So, who thinks that when everything goes back to normal the real wells from earth 1 is alive? Not everything can be the same after what barry did
I could see the last one happening. They need to kill a Lance daughter.I fully expect the following people to be alive again as a result of Flashpoint
RCeal Harrison Wells from Earth 1Laptain Coldaurel Lance
I fully expect the following people to be alive again as a result of Flashpoint
RCeal Harrison Wells from Earth 1Laptain Coldaurel Lance
Where was it revealed that Season 5 Arrow was post flashpoint. I didnt think it was post til after ep 10L being dead seems to be a pretty important plot point in Arrow Season 5, which is part of the post-Flashpoint universe. The one possible scenario I could see:Flashpoint and/or her adventure into the afterlife with Constantine to save Sarah has bound Laurel's soul to Earth. She possesses black Siren, and the two switch back and forth for control over the body, until Constantine or Fortuna returns to merge the two into one composite character, mixing personality from Laurel and Siren to create the true Black Canary
Where was it revealed that Season 5 Arrow was post flashpoint. I didnt think it was post til after ep 10
No AOS makes AOS bearable.
Where was it revealed that Season 5 Arrow was post flashpoint. I didnt think it was post til after ep 10
Tonight is the night
I think its only 3 months not 6.The Arrowverse shows usually loosely follow our timescale. When we join Barry, he's beenfor the last six months. When we next see Oliver, he'll have been Mayor for the last six in the Flashpoint universe
The only show apparently not doing this yet is Supergirl.
I think its only 3 months not 6.
Still, it's roughly "real time." Real world events like Christmas happen in December, etc.
Even the flashbacks used to be told in real time. This last season's felt like they took place over a single month, though.
Where was it revealed that Season 5 Arrow was post flashpoint. I didnt think it was post til after ep 10
I always got the impression that the flashbacks happen in a very compressed period of time compared to present day. Sometimes the flashbacks cover maybe 5-10 minutes of consecutive island events, while the present day is going through days and weeks. The large swaths of time that pass in the flashbacks are season to season. At most the flashbacks cover a couple days, maybe a week or two. But present day is months + the added skips with summer. They seem to use the break to line things up again every year. So the flashbacks jump way ahead in time, where the present day only goes ahead 3 months
Flash gets the Honest Trailers treatment:
No AOS makes AOS bearable.
The night Zero makes his 100th post in this topic you mean?
any ideas on the big twist this season?
Flash was already deadany ideas on the big twist this season?
any ideas on the big twist this season?
any ideas on the big twist this season?
any ideas on the big twist this season?
Barry for once doesn't make dumbass decisions!any ideas on the big twist this season?
My hopes for this season
- A Jesse/Wally/Joe love triangle
HAHA wut
any ideas on the big twist this season?
My completely well thought out hopes for this season
-Shenanigans to bring back everyone's favorite characterEDDIE
Well now Grant is aware at least
That's not how you spell Patty's Ass!
Will be good to be back with you fine folks for another hype train ride through the Arrowverse this year. Almost time.
Oh damn we don't have one.
lol so good..Flash gets the Honest Trailers treatment: