a shitty, c-grade Avenger instead of an underutilized but kick-ass, badass Cosmic Marvel character like she was in the late 80's early 90's. Can't blame her for wanting to drink.
-Then the Scarlet Witch went crazy and the Avengers got ruined and disbanded anyway. Carol kinda got lost in the shuffle.
-Then the Scarlet Witch went SUPER crazy and House of M happened. Most people came out of it not remembering what had happened, but Carol was one of the few that got "woken up in the Matrix" and came out remembering it.
-It was so shocking that she decided to get her shit together. She got an ongoing book that was actually pretty good... it went five years, 50 issues which seems nuts by today's standards. In it, she went back to space and punched some Brood, picked a fight with Rogue a time or two, and hung out with the Kree some. Dealt with the Vell children in various fight-y/team-up-y adventures. Tumbled through the endless string of late 00's Marvel crossover events like everybody else.
-Eventually she changed her name to Captain Marvel, got a super badass new costume and became an A- grade Avenger. She got her space powers back, more or less, and sometimes she kinda goes into "Binary mode" overdrive thing where she becomes the super overpowered Binary of old.
-Now she's barely with the Avengers any more, but became the boss of S.W.O.R.D., folded Alpha Flight into it, lives on a satellite, is part of another awesome team called the Ultimates, and was part of a brief jam called A-Force, and works with SHIELD a lot. She's no longer a punching bag for the cool kids, in fact they're kind of a punching bag for her sometimes. She's in charge of a lot of shit now, and she's grown kind of abrasive and cynical. She has a tendency to take the "wrong" side when there are Civil Wars and the like. She has kind of a love/hate relationship with Tony n' Steve and other long time AAA's.
That's more than you asked for, but it's what fell out of my keyboard.
TLDR: The Brood gave her back her powers, then a bunch of other stuff happened.