THQ has announced that they're publishing The Haunted's: Hell's Reach for PC/PSN/XBLA.
Source: said:THQ reveals The Haunted: Hell's Reach
PC Xbox 360 PlayStation 3 by Wesley Yin-Poole
30/08/2011 @ 13:42
THQ has revealed The Haunted: Hell's Reach, a third-person survival horror shooter made by the winner of last year's $1 Million Intel Make Something Unreal Contest.
It launches 25th October on PC, and on PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade in 2012.
In The Haunted: Hell's Reach, the forces of evil plan to invade earth and only a small group of humans stand in their way. Happens a lot, that.
Luckily, there's a huge arsenal of deadly weapons and melee combat moves with which you can battle back against the minions of hell.
There are four human playable characters, more than 20 enemies, 30 stages, eight locations, six secret weapons, four game modes and a partridge in a pear tree.
And, of course, it uses Epic's Unreal Engine 3. First screenshots are below.