So flash point is over in one way but barry still mess up the time line .
Wonder how long it going to take them to get everything back to normal .
I give it an A-
Very good. Would watch again.
I hope they do not. Barry best learn to clean up his mess without messing with time.
Throughout the episode, Thawne ate all of Barry's lunch except the one he brought him.Thawne certainly made up for it.
So Barry messing up time again is what brings Supergirl to the Arrowverse?
I hope they do not. Barry best learn to clean up his mess without messing with time.
Maybe I am just suffering from withdrawal, but I seem to like this episode more than most people here or AVClub.
Although, I mute all the cringey/boring parts. Maybe I should start listening to those again.
So Barry messing up time again is what brings Supergirl to the Arrowverse?
Didn't AVClub rate the episodes for last season Gotham like, pretty average? I don't know why people keep posting their ratings like they mean something.
Besides, just like gaming GAF, if you don't care about reviews just don't talk about them because it doesn't affect you.
Besides, just like gaming GAF, if you don't care about reviews just don't talk about them because it doesn't affect you.
"The you I know from the future, he's not this stupid." Pretty much nailed how Barry just gets dumber and dumber. Reverse Flash just keeps on winning. He was easily the best part of the episode.
Guess it take years for barry to get smart when it comes time stuff lol .
So when does this get uploaded to the CW app?
Do these timelines continue to exist when Barry leaves them?
If not this is at least the second time in the series where people decided it was OK for Barry to effectively kill them and their reality
where's Doctor Who when I need him....
Yeah me too. I've wondered about that. I'm guessing they just disappear and/or merge with the current/correct timeline. It's kind of unsettling thinking that they just disappear or "die".
Yeah me too. I've wondered about that. I'm guessing they just disappear and/or merge with the current/correct timeline. It's kind of unsettling thinking that they just disappear or "die".
Didn't AVClub rate the episodes for last season Gotham like, pretty average? I don't know why people keep posting their ratings like they mean something and it's not like they're the only site out there that reviews episodes.
"Oh god, what did I do?"
You're damn right Barry.
Hold this:
For a second there at the end I thought it was going to be The Black Flash approaching Clariss and giving him Negative Speed Force powers. Instead it was related to Dr. Alchemy and Mirror Master.
Thawne maintain's his spot as the best Speedster and Villain.
Cisco keeps getting those W's that Barry desperately needsCissco Ramone
so alchemy and rival is the same person?
so alchemy and rival is the same person?
so alchemy and rival is the same person?
In terms of major events that are caused by Barry or needs Barry, what's next? Is it COIE?
they use zoom for flash I and rival for kid flash