What? This isn't about the Antique Roadshow. In fact, there is little appraising of any persuasion going on here! I have been duped! Sir, I must challenge you to fisticuffs! Hurumpf!
This set should actually be a box that gives you some duct tape, a soldering iron, silicon compound, india inks, a laser beam, and photonegative reels from the show so that you have to build the DVDs yourself for the true MacGyver experience.
Sam leaps into MacGyver, who proceeds to make Ziggy and the Quantum Leap Accelerator work properly using only fibers from his clothes and spit.
Unrelatedly, searching IMDB informs me of several things. One: MacGyver's first name was Angus? Second, there were plans for a sequel/spinoff show last year called "Young MacGyver" featuring a Clay MacGyver? The hell? Looks like a pilot was made but wasn't purchased.