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The Critical Drinker on Youtube - It's easier to list the types of people who wouldn't love him.- You're welcome.

The premise of his channel is pretty stereotypical. A scottishirishbritish man drinks liquor and goes on rants about shitty movies with a slight, alcohol assisted slur to his voice, and a hint of his sanity slowly seeping out having to watch terrible movies, talk about terrible movies, and terrible rumors about movies including the most famous, useless, flat, uninspired wooden block(Has no ass. I'll give you a hint. Starts with Brie and ends with Larson. That's a joke, because Everyone already knows Brie Larson is the most famous block of wood in all of creation.) joining in on the fun of kicking a thrice dead horse(Star Wars) far beyond 6 feet right into the fuckin core of the Earth. The difference is, he is able to bear this insane agony and deliver entertaining, humorous and extremely well put together videos. They aren't the most flashy, but one does not have to be flashy, when you're as beautiful as this selfless, amazing and just straight up Universal Treasure bastard is.


I'm not gay, but if he told me, "You and I are going to sex of the man on man variety right now" with that combination of voice and chad alpha omega masculinity beautiful handsomeness, I would not say no even if he said he gonna go in dry.

...Oh god that's at least 3 different levels of gay right there, but who cares? I don't regret saying it, and I don't have children or a wife to disappoint and heart break, so it's not like admitting to this is going to ruin my life. :)

Onto the serious part of this thread, since I wasn't going to just flat out embarrass myself. I find him genuinely funny, and I haven't come across one of his videos where any single part of it was difficult to watch because of him. It's the horrible film or wooden block or actress he's talking about that makes it painful to watch. I managed to watch his two videos on Ghostbusters back to back and no pausing for breaks to projectile vomit into a trash can. Most people know that just a still image from the Ghostbusters remake causes severe nausea and headache if one looks at it for too long. The consequences of watching parts of the film in motion has a large chance of being fatal to the unfortunate viewer. But listening to Critical Drinker talk about them, and all the horrible shit that went along with it, his mocking, unapologetic and just spot on truth about that dumpster fire helped me get through all 19:30 of them without dying. If that a surefire sign that this man is legitimately entertaining, I don't know what else can convince people. Not all of his videos are going to be 100% pure genius or greatness. He'll make some videos that might not elicit a single chuckle or one may not make it through more than a minute of some. That's fine. Nobody is perfect. As much as I enjoy his content, there are some of his videos that I got bored of watching within the first two minutes of watching them. Two minutes sounds a bit premature in terms of giving a video a fair shake, but I'm not perfect. What if those two minutes set the general tone for the vast majority of the video. I don't think anyone would want to sit through say, a video that gives a person 15 minutes of boredom and 30 seconds enjoyment. That's a piss poor ratio of time wasted to time well spent.

I honestly cannot nor will not say you will love him or hate him. My opinion of him is only a single one. I enjoy his content. I hope some or most people that give his content a shot will enjoy it, and it's perfectly understandable that there definitely will be people that don't like or even outright hate him. If we all liked the same content, the world would be boring.

If you wanna give him a shot, I just say start wherever. It may take one or a few videos to form a solid opinion of him for yourself. Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSJPFQdZwrOutnmSFYtbstA

The title of the thread is obvious hyperbole, but it wouldn't be the first. :messenger_grinning_squinting:

There are some groups of people, that are comprised of the physically weakest, thinnest shelled, easiest to offend and communicate in high pitched, ear drum shattering screechest, simply deranged and delusional people

Edit: I know I said types of people in the title, but it's too late now. An effort was made. I never said it was a good one.

The entire collective that genuinely believes OJ never killed anyone - 4 people.
People who would actually be willing and enthusiastic giving Caitlyn Jenner's former outie now innie penis VAGINA
Humans composed of 90% of Soy - Entirety of RE...
Feelings hurt if you even glance negatively in their Direction -Entirety of Re...
People that think the new trilogy is better than the original - Originally 15 people. Now 6. 9 have since been humanely shot into the sun.
Forum with the most openly active NAMBLA MEMBERS - ....way to obvious. I was going to ask the question, "Do I really even need to give the slightest hint as to what forum I'm talking about?" but then I would feel even dumber for asking such a stupid question despite it being rhetorical and delivered in an unnecessary mocking tone.
I would keep going, but lame things can only be dragged for so long before they always manage to get back on the whee-nope. I'm going to hell, but I don't want an entire part of it being devoted to my eternal suffering.

TL DR I reccommend giving the critical drinker videos a watch or two. I found him entertaining. You might find him interesting, not interesting, or somewhere inbetween.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
The premise of his channel is pretty stereotypical. A scottishirishbritish man drinks liquor and goes on rants about shitty movies with a slight, alcohol assisted slur to his voice, and a hint of his sanity slowly seeping out having to watch terrible movies, talk about terrible movies, and terrible rumors about movies including the most famous, useless, flat, uninspired wooden block(Has no ass. I'll give you a hint. Starts with Brie and ends with Larson. That's a joke, because Everyone already knows Brie Larson is the most famous block of wood in all of creation.) joining in on the fun of kicking a thrice dead horse(Star Wars) far beyond 6 feet right into the fuckin core of the Earth. The difference is, he is able to bear this insane agony and deliver entertaining, humorous and extremely well put together videos. They aren't the most flashy, but one does not have to be flashy, when you're as beautiful as this selfless, amazing and just straight up Universal Treasure bastard is.


I'm not gay, but if he told me, "You and I are going to sex of the man on man variety right now" with that combination of voice and chad alpha omega masculinity beautiful handsomeness, I would not say no even if he said he gonna go in dry.

...Oh god that's at least 3 different levels of gay right there, but who cares? I don't regret saying it, and I don't have children or a wife to disappoint and heart break, so it's not like admitting to this is going to ruin my life. :)

Onto the serious part of this thread, since I wasn't going to just flat out embarrass myself. I find him genuinely funny, and I haven't come across one of his videos where any single part of it was difficult to watch because of him. It's the horrible film or wooden block or actress he's talking about that makes it painful to watch. I managed to watch his two videos on Ghostbusters back to back and no pausing for breaks to projectile vomit into a trash can. Most people know that just a still image from the Ghostbusters remake causes severe nausea and headache if one looks at it for too long. The consequences of watching parts of the film in motion has a large chance of being fatal to the unfortunate viewer. But listening to Critical Drinker talk about them, and all the horrible shit that went along with it, his mocking, unapologetic and just spot on truth about that dumpster fire helped me get through all 19:30 of them without dying. If that a surefire sign that this man is legitimately entertaining, I don't know what else can convince people. Not all of his videos are going to be 100% pure genius or greatness. He'll make some videos that might not elicit a single chuckle or one may not make it through more than a minute of some. That's fine. Nobody is perfect. As much as I enjoy his content, there are some of his videos that I got bored of watching within the first two minutes of watching them. Two minutes sounds a bit premature in terms of giving a video a fair shake, but I'm not perfect. What if those two minutes set the general tone for the vast majority of the video. I don't think anyone would want to sit through say, a video that gives a person 15 minutes of boredom and 30 seconds enjoyment. That's a piss poor ratio of time wasted to time well spent.

I honestly cannot nor will not say you will love him or hate him. My opinion of him is only a single one. I enjoy his content. I hope some or most people that give his content a shot will enjoy it, and it's perfectly understandable that there definitely will be people that don't like or even outright hate him. If we all liked the same content, the world would be boring.

If you wanna give him a shot, I just say start wherever. It may take one or a few videos to form a solid opinion of him for yourself. Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSJPFQdZwrOutnmSFYtbstA

The title of the thread is obvious hyperbole, but it wouldn't be the first. :messenger_grinning_squinting:

There are some groups of people, that are comprised of the physically weakest, thinnest shelled, easiest to offend and communicate in high pitched, ear drum shattering screechest, simply deranged and delusional people

Edit: I know I said types of people in the title, but it's too late now. An effort was made. I never said it was a good one.

The entire collective that genuinely believes OJ never killed anyone - 4 people.
People who would actually be willing and enthusiastic giving Caitlyn Jenner's former outie now innie penis VAGINA
Humans composed of 90% of Soy - Entirety of RE...
Feelings hurt if you even glance negatively in their Direction -Entirety of Re...
People that think the new trilogy is better than the original - Originally 15 people. Now 6. 9 have since been humanely shot into the sun.
Forum with the most openly active NAMBLA MEMBERS - ....way to obvious. I was going to ask the question, "Do I really even need to give the slightest hint as to what forum I'm talking about?" but then I would feel even dumber for asking such a stupid question despite it being rhetorical and delivered in an unnecessary mocking tone.
I would keep going, but lame things can only be dragged for so long before they always manage to get back on the whee-nope. I'm going to hell, but I don't want an entire part of it being devoted to my eternal suffering.

TL DR I reccommend giving the critical drinker videos a watch or two. I found him entertaining. You might find him interesting, not interesting, or somewhere inbetween.
Never got recommendations for him. I'll give it a shot.

Random youtube channel recommendation I'll throw out is Lost in Vegas. These guys are just fucking fun.

Two black guys take the plunge into rock and metal. They start out shocked, and now are super fans. Gojira gave them free tickets when they played in their town and met them backstage.

They have surprisingly in depth, and simultaneously really fun reactions to music. Just makes it fun to hear songs you've heard again when you see people freaking out for the first time. I think a lot of people are going to go back to the 90s and find shit that sounds more complex than today, and be surprised.

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Never got recommendations for him. I'll give it a shot.

Random youtube channel recommendation I'll throw out is Lost in Vegas. These guys are just fucking fun.

Two black guys take the plunge into rock and metal. They start out shocked, and now are super fans. Gojira gave them free tickets when they played in their town and met them backstage.

They have surprisingly in depth, and simultaneously really fun reactions to music. Just makes it fun to hear songs you've heard again when you see people freaking out for the first time. I think a lot of people are going to go back to the 90s and find shit that sounds more complex than today, and be surprised.

These guys are great. I’ll check out the drinker guy, think you might have oversold it tho op.

Edit: very clever and entertaining, good call op 👍
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Great review channel with a funny schtick. Even if I dont always agree with him, he always presents his opinions in a well reasoned and entertaining manner.
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Swear to god 90% of my post contain 12 hour repressed memories of one to many "below bad dad jokes" quality attempts at humor and almost ooze a obnoxious desperation. I know I deliver the very rare and legitimately chuckle or gut busting comment, it's miss to hit ratio is worse than the 2019 Miami Dolphins average margin of historisuckdefeat....Dolphins comment is not a joke. Their team's ability is the all time historisuckjoke or history's suckiest joke. It's so bad, that it's flatter, more non existent, and more embarrassing than blonde haired super famous wooden block, Brie Larsen. Remorse, embarrassment, and apologetic is what I feel reading these bad jokes of mine.

BUT atleast I did a major solid and introduced many individuals to the genius that is Critical Drinker. That negates every terrible joke I have made that people have been subjected too unknowingly until it was too late. It works exactly like the krillin owned counter reset after 18 rode his mammoth, 30 inch penis for weeks. People learning about Critical drinker is that fanfuckintastic.

Also, I wonder...since Brie Larson's ass is so flat that it's almost inverted, is it like the top has the beginnings of an asscrack, but flatness reigns after the first top inch of her ass, is just like, a 1 inch crack, flatness and a stanky brown hole? Wiping must be a Breeze. The most not funny thing about this is...I genuinely wonder that. I picture it in my mind. A wooden block with nothing but an asshole for an ass.

Referring to actors and actresses with the emotional range of a corpse as sentient wooden blocks is one of my top 10 favorite descriptions of a thing all time.

I'll be honest. I enjoy making random, strange and unexpected joke statements all the time. I know there's always that possibility that one or more people that read it, realize it is the worst thing they have ever read, and it is worded in such a way or uses just the right words to make a pun, straight up joke, or exaggerated comparison to make them lose their shit and laugh so hard that their ribcage hurts is why I do it. An unexpected burst of laughter from the dumbest of jokes is one of my favorite kind of experiences when it comes to laughing. It's like a super awesome surprise and giant pickup to one's mood and can make the worst day in my life seem pretty good overall. Greatest thing about them has to be knowing that if enough people read bad jokes of mine, there is a high statistical probability that some of them got that unexpected and almost uncontrollable burst of laughter. I don't get any sense of accomplishment. I'm just happy to know that I most likely brighten peoples shitty days with a bit of unexpected, high powered and red lined joy.

Edit: But yeah. People enjoying Critical Drinker's content is great.
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advanced basic bitch
I just discovered him myself. He's really great. Makes a lot of good points while being funny as hell at times.
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Xaero Gravity

Haha thanks for promoting my channel. Not going to lie, it's a little weird but hey, I appreciate the support 😘

Edit: God damn I was joking. Stop PMimg me
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Never got recommendations for him. I'll give it a shot.

Random youtube channel recommendation I'll throw out is Lost in Vegas. These guys are just fucking fun.

Two black guys take the plunge into rock and metal. They start out shocked, and now are super fans. Gojira gave them free tickets when they played in their town and met them backstage.

They have surprisingly in depth, and simultaneously really fun reactions to music. Just makes it fun to hear songs you've heard again when you see people freaking out for the first time. I think a lot of people are going to go back to the 90s and find shit that sounds more complex than today, and be surprised.

Yeah I love these guys. Would be nice if they'd cover more electronic music for once though.
Haha thanks for promoting my channel. Not going to lie, it's a little weird but hey, I appreciate the support 😘

Edit: God damn I was joking. Stop PMimg me

At first, I was like, "Oh wow. You're The Verge?" I was gonna ask, because judging by your posting history, I can hilariously think of one thing that puts your writing to shame. THE PC BUILD VIDEO THE VERGE DID! TSARBOMBA FLASH BURN!

Please sir. It was a joke and I did the joke and I only did it because I'm so desperate for attention, I'm sure that your ability to help me is just about as good as THE VERGE PC BUILD!

OH GOD yeah ok I'm gonna end this. You know I'm not even remotely allowed to make jokes making fun of people's post history or habits. All you need to see why is to see how many posts I have made, and last I checked, over 1900 posts, so prosecution's exhibit #1 to #1900+ as to why I am barred from making the teeniest and tiniest and most benign slight against another user's post history. My post history is uglier than my face with makeup. Without Makeup, my face makes Kathy Griffith's uncovered pus pocket of a face look like an non-resistable 12 out of 10.

Yeah...I'm usually the best at insulting myself, because no one hates me more than me...haha...well my family maybe.

End scene quality and emotional impact on par with block of wood, Brie Larson. :messenger_grimmacing_:messenger_ok:

Edit: I honestly reviewed, revised and repeated this process a good 7 times...and this is as good as I could manage. I am a terrible poster.
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Xaero Gravity

At first, I was like, "Oh wow. You're The Verge?" I was gonna ask, because judging by your posting history, I can hilariously think of one thing that puts your writing to shame. THE PC BUILD VIDEO THE VERGE DID! TSARBOMBA FLASH BURN!

Please sir. It was a joke and I did the joke and I only did it because I'm so desperate for attention, I'm sure that your ability to help me is just about as good as THE VERGE PC BUILD!

OH GOD yeah ok I'm gonna end this. You know I'm not even remotely allowed to make jokes making fun of people's post history or habits. All you need to see why is to see how many posts I have made, and last I checked, over 1900 posts, so prosecution's exhibit #1 to #1900+ as to why I am barred from making the teeniest and tiniest and most benign slight against another user's post history. My post history is uglier than my face with makeup. Without Makeup, my face makes Kathy Griffith's uncovered pus pocket of a face look like an non-resistable 12 out of 10.

Yeah...I'm usually the best at insulting myself, because no one hates me more than me...haha...well my family maybe.

End scene quality and emotional impact on par with block of wood, Brie Larson. :messenger_grimmacing_:messenger_ok:

Edit: I honestly reviewed, revised and repeated this process a good 7 times...and this is as good as I could manage. I am a terrible poster.

I think I liked you better when you went by Amir0x


He's great. You can trust his recommendations on older stuff too when he does a retrospective.
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Decent reviewer with good taste but needs to stop focusing on surface level shit and start redpilling his audience onto better prospects.


Heard several recommendations and gave it a shot, the voice is too much for me and the commentary wasn't blowing me away, not interested


you should try this video, it's really nice. he talks about the movie as a Nostradamus prediction type deal, he goes into the realness of the sets and 90s action production, talks about how at the end both the lawless revolutionaries and the cops decide to meet in the middle and make a future out of compromise, he mentions that awesome moment of 90s T&A, it's a good take.

i love his voice tbh. he could be a voice actor. he could do radio or something.
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advanced basic bitch
Love his work and he keeps getting better. Give his 4 hour Aliens discussion a listen if you haven't. The other guy wasn't great but he was.
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