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The Division Beta Thread: Make Manhattan Great Again

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my hard graphic balls
The map in this is fucking huge and loaded with details, buildings and subway tunnels.


I agree. The city is packed chock-full with detail. Sometimes there's so much detail and it's so sharp that it's distracting, to be honest. These first screens are like that, all those garbage bags in the street looks so clear and highly detailed, it's insane.








The only complaints I'd have about the graphics is that the distant buildings look pretty bad, texture-wise, and the lighting can look very, very bad when it's clear weather.
Tip: If you are on PS4, turn sharpness up on your TV and game. I tweaked around the settings a bit until I found the right set up. X1 games for some reason seem to have better sharpness from the get go. Think it's something to do with the upscaler thing it does to it's games.


Pretty fun, but I don't see the "long game" for it.

I think the huge popularity of Destiny was that it introduced MMO "lite" elements to people that had not experienced them before. Specifically Strike and Raids.

in any fantasy/scifi genre you can have exaggerated physics and ridiculously over sized bosses. Which gives you a WOW factor and can add new elements like platforming and interesting game mechanics so it is not just about shooting a bullet sponge.

Because The Division is grounded in reality, the ability to make fresh new encounters will be extremely limited.

I'm rooting for the game, but it will be a maybe purchase for me..mostly because I'm in Canada and games are stupidly expensive now


Tip: If you are on PS4, turn sharpness up on your TV and game. I tweaked around the settings a bit until I found the right set up. X1 games for some reason seem to have better sharpness from the get go. Think it's something to do with the upscaler thing it does to it's games.

How much sharpness you using in the game slider?


I'm not really trying to make it sound like anything, just offering my reaction.

It's an RPG that's supposed to be sorta ongoing, like Destiny, right? It's a game with an MMO slant?

How do you maintain interest in a game with an MMO slant where all the badguys seem to just be dudes with guns? You need variety in a game of this genre. That's why I invoked Destiny.

It just lacks excitement. Maybe it's more fun later or with friends. Most fun I've had so far with it was shooting holes in a tarp and shooting shop signs.

You are though. That's why you keep bringing up destiny. Destiny can have more variations on enemies because it's world allows for that. Monsters, aliens, in space oh my.

But if you're going for a more real game, then how many variations on humans are you expecting? That's the problem with comparing this to that other game that's nothing like it. How about comparing division to another game that's of its ilk.

Knowing destiny...certainly it's variation is seen very early. They reskin a few enemies. You do the same thing over and over quite often.
I'm rooting for the game, but it will be a maybe purchase for me..mostly because I'm in Canada and games are stupidly expensive now

Indeed. I actually got lucky since I pre-ordered this one way back during the E3 30% deals. For me the game comes to around $65 with tax and all, instead of the ridiculous $80+.


Loving the game so far. Great atmosphere. Graphics are very nice specially considering what type of game this is.
I have yet to fight bosses but so far enemies are not spongy. I'm shooting in short bursts and aiming to the head.
I like the shooting mechanics. Movement feels weighty


Really? This is one of the most surprisingly stable and optimized games for the PC right now. Don't think I was below 60fps at any point during my 5ish hours of play. What are your specs?

i7 4770k @ 4.2GHz
16GB DDR3 2133MHz
GTX 980Ti SC+
2560x1440 27" Monitor

Maxed out the game fluctuates from 45-60fps. Depending on where you are looking and what you are doing. Turned AA from Supersampling to Distortion (whatever the fuck that is), and the shadow second highest (right before PCSS+). Might turn down Post FXAA down a notch. But the game is clearly unstable when it wildly fluctuates like that, I'm not surprised it's a Beta and the Nvidia drivers I'm sure need some work as well.

It really depends on your resolution and GPU. I mean I can get stable 60fps on low @ 720p, if that's what you are playing at, it doesn't mean much when each person will have a different setup and different settings.


You are though. That's why you keep bringing up destiny. Destiny can have more variations on enemies because it's world allows for that. Monsters, aliens, in space oh my.

But if you're going for a more real game, then how many variations on humans are you expecting? That's the problem with comparing this to that other game that's nothing like it. How about comparing division to another game that's of its ilk.

Knowing destiny...certainly it's variation is seen very early. They reskin a few enemies. You do the same thing over and over quite often.

That's my point. Is a real life soldier guy game with only human enemies a workable setting for a game with an MMO angle? Does it even work?

In an MMO, enemies get more exotic and powerful as you level up and progress. They can create new content for DLC with new types of crazy things to do and fight and acquire. If you're constrained to just real life-ish dudes with real life-ish guns, how on earth do you make it last?


my hard graphic balls
It feels like there's something missing, though. The main story probably won't be very good (story and storytelling) if the first mission is any indication. Characters feel like they lack personality. The character faces are pretty bad, too.


So, the Dark Zone requires PS+. The Rainbow Six Seige beta didn't require it, so I don't know why it wouldn't be the same here. :/


Direct feed head 2 head Xbox One vs PS4 screenshots - pretty similar although PS4 looks a bit blurrier in my opinion


What do you think?

These are REALLY good comparison shots. The only caveat being is that it's default sharpness and CA is on. I don't know if the Xbone ones look any SHARPER, per se, but they're definitely a little contrastier which seems to help.

I wish they'd do these again with CA off and sharpness cranked.

Unrelated to the comparisons, it's really interesting to see how divisive opinions are. Some folks love the gameplay, some think it's mediocre, some think it's awful. Same for the graphics.


That's my point. Is a real life soldier guy game with only human enemies a workable setting for a game with an MMO angle? Does it even work?

In an MMO, enemies get more exotic and powerful as you level up and progress. They can create new content for DLC with new types of crazy things to do and fight and acquire. If you're constrained to just real life-ish dudes with real life-ish guns, how on earth do you make it last?

Yes. ..as long as the rewards are worth it. Destiny isn't the most varied game out there and it's been massively successful.


Pretty much done with the beta, finished at 5694 Primary DPS, 2439 HP and 1417 Skill Power. Lots of purple mods and armor, orange weapons.

Lots of fun. I pre-ordered a physical copy, I wanted to buy the seaon pass but I can't find it on PSN, Am I missing anything ? I don't buy much DLC so I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or what.


I've played with aome guys for some hours. Althrough it's really fun with 3 other guys, i have a feeling that everything else will get boring really quick. The world looks amazing detailed but also boring.
I was only able to play for an hour or so before I have to get ready for work but I'm enjoying my time so far. Beautiful game to look at (PS4) and the atmosphere is amazing. I'll have to fiddle around with the HUD because right now it seems like the screen is a bit too busy. Also have to get use to cover shooting/3rd person coming from mostly BF. I'm def going to be waiting till I'm good and leveled up before venturing into the Dark Zone. I don't actually have any friends on PS4 as all my old buddies are on XBO so if anyone is looking to play later this evening around 11pm-12am start time (central time) I'll be on there. Send me a PM and I'll add you
Credit: GearNuke (more here)



PS4 has no moon. XBone superior version confirmed.
Well, you can check the shots on gearnuke link also.




Seriously now, it looks exactly the same except for two things, which could be due to different lighting conditions:

1 - In the first image, there are additional shadows for the trees on PS4;
2 - In the second, there's additional lighting from the tunnel above reflecting on the ground on the PS4.


They are ONLY in the zones marked in red on your radar, or "contaminated zones". They respawn on a timer I think.

I find them mainly at the landmarks, not in the contaminated zones.

Fun thing I've found to do solo in the Dark Zone is to hang back and snipe the rogue agents.
A good way to get Dark Zone money :)
That and killing NPCs is a good way to raise your DZ rank.


Game ran well on my rig. I found it to be a bit boring though. I did the hospital mission and went in the dark zone with a friend. It was mostly people camping around extraction point and killing everyone that tried to extract. They were level 8 already, PVP was exactly like I expected.


That's my point. Is a real life soldier guy game with only human enemies a workable setting for a game with an MMO angle? Does it even work?

In an MMO, enemies get more exotic and powerful as you level up and progress. They can create new content for DLC with new types of crazy things to do and fight and acquire. If you're constrained to just real life-ish dudes with real life-ish guns, how on earth do you make it last?

You realize that the Destiny enemies are just dudes with guns and the only difference is that it's a robot, right? I mean you actually can approximate a lot of the status effect from that type of game with beanbag rounds to stun and incendiary rounds and things like that.

If they're willing to put in the creative work to create things they can actually make some varied interesting encounters. Even with just normal dude enemies. If they skip out on the 15 minute bullet dumps for giant enemies that don't really do much different except now it's a big thing that shoots, I'd be ok with that.


This game will basically live or die based upon how much variety the developers can fit in. I hope they expand the world into different cities but I don't see that happening if/when the sequels appear.


31 people online on my friends list and not a single person playing the division. Eight people online on my xbox and two are playing......da fuq

Marketing must be doing work if not a single person on my PS4 list is playing. Also more xbox threads on the forums. Wondering if I should switch my pre order given how similar they look graphically.
I found the bullet dumping you do in Destiny way more boring than anything in The Division so far. Like shooting a giant boss continuously for 10-15 minutes while garbage enemies continuously respawn is....not a great time. Not sure why that games PvE is as well regarded as it is.

How can you even compare this game when Destiny is lightyears behind, Division is actually insanely hella fun, addictive, tons deeper RPG then Destiny..plus an amazingly gorgeous looking game.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
I was having a blast with this in the morning, going to co-op with my brother tonight.

Thought I'd be all meh with it, but enjoying the fuck out of it.


So gave an extra key that I had to my cousin, but he is telling me that after registering it UPlay said he would get an email when the beta started. He still hasn't received one.

Anybody else encountering this right now?


Played this for a few hours and it has a lot of qualities in a game that I look for.

-Third person shooter
-Loot based

I had a good time. Hopefully there's enough content when it's released and it doesn't turn out to be how Destiny was.

The graphics aren't GREAT, but they aren't bad either. Non factor in my decision of whether to buy the game or not.

I haven't tried the Dark Zone yet. Trying to level to 8 first and then get into a group.
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