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The Kiseki / Trails (of the Sky/Zero/Ao/Sen/Etc) Community Thread: SPOILERTAGS OR DIE


Eh, I don't remember FC times much, but I thought it was a normal 40-50 hour rpg. SC was about 65 though, yeah.

It's about 1.5x longer than FC imo.


Finished Zero no Kiseki on Nightmare. Got the nightmare trophy, but not the hard trophy. What the hell, game?! I even killed the boss twice and still no trophy. Now have every trophy but hard mode. Sooo don't want to replay the game another time T_T

Any advice, board?


Finished Zero no Kiseki on Nightmare. Got the nightmare trophy, but not the hard trophy. What the hell, game?! I even killed the boss twice and still no trophy. Now have every trophy but hard mode. Sooo don't want to replay the game another time T_T

Any advice, board?

Nightmare and hard has different trophies, so you better prepare for another round :p


Worked my way through the Intermission of Sen no Kiseki II last night. The scene at the end, in which
Rean dashes through the hallway while avoiding obstacles and friends dropping from the Courageous
, was absolutely amazing and gave me that thrill Kiseki's usually deliver.

Sen was kind of lacklustre in that department. Throughout, it felt as if Falcom was struggling with how to introduce the massive Erebonian Empire, both story-wise and from a technical perspective, and ultimately settled on something that worked for both aspects but wasn't the most enticing approach. It worked in the world-building department and there were some great moments in Sen, but Sen II feels like an enormous improvement from the first hour onward, partially because Sen did such a great job on world-building.


Going on a cruise next month and there's gonna be like 2 and a half days of just sailing on open water, I want to bring an rpg to play that'll be engaging and I can play for hours at a time and not get tired of it.

Was thinking about bringing Ao no Kiseki Evolution and starting it since I know it'll be engrossing, but I might not have internet and in Zero there were a few sidequests where I needed an item and had to look up where to find it, plus it's annoying when I miss the substantial hidden sidequests like
Ren's Dollmaker House sidequest near the end of Zero :\
, so I'm thinking maybe it's a good time to play Nayuta? Is Nayuta pretty straightforward and it's hard to get stuck and no real need to look up stuff on wikis?


So is Sophisticated Fight really that disliked, or have I just heard from a few vocal haters (including WYRDWAD*)?

You mean the very same person who *loves* the SNES soundtrack of Ys III, yet dismisses actual great stuff like Brandish PC-98? I'm calling this bad taste even if it sounds a little bit arrogant. :p *(Fixed that for you btw.)

Sophisticated Fight is a very nice jazzy battle theme, thank you very much. We even got a "sequel" to it in SC!

Speaking of Kiseki music...


... Which of these two Nayuta tracks do you guys (and gals) think sounds closer to Sen II's "Crossing Over the Horrors of War"? I highly suspect that Momiyama was involved with Sen II in some capacity (even though she's not credited in-game) - I suspect "Crossing Over the Horrors of War" was composed by Momiyama because it sounds most like her synthetic music, like "The Island Left Behind", "Peaceful Daily Life " and so on. I feel the echo effect in her music is higher than Sonoda's, which makes her work sound a little cheap and unstable, even if sometimes her ballad music sounds good (example: "The Golden Terra").


Apologies for the double post, but Falcom has one hell of a deal for today.




Started playing Nayuta no Kiseki while on a trip and a couple of hours in and it's really...boring? Like there's bits in common with Kiseki like the large amounts of text and every NPC having like 2 dialogues when you talk to them, but the character writing doesn't seem anything like Kiseki, so far these aren't realistic likeable characters living in their everyday world, no, the characters so far seem like generic jrpg stuff, and the plot seems pretty typical fantasy. Gameplay seems really simple as well.

Really hoping it gets better but maybe I'm going in with the wrong expectations expecting an arpg like Ys with characters and story like Kiseki?
Started playing Nayuta no Kiseki while on a trip and a couple of hours in and it's really...boring? Like there's bits in common with Kiseki like the large amounts of text and every NPC having like 2 dialogues when you talk to them, but the character writing doesn't seem anything like Kiseki, so far these aren't realistic likeable characters living in their everyday world, no, the characters so far seem like generic jrpg stuff, and the plot seems pretty typical fantasy. Gameplay seems really simple as well.

Really hoping it gets better but maybe I'm going in with the wrong expectations expecting an arpg like Ys with characters and story like Kiseki?

No one cares about the story in Nayuta, it's all about the gameplay.


Started playing Nayuta no Kiseki while on a trip and a couple of hours in and it's really...boring? Like there's bits in common with Kiseki like the large amounts of text and every NPC having like 2 dialogues when you talk to them, but the character writing doesn't seem anything like Kiseki, so far these aren't realistic likeable characters living in their everyday world, no, the characters so far seem like generic jrpg stuff, and the plot seems pretty typical fantasy. Gameplay seems really simple as well.

Really hoping it gets better but maybe I'm going in with the wrong expectations expecting an arpg like Ys with characters and story like Kiseki?

I'm still somewhat near the beginning myself. The beginning feels really brutal. So much dialogue from characters that just aren't interesting to me at the moment. Game looks nice and the music is pretty, but the rest feels weak at the moment. I heard it gets a bit better later, and I'll probably get far into it after finals this week.

Game really needed to get to the gameplay fast though.


I don't remember much from Nayuta since I cleared it once right when it came out and never played it again, but I remember it being a fun little action rpg.
The story got interesting at one point, but I didn't care that much for it.


No one cares about the story in Nayuta, it's all about the gameplay.

Ah, then basically being "kiseki" aka, having a ton of text is more of a detriment than a pro, because if your story/characters are dull you want as little text as possible and just pure good gameplay, not tons of text about dull stuff interrupting your gameplay.

Also yeah, hopefully the gameplay picks up quickly. I'm about 4 stages in and it's more like Gurumin than Ys.

That's kind of a bummer too, since the whole selling point of the "Kiseki" name is great quality writing and characters, so was sort of hoping for that here...



I played through this game a long time ago, can't remember the exact details but I do remember things started to pick up at later stage, where the boss finally gives a bit of a challenge. Other than that it is a medicore game at best, the general combat and stage design is servicable, story is almost nonexistance, boss battle is where it's at but still I'd prefer Ys6/7 anyday.


I played through this game a long time ago, can't remember the exact details but I do remember things started to pick up at later stage, where the boss finally gives a bit of a challenge. Other than that it is a medicore game at best, the general combat and stage design is servicable, story is almost nonexistance, boss battle is where it's at but still I'd prefer Ys6/7 anyday.

Damn, was hoping this game would fill my Kiseki needs for a few months. Well I do like the music and hopefully it's fairly short. Do hope it becomes a little more compelling as when you're on a long flight, you want something compelling to make the time go by quickly.
I thought I heard people theorize that they made it a Kiseki because Kiseki was the hot stuff that Falcom had and they wanted to market this game better. But I haven't played the game so don't take my work for it.


Ok, got to the 2nd chapter of Nayuta. Once it started introducing platforming at the end of the first chapter and obstacles and stuff it got way better. Because yeah, as a pure slash slash action game it's just ok so far, but as a 2.5d action platformer it's fun, especially as that's a genre that's been really lacking in the last decade. I'm actually very ok with this game now knowing it's an action platformer and not expecting a Kiseki 1,000 page well written scenario book game with arpg elements.


Ok, got to the 2nd chapter of Nayuta. Once it started introducing platforming at the end of the first chapter and obstacles and stuff it got way better. Because yeah, as a pure slash slash action game it's just ok so far, but as a 2.5d action platformer it's fun, especially as that's a genre that's been really lacking in the last decade. I'm actually very ok with this game now knowing it's an action platformer and not expecting a Kiseki 1,000 page well written scenario book game with arpg elements.

I was playing it along with Ys OiF back then so it might have skewed my opinion somewhat. (Oif is a lot more frantic in nature)
But in the end I did manage to finish Nayuta No Kiseki so I guess it wasn't a bad game, just not very memorable. I think I remember a few boss battles and the effort to use differnt skills in order to reach secret areas.



Man, no in Japan seemed to care about Nayuta. I'm stuck on an optional quests in Ch.2 and most of the wikis don't even go past ch.1 in quests and the one I found that lists the ch.2 quests has no details besides where to start the quest and the quest reward. Frustrating.

In particular:

On the quest where the Tree God wants 3 local favorites, I'm missing the Salt Ruins item which the elder says is somewhere in the ruins by the sea on the island. The ruin dungeon is really tiny as it was the prologue dungeon and I've done it like 5 times back and forth and the enemies don't drop it and the pieces of wood don't seem to drop it and I can't find any hidden areas I've missed....confused?
Man, no in Japan seemed to care about Nayuta. I'm stuck on an optional quests in Ch.2 and most of the wikis don't even go past ch.1 in quests and the one I found that lists the ch.2 quests has no details besides where to start the quest and the quest reward. Frustrating.

In particular:

On the quest where the Tree God wants 3 local favorites, I'm missing the Salt Ruins item which the elder says is somewhere in the ruins by the sea on the island. The ruin dungeon is really tiny as it was the prologue dungeon and I've done it like 5 times back and forth and the enemies don't drop it and the pieces of wood don't seem to drop it and I can't find any hidden areas I've missed....confused?

Oh boy, I remember getting stuck in that exact sidequest.

It's one of these two things (sorry, I forgot)

Closer to the bottom of the beach (walk all the way down and start mashing around there). Or at the place where your master is (I'm pretty sure this is where it is).

Anyway, this is my first post here. I've played Nayuta to completion and I'm about to start FC when I buy it during the sale now.

From Nayuta, my impressions are that the gameplay is pretty good, and it's biggest fault is the lack of difficulty (I played it on hard and it was very easy). The story is forgettable, but there's something I'd like to know, and it's in relation to how cannon that story is.
Spoiler for the endgame of Nayuta,
but are the Kiseki games all set in the same world? The same world that has half of it missing in Nayuta?


From Nayuta, my impressions are that the gameplay is pretty good, and it's biggest fault is the lack of difficulty (I played it on hard and it was very easy). The story is forgettable, but there's something I'd like to know, and it's in relation to how cannon that story is.
Spoiler for the endgame of Nayuta,
but are the Kiseki games all set in the same world? The same world that has half of it missing in Nayuta?
Throughout the Kiseki series, you collect book series, like newspapers and multi-volume novels. Someone suggested that Nayuta might be one of those book series, since it makes use of concepts common in the Kiseki universe (e.g. its metric system) but it isn't referenced in any other significant way.

It's the most plausible theory I've heard so far.
Throughout the Kiseki series, you collect book series, like newspapers and multi-volume novels. Someone suggested that Nayuta might be one of those book series, since it makes use of concepts common in the Kiseki universe (e.g. its metric system) but it isn't referenced in any other significant way.

It's the most plausible theory I've heard so far.

Oh, okay =X

I thought it would be one of those "thousands of years ago" type of stories.

Makes sense then, the kind of story Nayuta has does feel like it could be a small novel.

Thanks for explaining.


Still playing Nayuta right now. On chapter 4, the captain mentioned something about war breaking out in the north continent, hearing about gunfire and such going on.
Not related to anything in the Kiseki series or no? I don't know anything about Crossbell arc or on for the real Kiseki series.


Still playing Nayuta right now. On chapter 4, the captain mentioned something about war breaking out in the north continent, hearing about gunfire and such going on.
Not related to anything in the Kiseki series or no? I don't know anything about Crossbell arc or on for the real Kiseki series.
No. Nayuta is set in the year 1579 of the "New Calendar" while the Kiseki series takes places in the years 1202-5 of the "Septian Calendar". Falcom also emphasised that while it takes components of the Kiseki series, they deliberately omitted "The Legend of Heroes" from its title to indicate it really is a stand-alone title.


No. Nayuta is set in the year 1579 of the "New Calendar" while the Kiseki series takes places in the years 1202-5 of the "Septian Calendar". Falcom also emphasised that while it takes components of the Kiseki series, they deliberately omitted "The Legend of Heroes" from its title to indicate it really is a stand-alone title.

I see, thanks.

I'll probably finish up the game sometime today or tomorrow. In the middle of chapter 5. My impressions of the game certainly changed as the game went on.
Re: fake or not, I was in an 8ch Kiseki thread a couple of days ago and one of the regulars claims his friend Photoshop'd those screens. He also says this dude paid NightWolve money, lol. I doubt anything's going on with 3rd right now, so the screens are highly suspect.

The FC Evo arrangements are mostly redundant or inferior. I think Recapture sounds better, and I prefer its versions of Rock on the Road and Secret Green Passage. Okajima's arrangements either add too much atop the originals or they change memorable tracks' styles in ways that don't fit the context, ex. changing Bose's theme from city-pop to something more aggressive. Jindo comes out for the better here, but I feel like he's pulling punches, doing this quick and easy. &c. Kamikura should have done some arrangements, but I guess he was busy.
I didn't care for the Zero / Ao Evo OSTs because they are basically unneccessary jazzy reinterpretations of originally great melodies. In comparison the FC Evo OST seems like a general improvement to me, mainly because the original is just so weak. Tame, uninteresting songs need all the bells and whistles they can get, which is what the Evo stuff provides. Pretty good all around.


Re: fake or not, I was in an 8ch Kiseki thread a couple of days ago and one of the regulars claims his friend Photoshop'd those screens. He also says this dude paid NightWolve money, lol. I doubt anything's going on with 3rd right now, so the screens are highly suspect.

I'm afraid that 'regular' is a liar. I wish people weren't so retarded at times, but then again, that's to be expected from an anonymous board full of assholes.

Those screencaps look too clean for a 'Photoshop', though. Someone just probably managed to insert English text into the game and decided to have some fun, that's all.


I really thought I was at the end of Nayuta no Kiseki. I really did. They pulled quite a fast one on me.

Even opening up slots right next to what was the final equipment.


Nayuta no Kiseki all completed.

I have to say, I did find the beginning a bit of a drag. The falling ruins phenomenon was interesting, but not much else for the prologue. The first dungeon took awhile to get to, and it wasn't even all that exciting either. It wasn't until chapter 2 when the game really started clicking. Story started unraveling a lot better, and I could begin to see how all the mechanics started to come together. Plus by this time, you end up getting a lot more abilities and spells to make battles more fun. I really enjoyed exploring stages and getting the stars. I was a bit skeptical on having a stage layout, but it fit rather well.

I played the game on normal. I heard a lot of complaints about the game being too easy. Actually felt somewhat fine to me because I was neglecting equipment from chests. I really did like the boss fights in Nayuta. There was a good amount in the game that were actually quite fun.

Characters were ok, a bit too generic, but I felt like the story helped flesh things out.
Some parts were really easy to see coming. Cygna/Selam stuff for one. But some plot twists were nice too like with Zext/Planetarium.

I felt like the game felt longer than I was expecting to with that sequel chapter, but the chapter was pretty enjoyable. The nostalgia of seeing the town back to normal. Also the last boss stuff was a nice touch. Ending was nice, and it was the ending I wanted Nayuta to have. Noi was a good companion for him, despite holding so much information back. I thought she deserved to have a happy ending, so things did work out.

But yeah, I'm glad the game started to click. It was a fun spinoff. The game really reminded me of Musashi and Threads of Fate. Nayuta no Kiseki also reminded me of Mega Man Legends in art style along with other things.


^You're making me take a second look into that game. I stopped just before the end of the very first dungeon in the prologue.
^You're making me take a second look into that game. I stopped just before the end of the very first dungeon in the prologue.

Oh, don't do that. Definitely try it until you start unlocking some skills and stuff.

The game is pretty good, it just starts slow.


Seems more like them claiming for the future than confirming any project. One of XSEED's MOs with this series has been making sure no other company can work on it.


Seems more like them claiming for the future than confirming any project. One of XSEED's MOs with this series has been making sure no other company can work on it.

From what I've taken from these various Kiseki-related Gaf threads, it's not like other companies wanted to work on it before. But now that Xseed is slowly but surely establishing a fanbase the worry that another western publisher could potentially swoop in and directly benefit from their work must be nipping at the back of their minds.


From what I've taken from these various Kiseki-related Gaf threads, it's not like other companies wanted to work on it before. But now that Xseed is slowly but surely establishing a fanbase the worry that another western publisher could potentially swoop in and directly benefit from their work must be nipping at the back of their minds.
That's probably like erecting a wood fence to stop a flood. Maybe it'll slow it down, but more powerful forces will ultimately prevail, and it may have no effect at all. They could always just use the original Japanese names, make up a new localized one (Harvest Moon to Story of Seasons anyone?), or just buy the trademarks from XSEED at the right price.

Like said it's probably more to hold onto the domains and protect it from random assholes claiming them and doing nothing with them, or holding them hostage. A proper publisher wouldn't do such a thing until AFTER they started working with Falcom, in which case XSEED would just be spiteful claiming it pre-emptively.


3rd screenshots are fake, I think that's the built-in font in the Japanese version. Trust me, I want to work on 3rd as much as the next fan, but that ain't us, ha ha ha.

And the domains are also just to hold them. I'd mentioned the names in that blog after Cold Steel was announced, so I asked if we could register the names as well just in case. Like I said in the blog, they are by no means official, but I figured it wouldn't hurt in case the series keeps getting support and those names do end up as something official. Which I also want. Badly.


The 3rd and Azure needs to happen. They're my favourites in the series.

Finished Nayuta no Kiseki myself last weekend. The gameplay at its core and its level design are fantastic, especially once everything starts to come together in the latter half of the game. While the story was interesting, I found the actual writing to be rather bland. Not because it is bland per se, but because having 'Kiseki' in the title creates expectations in terms of storytelling it couldn't live up to. I completely see why this decision was made from a marketing perspective, though calling it Zwei!! 3 (undoubtedly, then, read as Zwei!! Drei) would have been more appropriate.

Also, really good music. Example from my favourite levels.
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