I love seeing Blink as an amateur right now. Especially after seeing her in Days of Future Past rip open portals with ease. It'll be fun seeing her grow.
The same. It also applies to these new mutants. It'll be thrilling to see how they grow and how their powers explode in usability.
Mutants losing their powers?Does this mean Leech is behind this?
I was hoping they wrap up the presion break arc soon
This show is a lot better than I expected and I was already kinda excited.
X-Men were my favorite growing up so seeing two good X-men (Legion) related tv shows is exciting![]()
I hope it's doing good in ratings would hate for Fox to cancel another show I'm enjoying too early ;_;
Has there been anything said about whether this takes place in continuity with the films?
John Proudstar's code name is Thunderbird. Seems like the show has kept that the same, right?His name's Eclipse and not Sunspot? :/
Also, closed captioning said that Johnny was Thunderbird and not Proudstar?
Who is the Redhead that offered to implant the false memories in Blink? I swear Johnny called her Rachel but cant be sure.
Is anyone putting together a list of all the characters in the show so far?
Solid if not spectacular so far, show seems to benefit from DVR viewing which is a plus. Also Fox doesn't have many high rated shows, so I'm optimistic about its future.
3 episodes in and the show continues to be very solid.
Mom getting the mutant wake up call 2 weeks in a row, it seemed like she got it by the end of the episode. Young son already on some Magneto ish talking about robbing banks and taking out mobs.
Ol girl from Alphas played the mom w/the young kid who was trying to escape. Alphas was another show w/people with powers that was canceled too soon by Syfy.
I wonder how long the effects of Redheads power last. Seems like things went sour in the past.
Who is the Redhead that offered to implant the false memories in Blink? I swear Johnny called her Rachel but cant be sure.
Is anyone putting together a list of all the characters in the show so far?
from various sources via Google said:Johnny = Thunderbird, Native American Dude: enhanced human abilities, near/at peak human.
Clarice = Blink, Asian American Girl able to open portals to different locations, with experience she can throw "spikes" at objects that can port them to another location.
Marco = Eclipse, Mexican/Latino American Dude?: capable of inflicting sick burns, my dude, but he is able to manipulate photons of some sort. He's a new character that they made up, I think.
Lorna = Polaris, White American Girl with Green Hair: daughter of Magneto so she is able to manipulate magnetic waves
Lauren = ?, White American Girl with Blonde Hair: she seems to be able to manipulate a few elements between wind, water, and possibly enhance or nullify mutant abilities? Maybe she just manipulates energy?
Andy = ?, White American Kid: he seems to be able to manipulate vibrations of some sort. These two are possibly and loosely connected to the Fenris Twins from the comics.
Redhead Girl = Dreamer: wasn't able to pinpoint who she is, name-wise. Able to use smoke to put false memories into a person's mind.
This is what I can find from IMDb and Google:
Alphas was another show w/people with powers that was canceled too soon by Syfy.
That's good to hear, I'm really surprised by the quality of this show.
So was there any reason why Polaris couldn't use the metal on the truck when she got her powers back? Could her powers not go through the plastic box?
I'm watching it a couple of days later, hopefully i'll have time to watch this week's today.
How many episodes will this season have?
I guess the ep has been out long enough to not need spoiler tags but? Of all the randoms in the Underground they had to get rid of a character I liked. Also if the Telepath was that strong why did she need their help in the first place? She seemed way to OP.Whyyyy did it have to be Dreamer