CHVRCHES ResidentSleeper
I'm admittedly out of the loop when it comes to music.It amazes me that people still don't know who Chvrches is
guys, guys please
It amazes me that people still don't know who Chvrches is
They're good, but Lauren ain't good live..
They're good, but Lauren ain't good live..
It amazes me that people still don't know who Chvrches is
Geoff should have got Riff Raff for the music performance. Rap game J Allard.
Time to rub one out during the music break...
AhahaDat music... So many fedoras among the attendees.. Cringe.
Half Life 3 yet?
Hmmm, Far Cry Primal vs. Wild. Seem like there's some overlap there.
Lead singer of this band looks like she's 12 years old man...
CHVRCHES hate is a thing? Oh piss off. Amazing band.
Never heard of this band before, its got a beat this song
its also one ios and mac
Grimes live is terrible. Like watching mediocre kareoke. do you even pronouce that? cheev-ches? churches?
Pretty much the first time I ever see a well-produced, non-cringey musical performance in this vein during a gaming show.
The singer is 28!?
CHVRCHES hate is a thing? Oh piss off. Amazing band.
lolCHVRCHES hate is a thing? Oh piss off. Amazing band.
huh....maybe she sounds a million times better not live