Tal Shiar Agent
Was this last episode good? I feel like between the excellent season of Arrow and the good season of Legebds, this season of Flash has been so boring Ive been forcing myself to watch.
Barry is the only one dumb enough to fuck with time.So I have always wondered if the other speedsters were technically faster than Barry (like Reverse Flash and Zoom) why is Barry the only one who can screw around with time travel so easily?
Also, unless Savitar requires Barry for something that directly affects in him becoming who he is, I fail to see why he is currently keeping his distance from him now only to kill Iris West in the near future when he can get over with it now. And even then won't the speed force reapers attack Savitar?
But the question that perplexes me most is how Savitar says that he's about become who is "very soon" to the present Barry but the magician guy says that he was the first person to become a speedster?
Was this last episode good? I feel like between the excellent season of Arrow and the good season of Legebds, this season of Flash has been so boring Ive been forcing myself to watch.
It was alright, but they completely wasted someone who could have been a great season long Big Bad for a one and done episode.
Barry is the only one dumb enough to fuck with time.
Also Savitar is the first speedster because is he is Barry.
So I have always wondered if the other speedsters were technically faster than Barry (like Reverse Flash and Zoom) why is Barry the only one who can screw around with time travel so easily?
Also, unless Savitar requires Barry for something that directly affects in him becoming who he is, I fail to see why he is currently keeping his distance from him now only to kill Iris West in the near future when he can get over with it now. And even then won't the speed force reapers attack Savitar?
But the question that perplexes me most is how Savitar says that he's about become who is "very soon" to the present Barry but the magician guy says that he was the first person to become a speedster?
The "first speedster" thing is going to be hard for a lot of people to accept, I think.
Basically, the way the comics have explained it is that Barry created the Speedforce and was its first user. However, the Speedforce is an omniscient energy and once created spread across time and dimensions.
So, Jay may be older and may have gotten his powers first from a linear time perspective, but the power he is harnessing was created after him by Barry Allen.
Yeah, comics.
The "first speedster" thing is going to be hard for a lot of people to accept, I think.
Basically, the way the comics have explained it is that Barry created the Speedforce and was its first user. However, the Speedforce is an omniscient energy and once created spread across time and dimensions.
So, Jay may be older and may have gotten his powers first from a linear time perspective, but the power he is harnessing was created after him by Barry Allen.
Yeah, comics.
So I have always wondered if the other speedsters were technically faster than Barry (like Reverse Flash and Zoom) why is Barry the only one who can screw around with time travel so easily?
Also, unless Savitar requires Barry for something that directly affects in him becoming who he is, I fail to see why he is currently keeping his distance from him now only to kill Iris West in the near future when he can get over with it now. And even then won't the speed force reapers attack Savitar?
But the question that perplexes me most is how Savitar says that he's about become who is "very soon" to the present Barry but the magician guy says that he was the first person to become a speedster?
So I have always wondered if the other speedsters were technically faster than Barry (like Reverse Flash and Zoom) why is Barry the only one who can screw around with time travel so easily?
Also, unless Savitar requires Barry for something that directly affects in him becoming who he is, I fail to see why he is currently keeping his distance from him now only to kill Iris West in the near future when he can get over with it now. And even then won't the speed force reapers attack Savitar?
But the question that perplexes me most is how Savitar says that he's about become who is "very soon" to the present Barry but the magician guy says that he was the first person to become a speedster?
Ooh, theis so good, just saw a pic of it in better lightingfuture flash suit
How would you all honestly feel if they revealed that HR turns out to be Savitar? The mentor being the villain again and whatnot? Ignore the Future Flash = Savitar for a minute or two.
The only way it could be dumber than that is if Savitar turns out to be Joe.
HR's highly unlikely becauseEven thgouh if someone cries spoiler over this now they're insane and I wish bad things to happen to them like running into a gorilla shield... he's on the roof trying to shoot Savitar in the future vision thinggie.
Speed mirage.The only way it could be dumber than that is if Savitar turns out to be Joe.
HR's highly unlikely becauseEven thgouh if someone cries spoiler over this now they're insane and I wish bad things to happen to them like running into a gorilla shield... he's on the roof trying to shoot Savitar in the future vision thinggie.
Because Fake Jay was wearing the comic accurate suit.I'm a little bothered that Jay Garrick's costume isn't like the comic books. Not sure why they are so scared going that way
I'm a little bothered that Jay Garrick's costume isn't like the comic books. Not sure why they are so scared going that way
Could be wrong, but that's not the same suit as the preview suit. I think that's the proper new 2017 Flash suit. Looking good if that's the replacement.
edit: that photo is fan-made?
Possibly. That magic homing bullet gun Barry stole off that one guy could cause Savitar some problems.Is that really HR's style though?
Arrow dropping all these crazy end of season deets meanwhile nothing on the Flash side
Arrow dropping all these crazy end of season deets meanwhile nothing on the Flash side
This break suuuuuuuuuuuuucks. 😭
Saw this on Cracked:
Looks like they do scout locations outside of Vancouver, at least for exterior shots.
We got another Killer Frost arc coming up! And H.R. as Savitar. How 'bout a crazy wedding? Where something happens and do-do-do-do-do
I've been seeing some pics for episode 23, wonder what some you guys think.
So far it's just?all of the regular cast + John Wesley Shipp (not in Jay outfit) + Wentworth Miller in some capacity
I think there's actually a little over a week left of filming too. So big events or guest stars may not have been shot yet.
There's a funeral, and people are thinking it's HR because he's nowhere to be seen.