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The Fight: Lights Out |OT| of Trejo, Soreness, and Move Controllers


erotic butter maelstrom
This looks amusing. I happen to like punching people's faces.

I'd probably give it a shot but I only have one Move for now, might as well wait until I have another.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
UntoldDreams said:
Kinect could know that you are 90% fully extended arm from your chest... but Move has to guess where you started from because you could pull your arm back all the way to your shoulder joint if you really wanted to and then punch 80% of the way. Did you pull your punch at the end or not? Move can't know for certain hence the funny looking punches with 80% extension.

I don't think so. At least technically, Move knows where your shoulders are since the calibration process and also how long your arms are. I suspect it's more of an animation/collision issue rather than a Move tracking one.

jax (old)

Afrikan said:
as far as the game saying "ah fuck it" how much space are you playing at?

like I said before I'm only playing like 4ft from the TV when I did these punches.....but I knew when I did a long looping punch that it would loose calibration for a sec if my arms left the limits the screen showed when I first calibrated....so I try to stay in that zone..

when I play I always try to make sure the Sphere is showing....and I don't use the gesture moves (holding the "T" to perform illegal moves).

and usually I don't have no problems..... I'll try to play again and give my self more space and will try to pay attention how often I lose calibration.

I'm standing a full 2 meters away from my tv. (according to my ipad convertor 6.5 feet)

so I'm fully showing on screen and when I raise my arm up to do a hammer, the moves would still be in view.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Jax said:
I'm standing a full 2 meters away from my tv. (according to my ipad convertor 6.5 feet)

so I'm fully showing on screen and when I raise my arm up to do a hammer, the moves would still be in view.

Don't forget the Rage meter also matters when performing dirty moves.
PLayed some more today.
All stats are above 30 now, with strength in the mid-40
I leveled up a lot, but still the game keeps being challenging.
I got the lucky booster, so...

I'm exhausted...

jax (old)

Animation-Imp said:
PLayed some more today.
All stats are above 30 now, with strength in the mid-40
I leveled up a lot, but still the game keeps being challenging.
I got the lucky booster, so...

I'm exhausted...

went back most stats 20 ish. Strength 37. A lot of training grind. Punch bag netted my 31 points one session.

went back and creamed FIRST FIGHT.

game should feel like this to start and then get harder from there. The disconnect btw how you play and your stats is probably why most reviewers thought the game was broken - The need to bascially exercise yourself to stats up your player is strange..... STTRANNNGE. especially when doing the bag punch thing is exercise. Its not game. The stats system should have been integrated into the fights and not be a sepertae mode. If Or a complement mode. There as an aside if you feel the need to train up.

Now I'm thinking, I should just spend days stating up then playing because the game offers "boosters" and some like lighting, you can get only if you're stated enough to bash someone out really quickly.

Had to take a break. Dripping here.

summer + this. ooooofff


Got this game since I had a spare $25 BB rewards card.

Anyhow yes this game is really hard from the get go. On the second fight, I swear I kept punching the biker guy and his health would barely go down. Also his damn stamina stayed high although he kept throwing alot of punches at me compared to me doing the same and my stamina would drop fast and regen really slow. Lost a few times to him.

At that point I was really confused and kept saying "this is BS" under my breath while sweating. So i hit the gym and did some work out. Leveled strenght and stamina ~20 pts and when I went back to the same guy, K.O'd his ass.

So far, its an ok game. Replays look awful though and dont really like the art in this game. Great work out for the fatties (not me) and cool concept.

jax (old)

Cruzader said:
Got this game since I had a spare $25 BB rewards card.

Anyhow yes this game is really hard from the get go. On the second fight, I swear I kept punching the biker guy and his health would barely go down. Also his damn stamina stayed high although he kept throwing alot of punches at me compared to me doing the same and my stamina would drop fast and regen really slow. Lost a few times to him.

At that point I was really confused and kept saying "this is BS" under my breath while sweating. So i hit the gym and did some work out. Leveled strenght and stamina ~20 pts and when I went back to the same guy, K.O'd his ass.

So far, its an ok game. Replays look awful though and dont really like the art in this game. Great work out for the fatties (not me) and cool concept.

its not "keep punching". Your stamina (lighting bolt) meter should be fullish when you punch = more damage.

but yeah, training is essential to playing well. Even with fight no.2.


this game takes forever to boot to the title screen. Its probably one of the slowest loading titles. Which is bizarre.


add. just read the manual. There's are a few move trejo/game doesn't teach you

a) Headbutt,
b) hook jab
c) uppercut

... lolwtf?

and a bunch of dirty moves - not sure if you can use them if you haven't unlocked them but... :lol

jax (old)

Gen X said:
*is worn out*


yeah. I keep coming back to it but i can only play 20 minutes max. Either I'm unfit or its very very rigoruos.

Strength at 50. :D

yeah, once you train the game gets a lot easier and highly playable. Even fun?! I keep turning on my ps3, punching bags for 10+ minutes, stating up and then turning off the console. :p

I just beat 4-5 guys in a row to get their unlockable clothes items. not hard too.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
Yeah I'm going to do the same, just keep coming back for 20min goes. I would've been fine last year but this year I took a more 'relaxing' job requiring a lot of sitting down and not much else. My fitness level has really gone to the shit. *goes outside for a ciggie* :lol
UntoldDreams said:
I think the "motion detection" algorithm is working but to get a nice looking straight punch they have to cheat a bit.

They simply don't know where your punch started and ended with regards to your chest.

Kinect could know that you are 90% fully extended arm from your chest... but Move has to guess where you started from because you could pull your arm back all the way to your shoulder joint if you really wanted to and then punch 80% of the way. Did you pull your punch at the end or not? Move can't know for certain hence the funny looking punches with 80% extension.

In essence... 1:1 motion for boxing with Move does not work without "assisting" the animation somehow because there is no reference point to your body.

If you read the manual they tell you a straight punch requires you to punch and rotate your fist into a nice straight punch. If you follow this format "textbook punch" then I noticed the accuracy improved. Test it for yourself.

My guess is that they actually can detect your wrist rotation as you punch and "cheat the animation" by making the fighter throw a clean looking fully extended animation once they realize you are making a straight punch regardless of whether you fully extend or not.

In effect, there is some "animation assist" going on to make all punches look like a locked punch when they detect it as a straight punch.

Hmm... Possibly... I suppose the other way to do this would be to calibrate your arm length at a shorter distance than the max. That way the system would assume a locked punch every time since it would register you hitting "max arm length" every time.
Thanks, interesting stuff. Not going to give up on The Fight but its being a problem child with controls. I know this isn't as good as it gets, my right arm was becoming useless while punches with my left were satisfactory. Ill try more.


yeah I think this is the perfect workout I'm looking for in the morning when I first wake up.....and it might actually get me out of bed because its a video game and its fun.

the getting out of bed is usually the problem, I have the laptop with Gaf, the PS3 controller, TV controller, all at arm distance range....so I usually stay in bed for awhile before getting up. :lol

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
Psykotik said:
does this game have voicechat online?

If it does it might go something like this.....

Player 1 "*pant pant* Good *puff* combo dude *wheeze wheeze*"

Player 2 "*cough wheeze* Cheers *deep breath* Want to have a *coughs up a lung* fight after this training?"

Player 1 "Nah. *puff puff* that heavy bag *wheeze* was enough. Same time tomorrow? *grabs asthma inhaler*"

jax (old)

just milked the lucky trophy (so easy :D) and beat some more guys. Much easier now that my dude is trained. The trophies are linked to boosters that give you stat boosts and some of them are easier to get so its worthwhile trying to get these early. Wasn't able to get the use less than 30% clean attack ones though - which was strange as I kept using dirty moves.

items bestow stat boosts - this was a pleasant surprised

the leather bracelet boosts speed

there are also oppourtunities to do "finishing moves" but every one that I did was like push them down and they fall over. :/ I'm now enjoying the game a lot more. 7/10.


what is the round fist thing next to life and stamina meant to represent?


damn Jax got banned?

but yeah I heard for those who want to give the game a chance...someone posted in another forum to "Build your character attributes BEFORE judging this game's controls"

I have found that this game is a lot like the "Tiger Woods 11" on Move, in that basically, everyone sucks at first...

In Tiger, when you first create a character, you can only drive the ball 180 yards, your putting sucks, aiming sucks, chipping sucks, everything sucks... Especially when playing with a Move controller.

It was the first game I ever played on "Move," and I was tempted to call Move "broken technology" and dump it in the trash.

But then I started doing challenges, improving my attributes, and fairly soon, I was playing Tiger Woods with the same finesse and power that I was able to achieve on the Sixaxis controller.

Same with "The Fight."

Everyone sucks at first... But now that I'm improving my character and unlocking boosts, I go back and re-fight the first guy I ever battled, and it's complete domination... I barely got hit, landed nearly every punch, and had great control...

makes me want to give Tiger Woods a chance...but I still want to play John Daly Pro though.

Ok. So I tried again today and this game is GREAT. Its nothing that deep, but hey, its fighting with Move controllers as you'd expect. I'm not sure what the issue was but it may have been my stamina was out and I didn't realize it and chalked it up to the tracking being screwy. Or maybe it was the lighting from the window. Whatever, its working now and I just worked up a sweat in 2 matches. Actually winning this time!

I'm having a blast now. Now that I'm no longer frustrated - I don't regret buying it and definitely think the reviews were a bit too harsh. The tracking is good, the stamina and rage add strategy and once I thought about it even Gladiator on SC uses some triggered commands.

Now back to the fighting. I love that I can have a blast with legit games and get some exercise in at the same time. Move <3


I hope EA takes a good look at what The Fight has done with Move controls and expands and improves them for their new Fight Night Game.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
leehom said:
Is there any input delay in this game? From the reviews I saw, there seems to be a little.

No. Only when executing dirty moves (which are gesture based). Normal fighting is perfectly responsive and 1:1.


Damm, awesome news.

Also anyone out of shape, don't play this game. I played it Friday and a little Saturday and my upper body is sore as hell still. Hope I'm better tomorrow or I'm gonna feel like crap at work.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Cruzader said:
Damm, awesome news.

Also anyone out of shape, don't play this game. I played it Friday and a little Saturday and my upper body is sore as hell still. Hope I'm better tomorrow or I'm gonna feel like crap at work.

Don't tell me. That's how bad I was feeling when I made my video. I played the game for a couple of days extensively, with plans to start the recording on the 3rd day.

I could barely lift the Moves on the 3rd day :lol


TTP said:
Don't tell me. That's how bad I was feeling when I made my video. I played the game for a couple of days extensively, with plans to start the recording on the 3rd day.

I could barely lift the Moves on the 3rd day :lol
Yea man. This game gets you worked up. Atleast when you begin.

Also let me rephrase what I said. Get the game if you have Move but play in small play sessions.
Cruzader said:
Damm, awesome news.

Also anyone out of shape, don't play this game. I played it Friday and a little Saturday and my upper body is sore as hell still. Hope I'm better tomorrow or I'm gonna feel like crap at work.

but that's the point, I'm a big fat out of shape guys and think this could be fun as a workout.

great to hear transparency patch coming, I think I'll wait till the patch before buying the game
This is such a great exercise game... Fun and great exercise at the same time.
I keep wanting to play another round but I have to stop to take breaks due to fatigue.

I simply don't have the endurance. Its not like other video games where you can play for hours. You really have to stop because you are simply too tired to fight.

Grinding to level up in FF13 was tiresome but in this game... You really have to exercise even to level up your fighter. Its kinda funny when you think about it.
** You have to be healthy to grind

I hope this is a first in a long line of Move action titles.

Hey TTP: Thanks for the update on transparency. It would be nice if they got face tracking working better but it sounds like a low priority for them.
One thing...
I wish they would explain how the stats work.

The "technique" skill for example. If this score is low does it mean you are more prone to miss the opponent? If this skill is high what happens? Does it track better in punching?
leehom said:
I'll probably pick it up since there's a b1 get 1 40% off.

What stats should I allocate first?

I think this game opens up to more fun after you raise all your stats a bit. I think you need to raise them all truthfully.

Just raising strength will make your character strong but he will get tired so even though *you* are punching your character will be too tired.

Technique I think helps the character actually throw better punches rather than lunging around like a maniac.

Speed means he can keep up with your hands since you are punching like crazy you want him to keep up.

Endurance is obviously needed or the punches won't do any damage.

So basically you need all the stats to level up.
Don't worry though the stats will come with training more and more in the gym.
I had a good session again yesterday, working up a huge sweat. I had a few breakthroughs.

1. After changing my position in front of the TV a bit to give me just a tiny bit more space to work with, I did target practice training for a good while to get adjusted. My final attempt scored me 27000 points, which gave me the maximum of 50 ability points for that exercise. This remains my favorite exercise. When I was done with all the testing, I think I had a few hundred ability points to spend, so I got my stats up to 40-ish for most stats.

2. The issue I had occasionally with one of my arms going out of calibration I discovered was easily solved by pressing circle during the fight (works just like Tumble, basically). Now after a few punches I go back into position and press the circle button routinely. This also means I don't have to worry anymore and can move forward or backward a little in real life without calibration consequences.

The combination of better stats (yes, I agree you need all of them) and the recalibration immediately managed to beat two guys I had problems with before immediately after. Of course then I got stuck on the next guy, but I know that I was too tired by that point and needed more stats building, so next time I'll start in the gym again and then keep to one or two fights max afterwards. ;)

Great game. I have a nice achy feeling in my shoulders, that is only partly caused by Rockband 3, my other current favorite ;).

I do worry though that if they want it to be more widely accepted, they need to make it more accessible. They could show the stats of your opponents, and only disable showing those stats if you choose to be more 'hardcore' as an option.

And another little shoutout for the waiting screen for online, which allows you to punch your sparring guy freely while he keeps himself wide open and his defense down. :lol
I was looking for a Target Practice training mode video to show my colleagues, but I can't find any. Does anyone know of one? If not, there definitely needs to be one made and posted to youtube ...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Just out of curiosity, how does this compare with Fighter's Uncaged? The demonstrations for that game seemed absolutely awful and it struggled to actually display your movements in the game. Does The Fight actually track your movements better? Is it a better game?


dark10x said:
Just out of curiosity, how does this compare with Fighter's Uncaged? The demonstrations for that game seemed absolutely awful and it struggled to actually display your movements in the game. Does The Fight actually track your movements better? Is it a better game?

well, first and foremost for your sake, it is a 60fps title. :D

it tracks your arm movement 1:1 with almost no lag...the only lag that would be there is when you use "gesture" moves for illegal hits.....or when your fighter is tired. I can't say it is the better game (haven't played FU)...but it should be more accurate, I believe Fighters Uncaged is strictly gesture based. I'll just say The Fight is a very fun game that is $40 which has online play, split-screen 2 player mode, and it seems like a very good game if you want to sweat and get a good workout.....personally I also feel it will help my reflex timing, as well as aiming, and endurance if I ever get into a fight again...which will hopefully not happen..... I just LOVE the Target Practice training part.

Also for the others I forgot to mention but like Maastricht said, pressing "circle" when you feel loss of accuracy is very important...I use it all the time the moment I feel it is alittle bit off. Sometimes I do big looping punches that causes the Sphere to leave the view area of the camera....then if my character feels alittle off (or I see that little indicator on the right side of the screen) when this happens I adjust arms to where my character is able to cover his face and I back off quickly....then quickly put the *Moves under my chin* and press circle...and I'm set.

*I like to lower the Moves around to my chest area....so a bit lower than what they ask you to do....personally, I feel it matches my actions more with this calibration.
dark10x said:
Just out of curiosity, how does this compare with Fighter's Uncaged? The demonstrations for that game seemed absolutely awful and it struggled to actually display your movements in the game. Does The Fight actually track your movements better? Is it a better game?

Not having both its hard to comment. However, I can help fill in the gaps on the technical points of The Fight.

The Fight game itself runs at 60 FPS and Move data input is 1:1 precision at higher than 60 fps input. Buttons on the controllers allows you to physically move your character around without having to leave camera view.

Here's a video of someone going at it high speed.

If you go from the beginning he covers training and how to properly play. The biggest misconception about this game is that when you start your fighter is out of shape with low stats so he won't punch as fast and as accurately as you actually do. After leveling up though it becomes about real fighting technique.


Maastricht said:
I was looking for a Target Practice training mode video to show my colleagues, but I can't find any. Does anyone know of one? If not, there definitely needs to be one made and posted to youtube ...

it starts here....but you should watch the whole video...its a good preview.
I'd like to setup tournament tree for this game.

I'm trying to figure out the best tournament format?

Fortunately, the game itself has all the mechanics to make the system work.
Matchmaking, ** No youtube upload but it has replay, etc.

Its either a matrix tournament where everyone has to fight everyone,
or elimination tourney where if you lose you are out.

I suppose it depends on how many people want to play?

I'm thinking you get paired up and have one week to complete your fight.
Longer than that and one or both simply loses by default.
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