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The Death of GAF

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It is, or so it seems, that we are in a downward spiral toward the inane bastion that is gamefaq’s, only with an off-topic forum. Maybe it was E³ that brought an influx of juniors, or rather people without humor, wit, or an ounce of intelligence.

When we have a ‘sticky’ exemplifying the misogyny that is GAF, it makes me cringe. We have had numerous attempts to curb the catchphrases, but now that is sliding. Most topics have no substance, along with the replies.

Interest has been waning for some time, and some familiar faces already seem to be leaving, or have already left. There is no soul anymore, just a system of whiners, and repeating topics I have read oh so many times. It is the cycle of humanity maybe, but really do we need to know what your refrigerator looks like?

Maybe it is nostalgia, maybe something is just wrong with me (probably), but I am not feeling in good company with these individuals (mind you I do not post very often, but am a keen observer).

Now on with your derision…

This has been a message by Chony.
Chony said:
We have had numerous attempts to curb the catchphrases, but now that is sliding. Most topics have no substance, along with the replies.
I enjoyed stricter modding, since I've seen what catchphrase replies, or constant posts with little substance can do to forums that allow them. I hope the current team of mods/admins further push the mentality that all of it is bad, but judging from the retarded amount of effort I had to exert to get anything done in the mod forum, I doubt it will. Short of the technical and financial areas of the forum (which are two edges of an important trifecta of keeping a forum healthy), most of the mods enjoy taking the "lean back, ban whoever bugs me, and do nothing else because it's a god damn videogame forum" mentality". And that's fine, so long as the vast majority don't all act like that. If it weren't for the numerous changes/implementions I proposed or executed, I'd have easily fallen into that category too. I may think jinx takes the whole modding thing too seriously, but it's good to have people around who mod seriously and try to improve the forum.

That said, I think it's only gotten a little bit worse since around E3, and I'm of a biased viewpoint on top of that.


I'm reminded of a quote from my good buddy Dr. Hunter S. Thompson: "Purists will bitch and whine, but so what? Purists always bitch and whine. That is their function."


Mike Works said:
I enjoyed stricter modding, since I've seen what catchphrase replies, or constant posts with little substance can do to forums that allow them. I hope the current team of mods/admins further push the mentality that all of it is bad, but judging from the retarded effort I had to put up with to get anything done in the mod forum, I doubt it will.

That said, I think it's only gotten a little bit worse since around E3, and I'm of a biased viewpoint on top of that.
Whoa whoa whoa... you're not a mod/admin anymore? WTF? Re-mod Mike Works NOW. And bring Drinky back, or I swear to God I will get drunk and start posting crazy shit.


Doesn't really feel all that different to me personally. There's always been a mix of good and bad posters, mostly though there's good discussion (outside of my oasis threads which are all full of unwelcomed vitriol!! haha). I think the sticky isnt necessary though.

I dont really know of any big posters leaving either.. I think most are all too addicted. GAF is just second nature at this point for most of us.


Raoul Duke said:
Whoa whoa whoa... you're not a mod/admin anymore? WTF? Re-mod Mike Works NOW. And bring Drinky back, or I swear to God I will get drunk and start posting crazy shit.

That threat ain't going to get anyone off of their ass ;)
Raoul Duke said:
Whoa whoa whoa... you're not a mod/admin anymore? WTF? Re-mod Mike Works NOW. And bring Drinky back, or I swear to God I will get drunk and start posting crazy shit.
Yeah, I got de-adminned for the Nintendogs operative.


Well, no wonder this place is looking more like the Short Bus with every passing day. You and Drinky were the best quality control we had. Who is going to stand against a horde of unwashed fanboys and idiots? This ain't lookin good.


My take:
GAF '05 is essentially identical to GAF '04
GAF '04 is essentially identical to GAF '03
GAF '99 is essentially identical to GAF '98

I'd agree that this forum has an ebb and flow, and that sometimes there's more annoying nonsense than others but's a pretty cyclical thing in my opinion. Part of it is that everyone has topics that interest them and topics that annoy - if you hate the politcal threads (or certain prolific posters who tend to be more active in those threads) than the runup to a US presidential election makes OT a hell on earth and if you hate console fanboy idiocy than E3 is the forum equivalent to getting acid injected into your eyeballs.
I dunno. I have always had an aversion to the gaming forum, even when I was a lurker. I usually think things aren't nesscessarily worse, just that you have a selective memory that filters out all the crap that was posted in the past, and you only really remember the good threads.

I also think that this particular e3 was rather boring to me, and as the old saying goes, you can't make chicken salad from chicken shit.


intangibles, motherfucker
Mike Works said:
Yeah, I got de-adminned for the Nintendogs operative.

:lol :lol :lol i remember everyone being all confused over in the gaming forum because of that. Good job on that one.


Wait. Some of you thought Drinky was a good mod? His countless troll threads didn't tip you off that he might not be the best person for the job?


I dunno, it seems to be the best video game forum I have come across .
(Is that like saying "its the smartest fish!" .. I don't know.)

I thought the first few days of E3 was some of the funniest threads I have read.


I must say, like everything in life...there is a cycle. GAF right now is in the downward part of it's current cycle. Sooner or later, we as a whole, will get back going up...but you know...just like Blaster master for NES, it was awesome when you played it at 12 but try playing it now....GAF of old, is just that....this is GAF now, love or leave it.



Seems more average then ever around here to me, 20-25% good stuff 75-80% crap. Which easily beats most gaming forums I've seen.


siege said:
Wait. Some of you thought Drinky was a good mod? His countless troll threads didn't tip you off that he might not be the best person for the job?

He's good at baiting inexperienced members.


E3 has the place popping, CES, Space World, GDC...holiday season, Toys-R-Us sale, system launches...this is what drives GAF, in the gaming side...the OT is driven by us and only us, and if you don't like whats out there, then how about producing your own content to stimulate our minds.

The OT is where each and everyone of us become individuals, OUR tastes, OUR music, OUR opinions....the gaming forum is driven by, guess what?? Games. Love, hate, fanboy, hater, sales etc....make GAF your own...but don't say it's dieing...it will never die.


White Man

You're a douchebag. It always gets barely tolerable during E3 season. Also keep in mind that there's an entire legion of people that have more free time to make their worthless voices heard during the summer.


Chony said:
It is, or so it seems, that we are in a downward spiral toward the inane bastion that is gamefaq’s, only with an off-topic forum. Maybe it was E³ that brought an influx of juniors, or rather people without humor, wit, or an ounce of intelligence.


Now on with your derision…
You bothered to put the '3' in superscript?


I personally think it's the summer doldrums.
On the gaming forum, a pretty disappointing E3 is over, and every year E3 arrives just when there aren't any new games worth talking about because nobody bothers to release any good games during this period (save maybe some GBA games).


impirius said:
You bothered to put the '3' in superscript?
When doing math write-ups on the computer I got accustomed to the alt-0-1-7-8 command that gives this: ² . Change the 8 to a 9, and you get a cube. ±}‘Ò
It's nostalgia. If you really thing this place is as bad as GameFAQs, go lurk and post there for a week and then come back. All that cynicism will disappear pretty quick I'd bet.

Raoul Duke said:
He got banned for pointing out that Nintendo fans happen to be sheep. Or something.

Since when is stating the obvious a bannable offense?


It seems to be a direct result of dull E3 and lack of games happening at the same time.
I'm sure things will pick up over the next few months.
It's always been a good forum for news, though, and I don't see that changing. GameFAQs isn't even in the same league in that respect. And at least we don't have a bunch of guys saying buttsecks in every thread.

I do miss Drinky, though, and I think the fads should be obliterated in a stricter manner. It's not as bad as the days when there were hundreds of replies saying IBTN, or IBHAT, etc. But allow it to be used in small doses and it soon escalates.


Chony said:
When doing math write-ups on the computer I got accustomed to the alt-0-1-7-8 command that gives this: ² . Change the 8 to a 9, and you get a cube. ±}‘Ò
Okay. In that case, I got nothin'. :D
This is just silly. I've been here for over 6 years(shamefully) and I think it is one of the best times ever here. Do people forget cats like o p a , gigadent(is he still here?), and futami so quickly? I really don't see what has changed that much though...


It's not that bad, honestly. Don't forget that we're working on a revised TOS right now that should help to improve/clarify matters slightly without shaking things up too much. Status quo, to the moon!
Meier said:
Doesn't really feel all that different to me personally. There's always been a mix of good and bad posters, mostly though there's good discussion (outside of my oasis threads which are all full of unwelcomed vitriol!! haha).

:lol :lol :lol
Everytime I see one of your Oasis threads I always think "fucking Meier. here we go again."


Justin Bailey said:
This place is not even close to gamefaqs. Seriously.

I never said we were there yet, just on the path. Of course it could and will probably change. I have just been feeling this way for the past couple weeks, maybe months, and felt like posting this. There have been great threads and posters, but they seem to drown in the everything else.

And no this thread is not trying to be its savior.

White Man

Chony said:
I never said we were there yet, just on the path. Of course it could and will probably change. I have just been feeling this way for the past couple weeks, maybe months, and felt like posting this. There have been great threads and posters, but they seem to drown in the everything else.

And no this thread is not trying to be its savior.

Uh, do you remember when Deadmeat posted here? 0+p+a's during the DC breakdown? This is an improvement.

EDIT: Why is 0+p+a's name banned, but not Folder's?

J2 Cool

GAF can't die! NOOOO!! :'(

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