It's not the act of broadcasting it in itself that causes harm, there's the reaction to it that stems from the tendency of people today for getting their rocks off at wanting to destroy everyone and everything.
The ramifications of posting that video has to be factored into the decision to do so. It can't just be looked at in the vacuum of "someone was an asshole and I recorded them being one!" It's person is an asshole for a moment and now has their lives ruined.
Most of the time it's momentary lapses in judgement. We're speaking very generally here using the term "asshole" as my definition might be different from yours.
In many cases with the internet, and social media, you’re right: the punishment doesn’t always fit the crime. Someone having a bad day and just throwing a fit shouldn’t be a “social death sentence.” But, if someone harasses someone, especially if it’s physical, to me that’s on them. If they get recorded doing something like that, threatening someone, anything like that, that’s on you.
I’ve never screamed at someone in public. I don’t think that’s an unrealistic expectation.
Cases of people going way overboard trying to sic the cops on someone for no valid reason, I mean, that’s a dick move. That’s on them.
I don’t disagree with you though, especially about constant ridicule going way too far, and as far as death threats go, that’s just never appropriate.
However, I can’t help but be curious, did you stand up for the person who lost their shit in GameStop a little while back?
I don’t remember this individual garnering much sympathy.
It’s so weird that you think this is about racism.
must suck to live with racism in your head all day long.
I don't think it's exaggeration at all. Social media is a vile place. Someone at a store says something mean to someone. Video has millions of views. Someone posts their address online or posts their name. People find their social media accounts, hound them with harassing and threatening messages. For the average person that shit wears on you, man. Similar things have driven people to suicide. We just lost a 22 year old girl this past week over social media bullying. All these videos leaking online do is encourage bullying.come on man, being embarrassed is rarely going to “ruin your life”
don’t let exaggeration ruin a good thread
Police: Don't reach into your pocket.Low tier shit post from you. Are you driving or something? Usually you at least explain yourself.
You act like no one has been shot by the police when they show up to a situation they are told is violent. That's literally the only reason people die from Swatting. Because it happens sometimes. All this guy had to do is encounter cops told this man is violent, and he maybe reaches in his pocket to get his phone to show them the video, and one cop has bad training and is trigger happy. It's not illogical in any way.
If you're telling police that someone is a threat, it has consequences. It puts the accused person in potential danger.
This post is true at the same time that everything I said is true. Nothing in it contradicts each other.
I said it's possible he could have been killed, and it is. Killed from her lie.
You're arguing the probability of that is low. And it is, but it's not zero.
I don't think it's exaggeration at all. Social media is a vile place. Someone at a store says something mean to someone. Video has millions of views. Someone posts their address online or posts their name. People find their social media accounts, hound them with harassing and threatening messages. For the average person that shit wears on you, man. Similar things have driven people to suicide. We just lost a 22 year old girl this past week over social media bullying. All these videos leaking online do is encourage bullying.
We need to just let people be, unless they're doing something truly vile or committing a crime. Not that it will ever happen, the cat is out of the bag on this whole thing now, but people can't just "be" anymore without it potentially coming back as a massive shit storm.
Though I wasn’t referring to any racist incidents specifically, there certainly are racists and bigots out there and on occasion they will be recorded doing racist or bigoted things.OP is not about racism.
Just because you posted on incident that includes racism does not mean that is what this topic is about.
SO when you make a topic of your neighbors car and post pictures of it on social media (this website) you have ruined your neighbors life?
Of course not.
There are degrees of everything.
Even getting fired does not "ruin a life" sure its a set back.
I agree with your main points, Everyone needs to calm down and treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.
I agree with your sentiment but the lady in Central Park whom self-admittedly leveraged her privilege against that black dude, threatening him what she knows to be a disproportional response from the NYPD on innocent black men is fucked up on a whole new level -- It's Emmit till all over again. This is important
Police: Don't reach into your pocket.
Guy: I'm going to reach into my pocket anyway.
Poors cops, they were probably just having a bad day, they don't deserve to lose their jobs after murdering... I mean, accidentally killing that man. He was probably on drugs anyway so he deserved it.
GAF in a nutshell, 2020.
If it’s just a bad day with a little attitude, no one would care. It wouldn’t get views and would go on the internet barely noticed. When you act like a complete piece of shit, expect the internet to blow it up.I really don't think this is a sound argument. That's like word coming out that states will now be invoking the death penalty on petty theft crimes and responding "maybe don't steal a pack of gum, then?"
The punishment does not fit the crime. Losing your temper like a human being in public should not subjugate one to death threats, endless ridicule, harassment, and loss of employment.
We are trying to set unrealistic standards. In fact, I think this kinda stuff propagates it. People are all tense now and under way more stress than they can't leave the house without being monitored by someone.
I only saw the clip posted later in this thread, but where is the racism? Unless there is more then that clip I don’t know about, it looks like she is just a dumb bitch that overreacted to being told to put her dog on a leash and should face some kind of charges for making a false 911 call.If you're talking about the lady in central park that was on her for being a racist asshole. Using the police as a weapon threatening to call the police after he politely asked her to leash her poor dog.
Again, she is a stupid bitch. But she has to describe the person who made the “threat” so how does one do that?The part where she said she would call the police and say she is being threatened by a black man...
Again, she is a stupid bitch. But she has to describe the person who made the “threat” so how does one do that?
Lets be real here would she have called the police on him if he was white? And knowing the NYPD that is practically a death sentence.I only saw the clip posted later in this thread, but where is the racism? Unless there is more then that clip I don’t know about, it looks like she is just a dumb bitch that overreacted to being told to put her dog on a leash and should face some kind of charges for making a false 911 call.
He didn’t. That’s why I said she is a stupid bitch and should face charges for making a false 911 call.How exactly did he threaten her life though?
We don’t know what the reaction would have been toward anybody else. You feeling that is you projecting racism into the situation. Practically a death sentence? Nobody got arrested, let alone hurt or killed. Get out of here with that shit.Lets be real here would she have called the police on him if he was white? And knowing the NYPD that is practically a death sentence.
Totally agree. It is such a Chad/Karen thing to do.I absolutely loathe it.
Damn. Didn’t know that. Thanks. Kind of adjusts my earlier comments about how she acted.So, I'm sure it's been mentioned, you all know what the guy said to her right? Supposedly he told her that he was going to do what he was going to do and she wouldn't like it. He called her dog over to him and she panicked. He posted this on his Facebook. And he thought what he posted sounded fine. I wonder what he REALLY said?
They are both shit but ALWAYS be wary of the recording provided by the person filming. They leave out a little bit. If someone threatened my, I tell you what. Granted, I wouldn't use racist terms but shit would get nasty.
So, I'm sure it's been mentioned, you all know what the guy said to her right? Supposedly he told her that he was going to do what he was going to do and she wouldn't like it. He called her dog over to him and she panicked. He posted this on his Facebook. And he thought what he posted sounded fine. I wonder what he REALLY said?
They are both shit but ALWAYS be wary of the recording provided by the person filming. They leave out a little bit. If someone threatened my, I tell you what. Granted, I wouldn't use racist terms but shit would get nasty.
Every single person on the planet has an asshole moment. Multiple moments, actually. If you think that is worthy of global ridicule, I think that's absurd, man.
If someone goes psycho on someone who hasn't really done anything wrong to them, it is worthy of ridicule and mockery. On a local scale. The people in the immediate area. Not the entire planet learning about it and coming down on them.I get what you’re trying to say, but I can’t say I’ve ever had a public meltdown, and certainly not an aggressive one. Have you?
Like, if you unreasonably flip your shit on people who haven’t wronged you (or, at worst, slightly inconvenienced you) then that is a noteworthy act, and it is an act that is absolutely worthy of ridicule and mockery.
I can think of a great many situations where the person got exactly what they deserved, and very few where the response was over the line.
Also something to consider is that people in these situations aren’t apologetic until they realize their actions will have tangible consequences. I feel no need to entertain crocodile tears.
Me too. I first saw the clip on Barstool. They were saying how both people were assholes but the lady was much worse as she seemed unhinged. I thought she was a psycho for sure.After I watched the clip I was puzzled with her apparent emotional distress and lack of sound judgement. If what you say is true then it would help explain things.
Sounds like they got exposedNo, this thread isn't about that video in particular. It was actually more about some middle aged woman in some store freaking out about something I saw last week and everyone was laughing and mocking the woman. I don't even remember what the woman was freaking out about.
Regardless, I think it's extremely dangerous culture territory we are stepping into with everyone being "exposed" in their worst moments. There may be situations where it works for good, but overall I find it a major net negative. Not to mention a lot of these videos can be(and have been) recorded or edited out of context. For example, a verbal spat between two people and the person recording cuts out the things they say and only include the stuff the other person says. Then post it online, say something like "this person verbally attacked me for no reason" and boom their life is ruined.
Women who feel they’re beyond reproach are running rampant against everyone in the US, not just certain races. All you have to do is take a drive in a crowded, liberal dominated area for a while and you can see this. Who is going to tailgate you? Going to be some dumb bitch 9 out of 10 times. Doesn’t matter what your race is or what hers is.I feel like if people weren't discovered being racist this topic would not have been made.
You guys don't have a problem with blue haired liberals being put on blast in the same way.
You don't have a problem with screeching "get the manager" entitled white women because we always see their annoying asses in stores.
It's just that those incidents don't result in job losses as much (but sometimes they do have those results) compared to racism.