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The creative logic of Chrono Trigger.

Scotty W

lsd wtf GIF
Is that Catalack?!!
While I think you are probably going above and beyond even what the team was thinking when creating the game, it was an interesting read with a theory backed by some interesting arguments.

Scotty W

i just found about square had a jazz version of CT music selections. not bad at all
Let me stop you right there. It is bad.

While I think you are probably going above and beyond even what the team was thinking when creating the game, it was an interesting read with a theory backed by some interesting arguments.
I don’t think I am going above and beyond at all, except where noted. The problem is that people are so used to all encompassing schizo theories on the internet, they find it impossible to engage with legitimate literary criticism. Hamlet, for example, is infinitely stranger than Chrono Trigger; this goes not immediately invalidate everything written about it.
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