Then please patronize me, because their reasoning as it currently stands is stupid.
Yer simply not savvy enough to understand such a nuanced character.
Then please patronize me, because their reasoning as it currently stands is stupid.
I swear to god if he said the show is too smart for us plebs to understandYer simply not savvy enough to understand such a nuanced character.
Look on the bright side : at least it's not Power Rangers Megaforce where they don't even try to hide the fact that they're doing a lesson of the day each episode.This made me laugh and is also something that's wrong with the show. Everything is so formulaic. For fucks sake, EVERY EPISODE someone gets mad/upset/whatever, then someone else is like "it's ok, I'll go talk to them." And everything has to make a point. Like 'love wins, teamwork, blah blah blah' EACH episode.
Just as someone's about to find out who Savitar is, the ship will pop up and knock them out.I bet that the empty time-ship they let lose into that wormhole is going to come back and bite them in the ass.
Some super based Super villain or hero will come back with. Booster Gold anyone?I bet that the empty time-ship they let lose into that wormhole is going to come back and bite them in the ass.
This episode is really a prime example in why the seasons for these shows should be shorter. Or maybe do what SHIELD is pulling off right now, several mini-arcs. Because man, if your primary arc isn't working, it causes massive problems. I can feel them trying to come up with padding to stretch this Savitar reveal out even further and it's just making me resent the show.
At this point, I just want everything with Savitar to get wrapped up so they can start anew and hopefully come up with something that works. And bring the lightness back, for the love of GOD. I swear that most of the time, this show feels more dour than Arrow these days.
Remind me again, why didn't they just bring one of the numerous doctors in that city to Caitlin, or Caitlin to one of the numerous hospitals in the city, again?
Caitlin is a wanted criminal was the excuse.
It's almost definitely going to be Joe (I have a feeling that's what the headline about him being honored at City Hall is about) I hope I'm wrong, because I'd be a lot less enthusiastic about the show if he does die.Yeah, Savitar hasn't been compelling at all even with the way they tried to work this season there's just not enough there with him to make an interesting villain and we all know Iris ain't gonna die. Someone else probably will but it won't be her.
Better not be Joe either and Julian dying would be lame as well.
Please tell me Gypsy will become a series regular
Her and Cisco just need to fuck already, then maybe we'll get less of his increasingly cringy (usually one-sided) flirting
The biggest problem with the episode is that they wasted Kadabra, who totally could have functioned as a season-long villain. He was a great villain, and had a lot of possibility behind him.
Candice Patton has some really fucking perfect white teeth.
The biggest problem with the episode is that they wasted Kadabra, who totally could have functioned as a season-long villain. He was a great villain, and had a lot of possibility behind him.
This split personality thing is so fucking stupid. I can't get over it
Yea it's like "oh I saw my counterpart in another earth have the same power and she was evil, means if I have this then I'll be evil too so I have to get rid of it" nevermind the fact that it's her fear of power and desperately wanting to get rid of it is what made her aggressive in the first place and now it's a split personality which we have to take it as it is.
Yea it's like "oh I saw my counterpart in another earth have the same power and she was evil, means if I have this then I'll be evil too so I have to get rid of it" nevermind the fact that it's her fear of power and desperately wanting to get rid of it is what made her aggressive in the first place and now it's a split personality which we have to take it as it is.
Still trying to figure out how Barry knew about superman in the musical episdoe
Yeah, I was a little confused about that mention. I know it's a throw-away joke, but I don't even remember him knowing Superman even existed, besides that Kara had a cousin.
You saw her kiss him right?
The one sided flirting from Cisco this episode was extremely cringey. Like, it was just embarrassing.
I can't imagine they kill off Joe...they need a father figure in the show
On Earth-52, Harrison Wells looks like our Joe West.Season 4 Wells can be the new father figure.
You saw her kiss him right?
Season 4 Wells can be the new father figure.
On Earth-52, Harrison Wells looks like our Joe West.
Can he sing?I'm sorry, what's wrong with HR's parenting? He's been a great father figure to Wally.
Pretty much the only reason caitlin is evilWell, the comic book character is a villain.
Well, the comic book character is a villain.
Still trying to figure out how Barry knew about superman in the musical episdoe
Yeah, I was a little confused about that mention. I know it's a throw-away joke, but I don't even remember him knowing Superman even existed, besides that Kara had a cousin.
I really wish they could give Flash a full on Batman-like villain as the big bad for next season.
I don't care how they do it.
I'd even accept Thomas Wayne(Batman) discovering that Barry is Savitar as well as messing with time travel and he decides to fuck Barry up for the season.
And then reveal it in the last few episodes, kinda like Merlyn in S1 of Arrow .
Plus they said his name hopefully we wont wast time building up a mystery about his identity.Of course you want a Batman like villain, you have an extremely unhealthy obsession with Batman. Whenever I see you post I'm usually surprised if it doesn't reference Batman in some way.
The Thinker appears to be a strong candidate for next season's big bad and he's obviously a villain with an intellectual bent so that's of a similar mold.
Not anymore, she isn't. She learned how to drain the heat she needed to survive without doing any permanent damage, changed her name from "Killer Frost" to "Frost" and joined Batman's Justice League:
This episode is really a prime example in why the seasons for these shows should be shorter. Or maybe do what SHIELD is pulling off right now, several mini-arcs. Because man, if your primary arc isn't working, it causes massive problems. I can feel them trying to come up with padding to stretch this Savitar reveal out even further and it's just making me resent the show.
At this point, I just want everything with Savitar to get wrapped up so they can start anew and hopefully come up with something that works. And bring the lightness back, for the love of GOD. I swear that most of the time, this show feels more dour than Arrow these days.