How would you all honestly feel if they revealed that HR turns out to be Savitar? The mentor being the villain again and whatnot? Ignore the Future Flash = Savitar for a minute or two.
There is one, one other person that we are entirely forgetting..... Hunter Zolomon. I'm not saying it'll make any sense but I wouldn't put it past the writers to allow Zolomon back into the picture. Something something Time Wraiths something something Time Remnant(s) something something bargaining with the Speed Force.
Teddy Sears is on another show
I do think something is up with HR. The conversation about his date didn't really feel's hard for me to articulate. Seemed suspicious.
Speed Force shenanigans allows a different actor to play Zolomon. There. Solved it. Been trapped for so long, his appearance changed.
It's not going to be HR. But if there is a 1% chance that Savitar is HR I wouldn't drop the show. I will tolerate the writing to see Speed Force shenanigans, the Rogues, etc.
How would you all honestly feel if they revealed that HR turns out to be Savitar? The mentor being the villain again and whatnot? Ignore the Future Flash = Savitar for a minute or two.
Savitar insulted HR, twice, so I dunno. I don't think he's Savitar.
Savitar knows he kills Iris. Future Flash must know that too. And yet, Future-Flash still saw fit to lock him somewhere that allows him to fulfill his Iris-killing destiny. Is that about right?
So much about Savitar's timeline makes no sense to me, and I expect the explanation to be just "cus Flashpoint".
Was that him or another Wells?But why is HR on the roof, aiming at Savitar in the future? Or is he aiming at BA?
But why is HR on the roof, aiming at Savitar in the future? Or is he aiming at BA?
Savitar is Tom Cavanaugh.
As in actually Tom Cavanaugh, the actor. He's trying to take over the whole of the Flash multiverse as he consists of nearly 50% of it's characters, and his acting creations must stop him.
But why is HR on the roof, aiming at Savitar in the future? Or is he aiming at BA?
I'm usually pretty forgiving of this show when others have not been in the last two years, but this last ep stood out to me as pretty bad.
Was Cisco really giving Gypsy the cold shoulder at the end because she had a boyfriend three years ago? :lol
Also, goddamn, Julian got blown up three separate times without so much as a scratch.
I wonder if Gypsy's BF was Vibe from Earth-19.
He started off and spent most of his career using future tech to simulate magic, but at one point sold his soul to Neron in exchange for actual magic powers.
What is it with CW shows that it seem to scale back on the heroes abilities unless there is a need for the hero to perform well?
The chase scene with the ship was so unnecessary. Almost laughable. The only good thing was Flash actually doing something at the end of it. Both Kid Flash and Flash could have done that within 10s of the ship appearing. Also really silly to see them speed by cars and humans in "slowmo" compared to their actual speed.
This is the reason I stopped watching both Arrow and Supergirl. And this might be my last season of The Flash.
The writing is awful. Acting is really all over the place. Cisco is the only really consistent one. In some parts really good.
The show have lost its wonder it had in S1. What made it was the way it managed to show progression. Now it is holding back on that to show something just for the sake of it. The writers have very little imagination and don't take the show any further. Really sad to see this happening once again.
Barry runs like mach 2 to 3.
Of course that is how it should be. But that doesn't mean they have to be slower than a spaceship or a damn car in between. Remember the chase of Flash and Kid flash a few episodes ago. They running behind a car while being shot at. Like, a few seconds and they could have taken them all out, put handcuffs in them, put them in jail and be back at Star Labs.You've probably already figured it out but..... Their full potential, like nearly anything involving powers, only comes out during certain events.
By no means do I expect that. Not at least until Barry have fully matured and developed. But that doesn't mean he can't outsmart him. What I want is the show to be consistent and progressively increase their power. And maybe actually use their brains at times.You would expect Future Barry to be super fast, right? Faster than Savitar. Things should nearly always be in slow motion or frozen to him. We saw that during the opening of one of the episodes this season. Barry was thinking and moving his fingers slightly while everybody in STAR Labs was frozen in time.
Exactly. Be consistent and make sense of their power and terms of learning their abilities.We also don't know if Barry and co. needs momentum and acceleration. One moment they don't and the next moment they do. We saw during the crossover that a P90's bullet was fired (P90 fires really fast with a fast velocity to boot), Barry grabbed the bullet and everybody was frozen!
The writers need to be consistent with how they write his powers. Does he need momentum and acceleration or does he not? He's been mentioned to be Mach 13 (or whatever the fan calcs are right now). How is a time ship faster than Barry? Even with all the zig zagging around, that shouldn't bring his speed down that much that he is struggling to catch a ship....