The Departed, as many know, is based on the popular movie trilogy: Infernal Affairs from Hong Kong. This trilogy was released in 2002-2003 and then later remade by Martin Scorsese for Hollywood.
My original introduction to the story was after seeing The Departed, and I absolutely LOVED every moment of it. The acting from Leo Di Caprio and Mark Wahlberg was pretty damn good, and while Matt Damon was not bad, Nicholson did feel like overreacting at times. Still, we can say that when it comes to acting, The Departed was the superior movie.
After hearing that The Departed was based on a movie trilogy that originated in Hong Kong, and being a fan of Asian cinema, I had to search and look for the trilogy. While I already knew majority of the story, and despite the changes in The Departed, I still enjoyed it a lot. I still prefer the original Infernal Affairs in term of story and execution to The Departed. As for the prequel/sequel, it is honestly enjoyable on its own. I really loved Andy Lau and Tony Chiu in their respective role and to me, Infernal Affairs had the more tragic end than The Departed. It was just better executed.
So GAF, what do you think about both these movies. Which one is your favorite?
My original introduction to the story was after seeing The Departed, and I absolutely LOVED every moment of it. The acting from Leo Di Caprio and Mark Wahlberg was pretty damn good, and while Matt Damon was not bad, Nicholson did feel like overreacting at times. Still, we can say that when it comes to acting, The Departed was the superior movie.
After hearing that The Departed was based on a movie trilogy that originated in Hong Kong, and being a fan of Asian cinema, I had to search and look for the trilogy. While I already knew majority of the story, and despite the changes in The Departed, I still enjoyed it a lot. I still prefer the original Infernal Affairs in term of story and execution to The Departed. As for the prequel/sequel, it is honestly enjoyable on its own. I really loved Andy Lau and Tony Chiu in their respective role and to me, Infernal Affairs had the more tragic end than The Departed. It was just better executed.
So GAF, what do you think about both these movies. Which one is your favorite?