I normally don't worry about your fave because, really, what's the point in coming for Madonna? She might not be my fave, but I use some of her music, I do respect her unparalleled-among-female-pop-stars overall commercial accomplishments, and as pedestrian as her vocals are, she's not truly bad (and she's actually worked on improving them, which is more than I can say for this generation's mediocre vocal talents); she's simply average and only bad in a relative sense.
But with that said, that is a rather comical thing for you to be saying as someone stanning for an entertainer whose primary accomplishment this year so far is getting to number one through months of pre-sales, followed by a precipitous drop off a cliff the next week
and whose sole real bragging right this year will come from having what will probably be the biggest tour of the year ... which her fans will come to in order to live on past glories.
You may say you aren't coming from Madonna but your post has more shades of bitterness than fact.
I'm not a fan of Madonna's current studio vocal, though the 1-million-in-1-week selling MDNA is a vast improvement over the nasal crow we got served with Hard Candy.
Lambs say that Mumu's vocals remain unsurpassed in the industry, but her wig was snatched in 1999 when Xtincta landed on the scene, like it or not. Mumu can't give the Lambs a decent delivery of Hero these days, let alone We Belong Together (the end being famously mimed in absence of ABILITY).
Becoming the most successful artist in UK history last month wasn't an accomplishment?
How does that work? Will they be going to a stadium to watch the Girlie Show DVD? Madonna keeps her tours current and seldom performs songs we actually WANT to hear.
In conclusion, Mariah Carey is fat.
Madonna as an overall performer and package as a Pop Queen I agree she's better than Mariah. But in terms of artistry and as a vocalist Mariah wins without lifting a finger lol
Madonna as an overall performer and package as a Pop Queen I agree she's better than Mariah. But in terms of artistry and as a vocalist Mariah wins without lifting a finger lol
Popmatters said:If theres a blueprint to Visions its to lasso a pure pop vocal melody from the 80s/90spreferably early Madonna or Mariah. Speed it up, slow it down, turn it around and then tip it into a blender amongst masterfully diced hip-hop beats and lightly chopped Far East synth-spices.
Mariah's curves may change with the weather, but all that matters is that her flaw-free countenance has remained flaw-free since the beginning of her career. Your aged and decrepit fave wishes she could be even momentarily mistaken for her 1990's counterpart.spastic delusional nonsense
Mariah's curves may change with the weather, but all that matters is that her flaw-free countenance has remained flaw-free since the beginning of her career. Your aged and decrepit fave wishes she could be even momentarily mistaken for her 1990's counterpart.
So you can browse for shopped images all you like, but it won't change the fact that your fave has aged as well as a fried patty left out in the sun.
Genuflect and worship the Queen, who somehow had the inner strength to publicly utter Mandonna's name without suddenly going into an epileptic fit at its sheer ugliness.
Let's be honest with ourselves up in here:
P.S. You guys realize we've logged 600 posts in 3 days. We're growing exponentially!
i'm still in love with aphrodite and i still don't care
kylie is flying and there aren't wires or anything! i'm digging her commitment to the theme in this gig.
How To Read (Acid to Alkaline):
-5 = Lady Gaga: When you snatch that many wigs in three years you the most acidic bitch in the game.
-4 = Marina & The Diamonds: When you shade as many bitches as she did then manage to get on their tours with music that slays theirs youre acidic.
-3 = Beyoncé: Youre Beyoncé.
-2 = Justin Timberlake: When your ass leaves the game after two albums but people scream for years after for you to come back, youre acidic.
-1 = Adele: Because 21 will be on the charts for another 21 years.
0 = Madonna: You coined the term iconic but you bent the coin the last two times out.
1 = M.I.A.: You do what Rihanna thinks shes doing and your label doesnt drop your ass for shading their top seller. You got something going.
2 = Rihanna: You put out albums faster than a runner from your home country, but they lose their steam around single #2.
3 = Ke$ha: When youre doing shit the radio plays you to death, but since youve been gone people miss all your strikingly similar sounding songs.
4 = Kelly Clarkson: Your pussy is Americas sweetheart and youre one of the, if not only, few American Idol winners that Simon Cowell can stand and isnt bankrupt three times over.
5 = Lana Del Rey: Your album is great but when you open your mouth live people want to smash the disc and swallow the jagged, plastic shards.
6 = Britney Spears: Releasing music is all you know how to do anymore and no one has shut you off yet. Get it girl.
7 = Selena Gomez: You lead the basic pack because you know when to stop talking.
8 = One Direction: Youre a boy band so by nature youre basic, but if you can snatch The Beatles wig you deserve some credit.
9 = Justin Bieber: Peter Pan syndrome, even if you dont want it.
10 = Demi Lovato: Your claim to fame is you fucked a Jonas Brother and went nuts, the world aint here for that.
11 = Katy Perry: Not quite queen of Basic Bitches, but youre trying as hard as you can to be that and someone else.
12 = Jessie J: Youre a british Katy and we dont want the American Katy. Next.
13 = LMFAO: Self explanatory.
14 = Nicki Minaj: So basic that youve entered a state of Basic Nirvana, in which you are unable to hear the deafening cries of PLEASE STOP!
COULD YOUR FAVE? LIVE PERFORMANCES - Another new section dedicated to amazing live performances from our faves, both new and old. Link away!
Limit one per artist.![]()
REFRESHED SECTIONS - Albums and singles updated with new material!
I like it tbh.
Anyone remember this Xtina interview post VMA kiss with Brit and Madge? I still remember how pressed she was that no one even noticed Madonna kissed her too lol.
And when she shaded Brit, MTV, Madonna and the MATM video as if her videos weren't a Kmart version of Britney's videos
The only time I ever didn't like her was that era tbh, she had a grudge against all the other gurls
Katy's new hair
I like it tbh.
"[Performing with] Madonna... maybe ten years ago."Anyone remember this Xtina interview post VMA kiss with Brit and Madge? I still remember how pressed she was that no one even noticed Madonna kissed her too lol. And when she shaded Brit, MTV, Madonna and the MATM video as if her videos weren't a Kmart version of Britney's videos
What a dull and uninspired woman compared to this
I actually QUITE LIKE Pariah
Frozen.Madonna's ability to reinvent her image is one of the best things about her.
What's the name of that song where in the music video she's in this like.... desert-y landscape, wearing a black dress / gown, and with shoulder-length or slightly longer black hair? I might be misremembering the elements somewhat, but that picture you just posted reminded me of it. It was a picture in a book I had when I was a child.
Madonna's ability to reinvent her image is one of the best things about her.
What's the name of that song where in the music video she's in this like.... desert-y landscape, wearing a black dress / gown, and with shoulder-length or slightly longer black hair? I might be misremembering the elements somewhat, but that picture you just posted reminded me of it. It was a picture in a book I had when I was a child.
Yes, but how do you feel about Janice?
Where does one cross the line between re-invention and pandering? It seems to me like her new album/persona is an overt attempt to buy her way back to relevance; like she looked at a Billboard chart and said "ok send Nicki a check and get me some Gaga b-side dance tracks too."
Where does one cross the line between re-invention and pandering? It seems to me like her new album/persona is an overt attempt to buy her way back to relevance; like she looked at a Billboard chart and said "ok send Nicki a check and get me some Gaga b-side dance tracks too."
I would rant about this bullshit Madonna "reinvention" nonsense her fans (and, to a certain extent, music critics) have perpetuated for decades, but I'm too lazy.
I'll just watch.
Everything. Mad-onna has impacted culture several times in wildly different ways.When you say reinvent do you mean music sound or look, because some people say the goat has reinvented herself every era even though she remains the same basic act
People get so pressed at the mere mention of THE QUEEN![]()
My only favorite who has been called the Queen of anything
Sorry, but I think the title Queen of Rug Munching has been reserved for Belly Clarkson's coming out.
... Wait, do you actually think Kelly's a lesbian or is this just you being silly? My gaydar with regards to women has always been nonexistent (except for, you know, the ones who go out of their way to make it obvious and even then I probably get false positives) so I have no idea.
This is my favorite Kelly ballad. It sort of sounds like a poppy version of Radiohead's "Exit Music."What are your favorite sad songs PopGaf?
not feeling low, just want to make a playlist
The lesbian rumors really went into overdrive after she got fat. Funny how that works :|... Wait, do you actually think Kelly's a lesbian or is this just you being silly? My gaydar with regards to women has always been nonexistent (except for, you know, the ones who go out of their way to make it obvious and even then I probably get false positives) so I have no idea.
Rihanus only knows how to change her wig.