That would be cool. Has anyone signed on for that anniversary?As much as I'd hate it, I hope Joe isn't in S3 too much, at least in the beginning. I'd love for JLM (and his costars) to do the 20th anniversary of RENT, would bust my ass to see the show if so, I've only ever seen the movie.
That would be cool. Has anyone signed on for that anniversary?
Can't blame him. She's beautiful lol
So what are the chances that the villain of season 3 will be someone he meets and is friendly with during the flashpoint arc but becomes a villain in the normal timeline once everything is fixed? I feel like that will once again be the way they get someone Barry trusted to become the villain.
Wouldn't that be Batman territory again?
So what are the chances that the villain of season 3 will be someone he meets and is friendly with during the flashpoint arc but becomes a villain in the normal timeline once everything is fixed? I feel like that will once again be the way they get someone Barry trusted to become the villain.
He is luckily coming sooner, it is already planned for 2020 or such.
They did. They have done Brick, China, Clock King, Constantine Drakon, Vertigo, Cupid, DeathStroke, Komodo, Merlyn. It leaves Everyman but he was on The Flash and Onomatopoeia, who they have replaced with Mr. Blank. They have literally done every Green Arrow villain big enough to deserve a spot on his Wikipedia list.
Waller was explicitly said to not be DC mandated.
Shiva is so good they can rip Batman off one more time for her(and her daughter Cass)
As long as it isn't as horrendous as Ra's was.
barry too slow![]()
So the two biggest Flash villains we haven't seen yet are Mirror Master and Abra Kadabra, right?
That said, the big bad will probably be neither of them and instead be Johnny Quick or Savitar.
Yeah. However, we haven't seen the Rogues yet as Rogues (if the team counts as a villain). We have seen a formation, we have seen each member of the Rogues (expect Mirror Master), but not the Rogues as a team.
I don't think they will use another speedster as a villain. I believe the villain will be the Rogues.
So the two biggest Flash villains we haven't seen yet are Mirror Master and Abra Kadabra, right?
That said, the big bad will probably be neither of them and instead be Johnny Quick or Savitar.
Yeah pretty sure a speedster villain is out of the question for season 3. Grant Gustin said he was hearing the villain might not have powers at all.
No powers? It probably means that the villain is a regural person with a weapon, so he can battle the Flash, so I think it will be the rogues. Unless the villain will be sort of Damien Darkh. I mean evil organization and all. However, my bet is still on the Rogues.
Also, a question about them (legends of tommorow spoilers):Can we expect that Captain Cold will aqcuire ice powers, if he's alive, since his weapon was near him when the machine expolded? Maybe they merged, like New 52.
New 52 Cold sucked, and Heat Wave took his weapon. He gave it to the idiot in the finale and then took it back.
That is the problem with killing villains, you can only use them once. But would it be better if they kept coming back week after week? As for Light, she was on Flash. Solomon is again a Batman villain showing why they go so heavily on the Batman track, Arrow doesn't have the comic background to have so many iconic villains. So it is better to showcase the hundred good Batman ones that will never get a movie. As for big game, he has a small stubb on the DC wikia so I assume, he isn't big. But he was made by Kreisberg so there is a chance.And look how they reduced some of them and even killed some off. More of those could have been recurring villians. They even set up Solomon Grundy perfectly and haven't used him. And have they even used Doctor Light orBig Game? Might just be time to cancel.
As for Light, she was on Flash.
Tweet us ur questions for @dpanabaker who’ll be joining us on Thurs for a Q&A about #TheFlash #AskDanielleFlash ⚡
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Caitlyn bangs Jay! Barry walks in on them and runs back in time to stop it but creates another Flashpoint"Danielle any hints what might be in store for your character in season three?"
"Well she's going to start dating this great new guy, heroic you might say..."
Warner Bros. UK Verified account
The Flash S3 |OT| I'm Too Soon
Would be strange that they would need to cast if they were going welling.Tom Welling is coming you just wait
I would prefer this: The Flash S3 |OT| Am I too dumb? I'm too dumb!
I like Barry's character (well, most of the times), but he broke up with Patty for no reason and when he kissed Iris he changed the timeline. Come on, son! However, he saved his mother, so that's something.
Would be strange that they would need to cast if they were going welling.
I'll bring it up (because I finally saw X-Men: Apocalypse) and because of my inner DC fanboyism...... They did a decent job of showing a speedster and I am jealous we won't get something similar unless they receive a huge budget increase.
That three minute scene took one and a half months to shoot. An episode of Flash is shot in 7-10 days. They could have all the money in the world and still not shoot that scene in time.
The closest we'll get is like the train scene in #1.04. Even then no speedster on the show is that fast yet.
Not if they were gauging audience picks and drumming up publicity.
The Flash S3 |OT| Gotta go Back
Maybe you'll get one. Gotta bring you back in deadly fashion, right?
I want to see Slade's reaction to Barry's powers.
I'll just bust my hand through a few chests, fast, efficient and budget conscious.
Also Zoom only uses a finger to kill people. What a lame way to do things. Zoom fingers people to death, I fist them to death. C'mon.
I shove my whole hand through time remnants and Henry. You continue to find ways to belittle me.
I shove my whole hand through time remnants and Henry. You continue to find ways to belittle me.
So Reverse Flash is the dude who gets out and gets laid.
Zoom is the one who spends friday nights in his room with a box of tissue paper![]()
The CW's penchant with turning awesome villains into real fucbois needs to stop.
First Slade, now Zoom.
Was Zoom really ever that good past his first major episode (Enter Zoom)?