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The Internet - Communist Style

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The North Korean Internet Portal, IN ENGLISH

See propaganda!
See how The Beloved Kim Jong-Il is!
See how "open", "free", and "democratic" North Korea is!

If you don't, they will shoot you.

Favorite part so far, the preface to the best seller DISTORTION OF US PROVOCATION OF KOREAN WAR.

All I want is a North Korean email address, which doesn't work yet.


Wow I don't know what's most awesome, the Tourism (!?) section that leads you to a login screen you can't back out of or the 404 error for the "Korea is one" section.

Damn, you have to sign up for most everything. I guess if the NY Times can do it, so can an entire country.

Doth Togo

I think anyone that has access to the Internet in North Korea is given an ID code similar to a Social Security Number. Therefore, only the 31337 can access the Internet to see what their "fearless leader" is doing to "improve the country."
Doth Togo said:
I think anyone that has access to the Internet in North Korea is given an ID code similar to a Social Security Number. Therefore, only the 31337 can access the Internet to see what their "fearless leader" is doing to "improve the country."

Its "Fearless Leader", you didn't captilize, now one of your family members has to die. You can only blame yourself.
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