When a new console generation is about to start, the fanboys become more restless, more eager, more brave, and more stupid then ever. I recall when the PS2 was unveiled, and for two years this forum bore witness to some of the most intense fanboy shit talking ever spewed with the Sony sluts and Sega fanboys like myself (and for the record, we kicked those Sony sluts in their vaginas!!!). One thing I always remember was a thread where a bunch of Nintendo fanboys said they couldn't believe how we were carrying on, and how they were above such immature nonsense, somehow forgetting that they'd been going at it pretty hard with the Sony sluts just a year or two earlier. Well, we saw what happened when the Cube and XBox both arrived in town at the same time...those fanbases developed a pretty hardcore rivalry all their own.
It's just par for the course...a new generation is like the start of a new season, where everything starts at zero, and everyone is equal. It's been interesting and frankly entertaining seeing the ebbs and flow change in the PSP/DS fanboy wars, where the advantage seems to change every month (right now the DS clan have it all over the PSP'ers, and good for them I say...though I still think the DS is shit :lol). Couple that with the biggest heavyweight clash in video game history between Sony and Microsoft, and it's little wonder the board looks like it's gone to hell.
You can either ride the wave, or leave the place for a period of time (preferabbly unnannounced) till things sort themselves out, which might not happen in the console arena until sometime in 2007. Even then, the OT board provides a pretty decent escape, where some intelligent discussion can take place. Also, if you're tired of certain things getting crapped on, do what I do...crap on everything you don't like. At times it can be quite therapeutic.