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The hair-do from hell, woman wants to look like Beyonce...

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"I wanted to look like Beyonce not ET." She added: "My mum calls me the Elephant Man. I have hardly spoken to anyone because I could see from the corner of my eye that people were giving me funny looks."

sucks for her though.




IT'S A TRAP...mom?


Ronald_mcd said:
Can she even see out the corner of her eye?

Shit, I can see out of the corner of those bulbous fuckers, and I'm half a world away.


"I'd hit it, precious, yesssss!!!"


Sucks massively for her, I feel really sorry for her.

However, she can't sue over something she was alergic to. The only way she could successfully sue is if she knew she was alergic to it and had told the hairdresser. As it is, neither apply here, it was just an accident neither coul dhave avoided.

Lil' Dice

LOL! that's what she gets!
Even with a shrunken head and eye balls, there's no way that nappy headed girl will EVER look like Beyonce.....hohohohohohooo!


I really don't see how they can hold the salon responsible. Thats like you not knowing your allergic to lemons and having a reaction to the lemon as a garnish on the plate your fish was served. Only to come back and sue them? Never worked that way. Thats like suing nyquil because your allergic to it and you didn't know. Plain stupidity...

I don't see how the salon can loose this one. Unless its a nasty place to begin with....Then again if it were like that it wouldn't have much money anyway.
The Doreen salon website says: "We do our upmost (sic) best to make you feel beautiful ... all of our customers leave with beautiful hair and most of all, a smile on their faces."

:lol Poor Girl, o well she'll get better
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