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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion |OT|

Instead of relying on Bethesda's leveling guidelines, why not try a mod that rectifies it?

nGCD automatically distributes attribute points based on skill gain. Your progression will always mirror your playstyle, so you don't have to worry about training extraneous skills for multipliers


OblivionXP changes the leveling system to a xp based one. Certain actions (killing shit, lockpicking, etc...) yield xp which go towards new levels. Once you attain a level you can distribute points to attributes and skills as you see fit.


Both of these require the newest version of OBSE


Grab the beta version if you're playing the Steam version of Oblivion.


If UESP wasn't having problems right now, I'd provide a link to their guide.

But yeah, if you're playing on PC then I'd recommend a mod to alter/replace their system.


mattiewheels said:
so, as far as mods go, which are the ones that you guys would install right away when you're getting into oblivion again? i've just now started playing the pc version and i wanted to know what the absolute best ones were...

Well, check out this.


mattiewheels said:
what would they get replaced with? or do you mean just different textures?

I already found a texture replacer that smooths out faces. I tried a Beautiful People mod from PlanetElderScrolls which really helped, but my characters don't look AS attractive as the screenshots. haha
user_nat said:
Just started the 360 version in the last few days, being a vampire is pretty annoying. I don't really see any advantages in it.

Well, I don't really agree. I think there's every advantage and no real disadvantage to being a vampire. Not only do you get progressively higher skill/stat increases as time goes by, but you can easily just continually bite people as you prance around the world causing no need for problems. Then you can act in the day, but still accumulate the bonuses if you want/need them. I just don't see disadvantages with the vampire.


there is joy in sucking dick
OLyonnais10 said:
if you do get the ps3 one just watch out for the vampire glitch .. other than that its a great version

I actually ended up playing through a big chunk of the game twice because of the glitch :(

What a bad oversight from Bethesda and not releasing a patch just because "Your done with the game" added insult to injury.

snakeiox said:
wich vampire glitch, i didn t remember any vampire glitch but maybe its because y played the game long time ago can you refresh my memory please i really want to know/remember, =)

If you allow yourself to become a vampire, there's no way to cure it on the PS3. The glitch appears when you try to make the "Vampire Cure". The witch who takes the ingredients will not take your Bloodgrass. I had actually found this out first hand and THEN read about the glitch. Pretty sucky.

Kureishima said:
Well, I don't really agree. I think there's every advantage and no real disadvantage to being a vampire. Not only do you get progressively higher skill/stat increases as time goes by, but you can easily just continually bite people as you prance around the world causing no need for problems. Then you can act in the day, but still accumulate the bonuses if you want/need them. I just don't see disadvantages with the vampire.

You definitely get a lot of perks (my favorite being Hunters Sight? Night Vision + Life Detection) but avoiding daylight and having to feed constantly would add an extra layer of annoyance that would become grating after a while (for me).


Just started this game for the first time since I finally have some time I can invest into a game. Really looking forward to getting deeper in the game, but is the level scaling thing that terrible? I played Fallout 3 first, so is this going to be a worse experience?


Acid08 said:
Just started this game for the first time since I finally have some time I can invest into a game. Really looking forward to getting deeper in the game, but is the level scaling thing that terrible? I played Fallout 3 first, so is this going to be a worse experience?

It's worse than Fallout 3 but not as terrible as some might have you believe. Have fun! :)
haven't really played oblivion in a couple years and just got back from target with the goty edish. looks like i'm not the only one that wanted some elder scrolls ackshun


Meadows said:
It's worse than Fallout 3 but not as terrible as some might have you believe. Have fun! :)
What's the best way to just keep track of everything? I've heard that this game is a lot bigger and more complex than F3.


Can't manage for sh!t
I tried making a balanced character and I haven't even made it to level 2. Damn the leveling system is BS.


Acid08 said:
What's the best way to just keep track of everything? I've heard that this game is a lot bigger and more complex than F3.

I dunno really, I guess the thing that I loved about Oblivion was the romanticism attached to not really having to do anything and roaming around this gorgeous world stumbling upon quests.

Your journal should have something in there which will help though.

I'm not 100% sure I really answered your question lol, but I hope this helped!


I'm not sure I get the whole leveling system thing. Everyone seems to hate it. Could someone give me a quick explanation of the whole thing?


I finished the main quest along with a whole bunch of side stuff. After 70 hours I'm done. There's still tons of stuff to do but really I've run up against one of the big shortcomings of the game.

I'm tired of the same setting for caves, oblivion gates, and temples.

Seems like if you have a quest you can either go into a generic cave, or an oblivion gate (which they all look the same) or go to tomb and/or temple and oh btw, they all look the same too.

Really for such a long game I'm shocked that they relied so heavily on variations on a theme. "Go into x cave and/or tomb retrieve y item." or "Go into x cave and/or tomb and kill y person"

Really the most fun I had with it was the Dark Brotherhood. But even that got predictable and old.


Acid08 said:
I'm not sure I get the whole leveling system thing. Everyone seems to hate it. Could someone give me a quick explanation of the whole thing?

As you get stronger, so do the enemies, pretty much removing the whole point of levelling.


Can't manage for sh!t
There are no quick explanations about the leveling system. I'll give you the crux of the problem though. Every level you gain you can also gain 15 extra points to add to your stats. The problem is that if you just play the game normally you'll probably only end up earning 3 to 6 points out of the 15. This is a problem because the world levels with you and the monsters get the full 15 points and then some every level.


Adent said:
There are no quick explanations about the leveling system. I'll give you the crux of the problem though. Every level you gain you can also gain 15 extra points to add to your stats. The problem is that if you just play the game normally you'll probably only end up earning 3 to 6 points out of the 15. This is a problem because the world levels with you and the monsters get the full 15 points and then some every level.
So every enemy in the world is always at least as strong, or stronger than you? Damn ok....what's a way to ensure I get all 15 points for each level?
pringles said:
And when you find some awesome armor, suddenly every peasant in town has the same armor. :/

Custom made long sword, drain 100 points of health for 2 seconds with soul trap or anything else you want to add. No peasant will ever have that sword. :D

There your done, now go kill whatever you feel like no matter what level you are.

My guy is almost 30 and that still works out just fine.

Make sure you have a lot of soul gems to recharge or Azura's star.
Acid08 said:
what's a way to ensure I get all 15 points for each level?
Reading an faq.

CrazedArabMan said:
Custom made long sword, drain 100 points of health for 2 seconds with soul trap ... Azura's star.
You'll have to recharge that every cple of strikes though.


What's with the 500s?
Fistwell said:
Reading an faq.

You'll have to recharge that every cple of strikes though.


What's with the 500s?

only after 18 strikes, but I carry a ton of soul gems, I accidentally gave away azura's star. :(
After I made that sword though, the game got really easy though.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Acid08 said:
So every enemy in the world is always at least as strong, or stronger than you? Damn ok....what's a way to ensure I get all 15 points for each level?
If it's like Morrowind: Use the minor skills your character has to level up at least 5 times for whichever stats you want a +5 in.

x 3 for the +5 stats bonuses.


I got grudge sucked!
Screw level scaling. I put it on the easiest difficulty setting and everything dies in a couple of hits. May not be everyone's definition of fun, but I like to win.


there is joy in sucking dick
I love how the various pieces of armor look in this game. There's nothing like raiding a group of bandits outfitted with Glass Armor. It looks cool.
Spruchy said:
Yeah what are some must have mods for PC version?

I don't know if it has been released yet, but there is a full-conversion Mod for Oblivion called Nehrim.

Here's a trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoQAQuaEFCg

It sports brand new quests, brand new area to play in, new characters, weapons, armor.. etc.

If you research it a little bit more, you could probably find out more than I know. I'm too lazy. :p
truly101 said:
Screw level scaling. I put it on the easiest difficulty setting and everything dies in a couple of hits. May not be everyone's definition of fun, but I like to win.

This is exactly how I play Oblivion. I'm in it more for exploration, experimentation, and doing all the various guild/faction questlines (a lot of which are really cool and unique).


-Yeti said:
I don't know if it has been released yet, but there is a full-conversion Mod for Oblivion called Nehrim.

Here's a trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoQAQuaEFCg

It sports brand new quests, brand new area to play in, new characters, weapons, armor.. etc.

If you research it a little bit more, you could probably find out more than I know. I'm too lazy. :p

whoah....that actually looks pretty cool! Thanks for the heads up.


Despite having put over 200 hours into the PS3 version a couple years ago, I picked this up for the 360 today as well (GoD). Having this awesome game on my HDD is pretty cool. But I'm unfamiliar with any of this 360 DLC, should I bother? Do the class-based locations add any items, or just places to crash?

Also, it's sad to see Shivering Isles is still 2400 points. I just paid less for the game proper! Fix this shit Microsoft!:D


So I'm about 11 hours in. I can feel this games grip tightening on me :(. Not that that's all bad though, I'm enjoying it a lot. I'm on the fifth quest in the main story and I've done a couple side quests so far. The only thing keeping me from doing these side quests is that I can't seem to find the necessary materials aka fucking lockpicks. I had like 20, used them all because I don't fully understand the lockpicking minigame and now I can't find anymore. All the side quests want me to break into somewhere.


I started a new profile (my 4th one:D ) about two months ago and I got it to level 52 (maxed, unless I do jail de-leveling) in a month, I decided to go for something challenging and use the Atronach as my birthsign. It was a pain in the beginning, I was just using Alchemy, but later on it really pays off, I love it now. I put on a bunch of gear that has Fortify Magicka 50 pts each and I've maxed out my Magicka to 725 as a Redguard so it's pretty damn sweet.

I haven't played in awhile because I got a little burnt out after playing 150 hours in 6 weeks but I think I created my ideal character with this one. I'll probably go back and do some quests when I'm in the mood.

Anyone have a tip for how to get myself out of a problem I have with the Fingers of the Mountain Mages Guild Recommendation Quest it would be appreciated. I gave the book to the High Elf (can't remember her name), so I could get the spell, but I still need the book to complete the quest. Just wondering if I can still get it or if I can't because of the path I took in the quest.


Acid08 said:
The only thing keeping me from doing these side quests is that I can't seem to find the necessary materials aka fucking lockpicks. I had like 20, used them all because I don't fully understand the lockpicking minigame and now I can't find anymore. All the side quests want me to break into somewhere.

Outside the main city, there is a merchant that sells lockpicks. If your facing the entrance to the city, near the stables, travel along the left wall and you should find him.


Vanilla Oblivion is still one of my favorites of all time but, Lord have mercy, let's hope that Beth uses Fallout 3 as a blueprint for Elder Scrolls V.

Popped the game back in tonight to complete the Dark Brotherhood achievement, and was really disappointed to see how janky/outdated everything feels now after spending time with Mothership Zeta.


Fafnir said:
Outside the main city, there is a merchant that sells lockpicks. If your facing the entrance to the city, near the stables, travel along the left wall and you should find him.

Plus IIRC at level 10 you can do the Nocturne Shrine quest for the unbreakable lockpick.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
user_nat said:
Just started the 360 version in the last few days, being a vampire is pretty annoying. I don't really see any advantages in it.
Becoming a vampire in Oblivion is very annoying. You can only really do things during the night. Can't even fast travel during the day so you're screwed if you get caught outside. I actually stopped playing after struggling with the vampire affliction. Not to mention, I have the PS3 version which means totally screwed. I've been thinking about starting a new game with the 360 version of the game.


Awesome, just found a Ring of Treachery; fortify 10 points in athletics, light armor, speechcraft, merchantile, sneak, security.

Darkmakaimura said:
Becoming a vampire in Oblivion is very annoying. You can only
really do things during the night. Can't even fast travel during the day so you're screwed if you get caught outside. I actually stopped playing after struggling with the vampire affliction. Not to mention, I have the PS3 version which means totally screwed. I've been thinking about starting a new game with the 360 version of the game.

Rent/borrow the non-GOTY edition, do the cure quest, give it back.


I'm now level 35 and just about finished all the main stuff, is there a list somewhere of cool quests I can do in case I've missed any?


onken said:
I'm now level 35 and just about finished all the main stuff, is there a list somewhere of cool quests I can do in case I've missed any?

I can't help with a list but if you haven't done it, look for the Painted Troll quest, that I thought was pretty cool.


Thanks for that.

One more question, regarding "absorb health" enchantment for a weapon. Say I have a sword with absorb 25hp on strike, does it deal physical damage PLUS take an additional 25hp (which I get back), or does it do only the physical damage and I get back up to a maximum of 25hp?


I'm 27 hours in and god I'm addicted. It's insane. I still don't get the actual leveling system though. I go for long stretches without gaining a level, sleep, then suddenly gain a level. right after i wake up, sleep again, and gain another level. I was able to do this twice in a row. I'm at level 4 and I feel underleveled for the amount of time I've put into the game.


You have to sleep when the exp bar gets full to actually gain the levels. Since there is level-scaling in this game it is not as big of a deal to be underleveled or overleveled in this game.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
I still do intend on "beating" this game someday. I haven't played in a long time, but I put in 70 hours with two characters without ever starting the main quest. :|


there is joy in sucking dick
I hope they do away with the skill usage based leveling up in TESV. Not that it sucks but I usually can't help but train, train, train my ass off just so I can optimize stat point placement (there's nothing more annoying than getting a x2 Skill points across more than three skills).
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