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The Kameo video at Gamespot is tugging my heartstrings

I'm getting memories of Banjo Kazooie, my favorite platformer of all time. Was anyone else touched in a special 'Rare' place in their heart watching this developer interview?


I always saw Rare as the alter ego of Nintendo, and I'm really pulling for this title. The impresions from PLAY magazine and Gamespot are making me very happy. For the jaded, I suggest you check out the preview and dev interview, I dare you to not be touched.


Daxter Too said:
I always saw Rare as the alter ego of Nintendo, and I'm really pulling for this title. The impresions from PLAY magazine and Gamespot are making me very happy. For the jaded, I suggest you check out the preview and dev interview, I dare you to not be touched.
Wow, video games must be very special to you.
NLB2 said:
Wow, video games must be very special to you.

Well I did just take a happy pill. :) Seriously though, there's a hole in my heart that can only be filled by Rare!!!!


Just look at that Rare polish, you know it's there!! The game is part RPG as well, it just looks like an all around great game. Rare is back imo. Yes.


indeed, looked amazing at e3. Extremly positive impressions from Gamespot, Gamespy and IGN.

They're back.


Daxter Too said:
I'm getting memories of Banjo Kazooie, my favorite platformer of all time. Was anyone else touched in a special 'Rare' place in their heart watching this developer interview?

Yeah big time, I want this game really bad, and want to get a new N64 controller to play Banjo again, Its my fav platformer too.
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