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The Flash S3 |OT| It was me, Barry.


damn, on break til April 25th. more Killer Frost and a trip to the future
and a new suit?!
should make for a fun episode when we come back



First thing I thought of LOL


This split personality thing is so fucking stupid. I can't get over it
I hate this whole plotline, it is seriously obvious that the writers are bending backwards practilly up to their asses(probably where they got plot came from) in order to get Killer frost as a villain

Is it bad the whole Savitar identiy is making me more annoyed and frustrated than intrigued, it better pay off otherwise he is officially the worst.


Savitar really hasn't done anything.
He beat up Barry and Jay in an episode.
The most threatening thing he does hasn't even happened yet, and relies entirely on the viewers connection to Iris than Savitar being interesting or threatening.

Reverse Flash killed Barry's mom and fucked him up and was Wellsobard
Zoom was a fucking psychotic dude who dragged Barry around the city like it was weekend at Bernie's and yeah his identity but he was actively involved in the story with it advancing and changing.
Savitar ... used a cult to unsuccessfully free him, beat up Barry, monologued, kills Iris eventually maybe.

Savitar actually just sucks ass.
Prolonging this mystery is so lame

Like if you don't want to reveal who Savitar is to the characters, fine, but at least do it for your audience at this point. One of the things that made season 1 so good was knowing that Wells was Reverse Flash early and seeing the show play up the dynamic of him trying to be help the Flash fight crime while also trying to undermine him and sabotage the investigation.

This is just coming off like the stupid who is zoom/who is in the helmet bullshit from season 2 with the weak Abra Kadabra leading on


Prolonging this mystery is so lame

Like if you don't want to reveal who Savitar is to the characters, fine, but at least do it for your audience at this point. One of the things that made season 1 so good was knowing that Wells was Reverse Flash early and seeing the show play up the dynamic of him trying to be help the Flash fight crime while also trying to undermine him and sabotage the investigation.

This is just coming off like the stupid who is zoom/who is in the helmet bullshit from season 2 with the weak Abra Kadabra leading on

Yeah, they're just prolonging the mystery for no good reason at this point.


Not a bad episode, I liked it, liked the whole I'm from the future, let me drop some names for you.

now preview talking time.
Going into the future of 2024 it looks like, wally in a wheelchair, flash getting his ass beat in an alley. Black suit spiderman barry is going to be the best. Punished Barry, now the mystery of who is Savatar is reaching that peak of..who is it.
AV Club: (C+)
Team Flash can’t stop keeping secrets from each other and it’s really getting old

Garbage episode.The manufactured drama in this was insanely high. There was a disagreement about everything.

Conflict is the cornerstone of these type of shows, but they just repeat scenes and make everyone act dumb here. It's lazy, not compelling. The last act got Zoom reveal levels of dumb. Savitar keeping Barry alive just cause...Not going after Team Flash right now just cause.

Don't even get me started on Savitar. Everything out his mouth is cliche. Just throw in a slow clap and a "We're not so different, you and I" already.

Savitar is legit the worse


Considering they had Abra revealed Devoe who i googled to be The Thinker from Flash, i hope we are done with mystery about the Villain's identity it was fine in arrow this season because they actually done something with it, here just feel a retread and a waste of time just a way for the writers to fill time.


I thought the episode was better than a C on Abra Kadabra (who actually felt like a classic Flash villain) and that really ambitious action scene that they actually pulled off. Joe's dilemma and Iris being definitively for doing the 'right'* thing were good too. Gypsy being sour, Caitlin's 'death' and no reveal sucked.

* Abra Kadabra was up for execution, so hard to say killing him was the best thing. I'm sure he'll escape death and come back.
I actually liked the episode a lot. Definitely looking forward to next episode with
Spider-Man 3 Barry. Which clearly means that his work rival Julian is venom... I mean Savitar. Trust me, I've seen this movie.
Can we just hurry up and get some more Big Belly Burger? I want to see Savitar eating multiple burgers while talking shit to Barry. One hand he has a burger and the other he is holding Barry at bay while Barry swings furiously at him, lol.


Everybody on Earth 19 is gender flipped, except HR because he's Savitar.
Did he suggest they throw the philosopher stone into the speed force?

I quite liked Abra Kadabra. He came off more evil and cunning than Savitar. Kinda wish he and Grodd could be half season villains.


This episode is really a prime example in why the seasons for these shows should be shorter. Or maybe do what SHIELD is pulling off right now, several mini-arcs. Because man, if your primary arc isn't working, it causes massive problems. I can feel them trying to come up with padding to stretch this Savitar reveal out even further and it's just making me resent the show.

At this point, I just want everything with Savitar to get wrapped up so they can start anew and hopefully come up with something that works. And bring the lightness back, for the love of GOD. I swear that most of the time, this show feels more dour than Arrow these days.


I thought it was a decent episode. Solid B.

This split personality thing is so fucking stupid. I can't get over it

I kind of wonder if they'll ever explain it, like Caitlin has some trauma in her life like her husband dying right after they got married or her love interest turning out to be a psychotic murderer who held her captive, and that's why her meta is a split personality.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Joe choosing Iris over his sense of duty as a cop was the only thing in this episode even remotely interesting.

Why does Savitar's identity even matter? The characters obsess about that more than ways to beat him. And time travel as the solution? We've been down that road before too. Like they were exploring other solutions before and just abandoned them, I guess? Ok

I was really digging this Save Iris with future info arc at first but it just keeps going downhill. The Killer Frost split personality nonsense is just lazy writing. I can't even believe they're going back to that well a second time in the same season.


I mostly liked the episode. Thought the chase scene was pretty cool as far as TV shows goes, Flashes chasing a futurist time ship seems less jobby than having a little trouble chasing a motorcycle.

I know by dating Caitlyn the writing is on the wall for Julienne but I don't want him to leave. Much of the comedy has been pretty on point recently partially thanks to him.

But now have to wait until April 25. Bah.


I thought it was a decent episode. Solid B.

I kind of wonder if they'll ever explain it, like Caitlin has some trauma in her life like her husband dying right after they got married or her love interest turning out to be a psychotic murderer who held her captive, and that's why her meta is a split personality.

If the show explained it, people would complain they were being patronised. It's a no win situation.



This made me laugh and is also something that's wrong with the show. Everything is so formulaic. For fucks sake, EVERY EPISODE someone gets mad/upset/whatever, then someone else is like "it's ok, I'll go talk to them." And everything has to make a point. Like 'love wins, teamwork, blah blah blah' EACH episode.
I thought it was a decent episode. Solid B.

I kind of wonder if they'll ever explain it, like Caitlin has some trauma in her life like her husband dying right after they got married or her love interest turning out to be a psychotic murderer who held her captive, and that's why her meta is a split personality.

Maybe her powers dampen activity in the region of the brain that handles empathy.
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