Best quote in the whole trilogy:
Oh wow. I was ten years old when this came out - and at first I really didn't want to see it because of something stupid like a person I wasn't fond of being obsessed with the books. My sister even watched it before me, although she didn't know it was a trilogy and was super pissed that it ended the way it did. Ten years later and we're both huge Tolkien fans. We refuse to be spoiled on anything concerning The Hobbit. We've managed to even miss what actors have been casted. Can't wait.
Gandalf said:Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends.
Oh wow. I was ten years old when this came out - and at first I really didn't want to see it because of something stupid like a person I wasn't fond of being obsessed with the books. My sister even watched it before me, although she didn't know it was a trilogy and was super pissed that it ended the way it did. Ten years later and we're both huge Tolkien fans. We refuse to be spoiled on anything concerning The Hobbit. We've managed to even miss what actors have been casted. Can't wait.
Yes, very much this. And it's never really explicit or part of the main storyline (besides Arwen's side plot, which I find even more terribly melancholy in the book's appendix.) Like the Fellowship coming across The Gates of Argonath - small details like these that speak of an age that has come and gone and remind us how this one will too be but ruins in the end. It always rather sad that despite everything that's going on with Sauron and everything that the Fellowship accomplishes, there really was nothing they could do to stop the world from changing in that manner. I know many people see these books and movies as just sword and sorcery fantasies, but I think Tolkien really nailed his theme. This isn't a movie about the swords or the magic or the different fantasy species. It's about friendship and death, plain and simple.What I love is the sense of melancholy that runs throughout the films (especially in the EE's) that really make you feel as if this age of the world is coming to an end. In FotR:EE when Sam spots the Elves leaving for the White Shores..magical.