Man, stealing makes me so much damn money so fucking fast.
had 5 grand yesterday and today..........
had 5 grand yesterday and today..........

Man, stealing makes me so much damn money so fucking fast.
had 5 grand yesterday and today..........
Man, stealing makes me so much damn money so fucking fast.
had 5 grand yesterday and today..........
Can my son and I get NA XB1 guild invites?
Man, stealing makes me so much damn money so fucking fast.
had 5 grand yesterday and today..........
The stuttering is due to tha amount of people. I teleported to a zone that is for level 30 and no stuttering and it is one of the largest towns. The stuttering is server lag related combined with over population in low level areas.I'm going to swap my PS4 HDD out for a spare SSD and re-download while I'm at work to see how it affects ESO. My guess is it'll mostly only improve texture streaming times, but I'm hoping it might reduce the severity of stuttering in crowded areas.
If you are wanting to join the NA Daggerfall Guild (you can be part of another faction and still talk in guild chat, but you can't group/pvp with everyone unless same faction. We have plenty of AD and Ebon members so far too just mainly all Daggerfall) you should post your GamerTag in the following thread!
Man, stealing makes me so much damn money so fucking fast.
had 5 grand yesterday and today..........
My friend did not preorder but bought digitally and wants to make a Khajti on EBONHEART but it's not letting him. He even bought the $14 subscriber pack but still nothing. Is there anything he can do?
The Zenimax Online team are answering questions on reddit right now.
Man the character name answer was a total bummer. Fuck that I really want character names to be displayed
Actually, this is something we've wanted to add for a long time. But over the course of development, some features just win out over others. And while we did have a working prototype, it just didn't end up looking good. Sometimes they were hard to read and in general, the original implementation just didn't pass our quality standards.
This is something we're hoping to add in the future as an option for players.
Man, stealing makes me so much damn money so fucking fast.
had 5 grand yesterday and today..........
I haven't actually tried any stealing. Can you sell your goods to any merchant or is there a fence somewhere?
So Live is to blame for gamertags instead of character names. Argh.The Zenimax Online team are answering questions on reddit right now.
Where can I buy a guild tabard? I'm at the bank in Daggerfall and the "guild store" that I'm accessing through Angier Stower has no items for sale. The guild "store" looks more like an auction house to me. It says we've unlocked it in the guild menu though.
*EDIT* Looks like the guild leader has to design it first maybe?
Where can I buy a guild tabard? I'm at the bank in Daggerfall and the "guild store" that I'm accessing through Angier Stower has no items for sale. The guild "store" looks more like an auction house to me. It says we've unlocked it in the guild menu though.
*EDIT* Looks like the guild leader has to design it first maybe?
Has the EU guild been created yet? Decided I'd switch to EU from US for ping and having a population during socialable hours in the UK.
You can read the full AUA here:
Login and Queue
We are working literally around the clock to resolve the log-in issues and up server capacities. I think I've had a total of 10 hours of sleep since console launch. We have a war room set-up as a sort of "central command" to identify issues we're seeing and drive to fix. We've aggressively worked to solve log-in queuing and should have this (other than the incorrect queuing message) in a better state today. While the queuing works better now, the messaging requires a client update that we are submitting to Xbox next week. We are also working on improving megaserver capacity to get more gamers into Tamriel and will have some fixes in place this week. We aren't happy ourselves at the issues gamers are experiencing in trying to get into the game and will continue the 24/7 push until these issues are resolved.
Please be aware, we are doing everything we can do to make this experience better for everyone. And you are correct - these problems stem from incredible demand for the game. In fact, when we first turned the servers on at game launch, it was like we experienced a DDOS attack - there was so much demand from players that it completely overwhelmed everything. We've been working on fixing that ever since, and are getting to the point where we are managing everything through the queue, and login errors themselves are becoming less prevalent.
I apologize for this experience, which I know isn't awesome for those trying to get in and play. We're working on fixing the problems as fast as we can. Thanks for hanging in there with us.
Gamer ID Instead Of Character Name
This was a hard one for us internally. As you know XBOX has standards which have to be met when using their Live network. They very much want a service which is consistent and delivers quality. For instance, if you have a friend logon to XBOX Live come online they want to make sure you are notified about it. For this reason, many of the features that are expected to be working for their services overlapped with what are normal services for ESO on the PC. Friends list, ignore lists, muting, etc. all had counterparts active on our service. If you ignored someone in our game, it was expected that you meant to ignore them on the XBOX live service. So originally we had some places where we needed to show you a XBOX gamertag to be compliant, but otherwise you could see a character name.
Even though this was possible, through testing, it became very confusing. It was also a very complex thing to keep implemented on our end, sometimes requiring a doubling up of code for what was essentially duplicated functionality. In order to eliminate the confusion for our players and reduce points of failure due to the complexity of the system we chose to simply show the XBOX gamertags. Though it does, admittedly, hurt some of the roleplaying and immersion elements, the social benefits and clarity made this decision the one we chose.
Combat Numbers and Buff Icons
We have begun exploring ways to integrate floating combat text and buff/debuffs within the HUD in a way that still keeps the spirit of the UI minimal. There's several challenges with both of these. We'd like to make sure that the combat text feels satisfying and there's some effort involved there when it comes to the aesthetics of it, the accuracy/data setup, and overall iteration on it. With the buff/debuff feedback, many of our effects are not as long term as other games so we're looking into ways to give this feedback while also not making the HUD appear like a blinking casino machine. But both of these are things we have been exploring internally.
Text Chat
Text chat wasn’t added to the consoles because of a number of factors. First, many of our early tests demonstrated what we already knew: it can be cumbersome to type in a text chat with a controller, especially when time counts. This is why we decided to make sure VOIP was integrated into the game from the beginning and why we added our quick chat feature. Second, displaying text for an environment such as couch and TV requires larger fonts. Having small, almost unreadable text is very problematic. A chat window, typical on a PC, just doesn’t translate as well to a living room environment. Having a chat window that was useful, as in legible, meant it was so big it was covering up lots of other elements. These and a few other factors meant we concentrated more on VOIP and Quick Chat. They were the most reliable and best means of communication in the living room environment.
Is it possible we could have a text chat? Yes. Will we? I don’t think we can safely say one way or another. It probably is safe to say if we add a more text centric way to chat it won’t be a straight chat window.
Console Patch?
We don't have a date yet for the next incremental patch, but we are submitting it for certification next week. A fix for the invisible NPCs is part of the patch. As soon as we know when the patch will be, we'll let everyone know (likely on our official forums and social media.)
Game Share and Imperial and Explorer’s Pack Perks
Regarding game share, entitlements within the game such as Imperial Upgrade or Explorer's Pack are mapped to the Gamertag account that unlock's these entitlements. So while you can game share for others to use their accounts and play ESOTU, the entitlements don't transfer as well. The invisible NPC's is an issue that has been challenging for us to reproduce internally but we have a fix we believe will address this issue that is coming with the next incremental patch.
[Even without game share] we've seen some reports of entitlements not working properly in some cases--particularly Imperial Upgrade and Explorer's Pack. Also, crowns don't always update immediately upon purchase. We're looking into all of these. Sometimes force quitting and restarting the game solves this--sometimes not. There are a few people actively looking at this to resolve asap.
Race Change Incoming?
When asked, “Is there any chance that racial passives will be rebalanced for some of these races to be more viable in the future?” ZOS Answered:
We don't want to do a complete rebalancing of all racial passives until the respec feature is complete so players would be able to switch over to whatever race bonuses they like the best. However in the mean time we plan to tweak the less powerful races for the next major update.
That sounds like a confirmed race change option in the works to me.
Push-to-Talk For Voice
We investigated push to talk during development and it didn't feel good for a couple of reasons. The number of buttons on the game controller is limited, and dedicating one of them for push-to-talk, meant giving up functionality elsewhere. More importantly though, we found that the ability to talk while in motion was important. We wanted conversation to happen fluidly and naturally. Push to talk took that away, so we discarded that idea
It's something we explored but there aren't any immediate plans for this. One of the challenges we had in the console version of ESO is ensuring the breadth of interactions and actions a player could perform translated well to the gamepad. In trying various control templates and making the experience as smooth as possible, we found that having the VOIP active when speaking into the mic versus taking up a button (and sacrificing another action reserved to a button) worked best.
We have different platforms that ESOTU is played on and there are differences in how ESOTU is played on Xbox One from PC--controller, UI differences/mods, etc. At this time there are no plans for cross-platform play.
We all love housing too, but no news at the moment!
Additional Content and DLC
You should hear info about future content shortly after E3, which is next week. Stay tuned!
Misc Responses I Found Interesting
To answer the itemization question: We have done a lot of work to make the itemization fun and exciting in the next major update. There are lots of cool unique sets for players to chase after in multiple different areas. We're doing extensive balance work to make sure they all give competitive bonuses instead of the current paradigm where everyone just chases the few uber powerful sets. This will allow players to customize sets to their playstyle instead of just getting whatever adds the most damage.
Additionally the new content has a short term and a long term item chase as well. To go hand in hand with that the power spike on the new items is bigger, so players are more rewarded for upgrading their gear.
We are aware of balance concerns from players with more champion points. As Phil mentioned the system was designed to help keep players closer in power level with diminishing returns and enlightenment bonus XP. In the future we can implement catchup mechanics so the first 400 champion ranks require less experience, helping get new players catch up.
In terms of XP, we're actually buffing for some areas in the next major update. Specifically public dungeons and craglorn are being increased. Additionally we're increasing the XP that veteran level quests give so there's more of a parity between gains between questers and grinders. Lastly we're reducing the amount of XP required to get a veteran rank so players can get to the max level content sooner.
Different parts of the team are very active at different parts of the game lifecycle. (QA is usually very active regardless of timing.) But our Network Engineers, OPs, Tech, Community and Customer Service teams are not seeing the inside of their homes any time soon.
For the next major update you'll see a lot of cool customization options with all the crazy new item sets. For example we've got one that will have you running around chasing orbs for bonus damage, or additional attacks vs targets with damage shields.
So Live is to blame for gamertags instead of character names. Argh.
Reddit Ask Us Anything Highlights:
Props to reddit for this obviously.
Live is to blame and they're not going to bother making it any different on PSN which is shit.
I know these are only highlights, but no mention of custom button mapping is crappy.
Man, stealing makes me so much damn money so fucking fast.
had 5 grand yesterday and today..........
Uh this was hosted on the xboxone reddit channel, hence only talking about Live. We don't know Sony's rules for this.
I dont intend to use BS on this character, should I just sell my bars or actually use them to level up?
For those asking how he makes money stealing. I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure he steals weapons, or anything that can be broken down by blacksmithing, breaks them down and then sells the materials.
Why cant they add a function for names like neverwinter does.
It has character names showing and in groups a format like CharName@Gamertag is shown.
To other players? Because they don't go for much to the NPCs.
I may have to get my thief on later.
Any ramifications to stealing? I just avoided it from concern. Give me details!
What were you stealing? Just everything?
I haven't actually tried any stealing. Can you sell your goods to any merchant or is there a fence somewhere?
For those asking how he makes money stealing. I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure he steals weapons, or anything that can be broken down by blacksmithing, breaks them down and then sells the materials.
I am hopping on ps4 right now (NA) DAGGERFALL if anyone needs guild invites
Well in ten minutes, please quote message so I spot it and place your psn id
Thank you
Way of the thief
Think you have to be online, you're on my friends list so just shoot me a message when you pop on and I'll send you oneDo I have to be online to get the invite? I won't be on for awhile but if I don't need to be then PSN: LkPr